
Jan 26, 2017 18:34

I actually had a parent barge into my classroom today and rage and swear at both the kids and I. One kid started crying.

What. An. Asshole.

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Comments 4

tielan January 27 2017, 08:07:37 UTC

That would leave you and the kids pretty shaken, I bet. Are you okay?


gaffsie January 27 2017, 14:27:17 UTC
I'm fine. I was close to tears at one point, but that was when I was consoling a little boy who said that it was like the large angry man had looked right at him when he called out "the boys" for being mean to his daughter ( ... )


melagan January 27 2017, 12:10:56 UTC
That's disturbing. Echoing Tielan, everyone okay?


gaffsie January 27 2017, 14:18:14 UTC
I talked with the principal, and she's going to have a meeting with the father in question. I talked with the children, and, while some of them were understandably freaked out, they recovered pretty well. I also got contacted by two other parents who wanted to know more about the incident and make sure that I took it seriously. They were both very nice about it, and were satisfied when I explained what the principal and I had agreed to.

It was scary though. I may be an adult, but I don't like it when angry men scream at me. :/ I wish I had reacted more strongly than just telling him to please stop swearing in front of the children, but I was just completely chocked. It was just so unexpected. The anger came later, when he'd stormed out again, and I was left to console a couple of crying children, and calm down a class that was far more chocked than I was.


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