For Chauncey10

May 03, 2011 10:24

            Abby spoke shaking him out of his fantasy, “Hey Gibbs, I have the results you wanted for the case file. With any luck we can get out here at a decent hour tonight.”

“Missing a date Abby?”, Gibbs asked as he handed her the Caf-Pow she loved.

“Oh no, I am currently single and happy with that. Its bowling night ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

driftingatdusk May 3 2011, 19:15:23 UTC
Aww, very sweet! Love Gibbs realising that he's in love with her, and him deciding to break the rules, too. And Abby's dress sounds stunning :)

Love it! Thanks so much for writing this! :)


replicantangel May 3 2011, 20:56:30 UTC
Aw, I love it when Gibbs realizes what's really going on in his own head - and then, actually does something about it! :P


chauncey10 May 3 2011, 22:48:54 UTC
thank you, thank you, thank you! i loved it :)


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