For Chauncey10

May 03, 2011 10:24

            Abby spoke shaking him out of his fantasy, “Hey Gibbs, I have the results you wanted for the case file. With any luck we can get out here at a decent hour tonight.”

“Missing a date Abby?”, Gibbs asked as he handed her the Caf-Pow she loved.

“Oh no, I am currently single and happy with that. Its bowling night with the nuns and I try to go to that when I can. They get annoyed if I miss too many.” Another aspect of Abby that baffled him, she  went bowling with nuns and clubbing with the girls from the field office. It was a mystery that he never seemed to be able to solve.

“Don’t forget the Christmas party on Saturday Agent Gibbs,” Abby called as she walked into the other part of her lab.

The Christmas party was the one of the things Gibbs hated most, mandatory show up for all agents and the director knew if you didn’t show up.

“I won’t forget, I just won’t show up.” He said underneath his breath.

“I am excited, I hear the party is fun and I even bought a new dress for the occasion.”

“Bringing anyone?” Gibbs wasn’t even sure why he asked that, he really did mean to skip the darn thing so why did he care if she went with anyone.

“Um, no one yet but I don’t think it’s a huge deal if I go by myself. Dates can be such a hassle at work parties plus most of the guys I know wouldn’t want to dress all formal on a Saturday night or anytime for that matter.” She giggled at her own joke. “But I will be here on Saturday anyways if you need me for anything, I have to finish paperwork.”

“Sounds good Abs,” With a sigh, he picked up the case file she had left for him on the table, watched her dance for another minute and walked out. One of these days, he was going to figure out why he wanted her so badly.

Abby stood barefoot in her dress, she hadn’t bothered
with her shoes yet. They were very uncomfortable and she knew that she was
going to spend three hours making small talk and standing in the. Her ruby red
gown shone in the light and her hair(out of the usual pigtails) gleamed as
well. She was finishing up the latest paperwork on the case file that she had
just completed.  It had been a rewarding case but her thoughts kept drifting back to the agent in charge, Agent Gibbs. It was not unusual for her to be attracted to older guys however she was not just attracted, she was captivated by him. She heard the elevator doors open and knew that he was standing behind her but also knew he would come in when he was ready.

Gibbs watched her work, it interested him the way she became engrossed in each case. He held in his
hand a single red rose that he had managed to snag from the florist on his way
back to see her.  In fact, he wasn’t even
sure why he grabbed it.  All he knew was that tonight was the night that he was braking all the rules, he needed a taste of her. He hadn’t craved anyone this much in a long time and it was driving him crazy.  Moving forward,
he gently slid the rose down the bare skin on her back, causing her to sigh and
lean back towards him as she knew he was there.

“Are you trying to seduce me Agent
Gibbs?” She asked, breathless from the caress.

“That depends on whether you want to
be seduced,” he whispered in her ear. He laid the rose on the keyboard in front
of her. “You know where I live Abby, its up to you now.” With a kiss on her
cheek, he turned and walked away. He knew that some things were worth waiting

It was Abby’s favorite time of night, just about midnight when she could see the stars above and breathe the crisp cold air. Her breath made little puffs as she stared up
at the sky. Her classic black trench coat barely covered her long red dress
that she had worn to the holiday party that evening. It was rare to see her out
of her Goth wear especially at work but the director was picky about dress code
when it came to major events.  She stood
outside of Gibbs door, not sure if she should go in. She had been drawn to him
since she had started working for his team six months previous. She tested the
door knob, it turned in her hand and she pushed it forward. The warmth of the
fireplace in the living room hit her as she stood in the entryway. Moving
forward, she looked around for Gibbs. She saw a picnic set up as if he was
expecting someone. A  single rose like
the one he had run down her back earlier sat in a small vase on the coffee
table. A single touch on the back of her neck caused her to stop and turn
around. Gibbs stood there in his jeans and a plaid shirt looking every bit the
sexy rugged man that attracted Abby.

“You came.”
He murmured as he pulled her towards him, he kissed her long, deep and hard as
if he was exhibiting possessiveness. Abby melted, she wanted this, the power
that he held over her was both exhilarating and frightening.  He unbuttoned the coat and drew it off slowly
kissing the exposed skin as if she was a rare and important treasure. The dress
was strapless and left part of her cross tattoo on her back exposed. Stepping
away from her, he took her hand and led her over to the couch. Romance had
never been his strong suit but for some reason, he felt the need to try with
Abby.  In fact he wasn’t even sure that she was going to show up after his performance in her lab earlier that evening.  Abby watched him pour the champagne
into the flute and sighed. It was like a fairytale complete with a knight even
if he was a bit rough around the edges. As she leaned against him, he turned her towards him but this time his arm went around her, a steely band that held her trapped, that caged her as he bent his head. Eagerly she lifted her face and met his lips with  hers.   She  inwardly smiled, savoring the firm pressure of his lips, then she yielded to his explicit demand and surrendered control to him. He broke the kiss, breathing raggedly as he tried to get a hold of his senses. He knew better than to allow himself to take her this way, it was too wild and untamed.  How could he  resist that slow melt she did? That quiet purr in the back of her throat when he had kissed her? He wanted to make love to her, slowly so that his system could absorb every change, every touch. He stroked her arm and she shifted towards him. He glided the zipper on her back down and felt her sigh as he gently caressed her bare back all the way down her spine.  It occurred to him at that moment that he was kissing Abby, that this could change everything.  He wished he could give her everything. Where had that thought come from? he wondered. When had he stopped simply wanting her and starting loving her?  Pulling back from her, he looked at her, really looked at her and saw that she was everything he needed.

“Abby, lets slow down, I don’t want to screw this up.”

Abby smiled, “You can’t screw this up Gibbs,” She kissed him and he forgot everything else but her.

As they lay his bed, he held her gently watching her sleep. “I love you Abs.” He whispered in her ear and watched her smile as if she had heard him even in sleep.

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