The Austin Daily Herald is run by total idiots. The Minnesota law as written is largely unenforceable, even the moron that dreamed it up admitted to it.
Brian Glidden pwns all.
Parents, not video games, raise children. Video games, like movies, music, and novels, represent an escape from reality. Parents have the opportunity and responsibility to teach children fundamentals about fact and fairy tale, right and wrong, good and evil. Without these fundamentals, children will fail the test of life even if video games were banned altogether...
See, this is what I like to seeyukimurasanadaJuly 16 2006, 14:16:02 UTC
Some more sense and intelligence shining through. Sad that someone in that round up didn't get the hint, or has forgotten nearly 200 years of histoy, I'm talking to you austin daily herald.
But, regardless, I like seeing this, it reminds me that regardless of what the Polis, Lawyer, and alarmists try, and despite Jt's arguments to contrary, that not only are games Free speech, but no one can seem to stop the legal machine of the games industry. Now we just have to take Strickland to school in alabama like we did in columbine and paducah, and red lake. Gonna be a good day when the goverment finally drops it's moral posturing and actually does something worthwhile with the taxpayers money.
Oh noes, rape!woundwalkerJuly 16 2006, 15:00:16 UTC
What hope do we have when people who play GTA don't know what's in it?
From a 13-year-old GTAer - "M-rated games are a lot more bloody," Evan said, as he and his mother came out of a video store at Ridgedale mall recently.
"Like 'Grand Theft Auto' -- it has sex in it."
"They do?" Schroepfer said, her voice rising as she turned to look at him.
"Yeah," Evan replied matter-of-factly. "People get raped."
Re: Oh noes, rape!slyfoxxJuly 16 2006, 17:45:46 UTC
You know, IF he said that with a smile or a grin, I certainly wouldn't want him playing those games, either. I doubt someone of that age who can find enjoyment in the concept of rape, whether understood or not, can fully distinguish between what's acceptale in virtual world and that which is acceptable in the real world.
Well, it's a relief to see that there are some people with sense, though I do wonder about that 13-year old who told his mother about sex in games. You'd think a kid that age would be old enough to think a little further. Then again, though I haven't played GTA I take it from above posters that he didn't know what he was talking about in the first place.
And uh, am I the only one who thinks that Mrs. Clinton looks freaking scary in that photo?
At thirteen, is it really surprising that he doesn't know the difference between sex and rape? He's just barely started learning about sex. However, Jack Thompson, at age 55, really needs to take a long overdue sex-ed course.
As for the photo, Mrs. Clinton looks scary in just about any photo these days. She has not aged well since leaving the White House.
Shit man, I knew the difference between sex and rape when i was 10, and i came from a pretty sheltered household (couldn't watch R rated movies till i was 17 unless my mom/dad o.k'ed it and that was rarely, cool thing was most U.S R rated films were only a 14A in Canada, allowing me to rent them, hehe).
and truly ponder what they will attach them selves to after (knock on wood) win this gaming battle. Face it, if the gamers of the world loose this battle of "Lets Blame You" what will they want next.
I was on the phone with my 95 year old Grandmother and I asked her when she was my age 18 to the late 20's what was everyone talking about and trying to get rid of and blaming for the youth of that time. She said in the State she lived in they were trying to ban:
Ah, but as with pretty much anything and everything that politicians try to do away with, games will prevail. Each of those is iconic to say the least these days - Nascar racing, Woodstock and other similar events, the local bar or beer ads during the Superbowl.
Re: I read thisbillboy2000July 17 2006, 18:14:35 UTC
There will always be a small number of the population that will go to extremes over their passions. I don't believe that it will have any significant effect on the current issues. The fact that a few mentally insane people acted out in the name of video games has no bearing in a court room. People are killing for basketball sneakers and ipods as well, but nobody is using that as a tool to get those products off the market.
It's a good point, but I don't think the numbers will hold much weight.
Comments 32
Brian Glidden pwns all.
Parents, not video games, raise children. Video games, like movies, music, and novels, represent an escape from reality. Parents have the opportunity and responsibility to teach children fundamentals about fact and fairy tale, right and wrong, good and evil. Without these fundamentals, children will fail the test of life even if video games were banned altogether...
Says it all, really.
But, regardless, I like seeing this, it reminds me that regardless of what the Polis, Lawyer, and alarmists try, and despite Jt's arguments to contrary, that not only are games Free speech, but no one can seem to stop the legal machine of the games industry. Now we just have to take Strickland to school in alabama like we did in columbine and paducah, and red lake. Gonna be a good day when the goverment finally drops it's moral posturing and actually does something worthwhile with the taxpayers money.
From a 13-year-old GTAer -
"M-rated games are a lot more bloody," Evan said, as he and his mother came out of a video store at Ridgedale mall recently.
"Like 'Grand Theft Auto' -- it has sex in it."
"They do?" Schroepfer said, her voice rising as she turned to look at him.
"Yeah," Evan replied matter-of-factly. "People get raped."
Why would he say that?
And uh, am I the only one who thinks that Mrs. Clinton looks freaking scary in that photo?
As for the photo, Mrs. Clinton looks scary in just about any photo these days. She has not aged well since leaving the White House.
On top of that when we have people who kill over video games and systems it just fuels the fire.
I was on the phone with my 95 year old Grandmother and I asked her when she was my age 18 to the late 20's what was everyone talking about and trying to get rid of and blaming for the youth of that time. She said in the State she lived in they were trying to ban:
Beer and Alcohol
2006 and we have had no change.
It's a good point, but I don't think the numbers will hold much weight.
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