When I was a teenagerbeacon80April 4 2006, 17:15:36 UTC
I recently asked my mother how much she knew about the games my brothers and I played when we were teenagers. She pointed out that when we were younger, the Nintendo was in the family room, where they could easily monitor what we were playing. When we were older, the basement got turned into an entertainment room for us, and the systems went down there. She admitted that she didn't know what we were playing at that point. She didn't know how violent games might be (although I reminded her that she DID know we played Mortal Kombat), but stressed the point that she really didn't feel she had anything to worry about. She knew us better than that.
ABC doesn't have much roomblitzfitnessApril 4 2006, 18:04:56 UTC
They can't really do a negative story on videogames and M rated games can they? I mean, these are the guys who have what I call the Schizophrenic hour. That's the time between going from a high morals show (Extreme Makeover Home Edition) to a low morals show (Desperate Housewives) in a blink of an 5 minute commercial segment.
Never Trust a Producer!!rayzak2000April 4 2006, 21:10:31 UTC
They will lie to you to get you in front of a camera. Then Avid editors will edit the footage, catering to fear mongers. How do I know? I was the Avid editor for WHME, a christian station and HQ for LeSEA Broadcasting.
Re: Never Trust a Producer!!panicbutton42April 5 2006, 01:13:06 UTC
Isn't that akin to saying that, "all gamers are drug users?"
While, in this instance, I would agree that discretion is the better part of valor, not every producer is out to make their own news story by piecing clips together that were taken out of context.
That being said I do hold this request with skepticism since it is 20/20, of those primetime news shows where ratings FAR outweigh journalistic integrity of objectivity.
Re: Never Trust a Producer!!rayzak2000April 5 2006, 04:12:35 UTC
The producers job is to grab ratings. What grabs ratings, an informative piece about the positive side of gaming. OR a piece that scares the living crap about out of soccer moms.
"Videogames are killing babies, hear the whole story, fair and balanced, at 11"
Get as many idiots to watch tonight, flush it when it's done, and start over the next day.
Comments 23
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While, in this instance, I would agree that discretion is the better part of valor, not every producer is out to make their own news story by piecing clips together that were taken out of context.
That being said I do hold this request with skepticism since it is 20/20, of those primetime news shows where ratings FAR outweigh journalistic integrity of objectivity.
"Videogames are killing babies, hear the whole story, fair and balanced, at 11"
Get as many idiots to watch tonight, flush it when it's done, and start over the next day.
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