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Comments 31

vyperdd April 10 2016, 04:07:10 UTC
That was new. I don't think I've seen three beings contained in one vessel before.

Ummm. No it wasn't new at all. It was pretty much exactly the same as we saw in S9's Road Trip with Crowley possessing Sam to get him to expel Gadreel., right down to seeing the Angel's original vessel (Tahmoh and now Mark P) and the possessed soul (Sam and now Cas) in one of the bunker's rooms.


gaelicspirit April 10 2016, 04:43:31 UTC
You're right! I had completely forgotten about that (obviously). Huh. I don't know if that makes me like the scene more (due to consistency and continuity) or less (due to unoriginality). I'll have to think on that one.

Thanks for the reminder.


anonymous April 10 2016, 05:29:40 UTC
Thank you vyperdd for posting that as I was a bit disappointed with the scene. Maybe because I had just rewatched it that morning on TNTrewatch. I did like seeing Mark P. again. Cas is really broken but so is Dean, neither of them feelling like they are worth anything. Cas seems to mirror one of the boys every season. What I got out of this episode: Crowley plus rod of Aaron equals failure. Casifer with horn of Joshua equals failure. Since the whole season was bring the brothers back together, I am going to say its going to take both Dean and Sam to defeat Amara. Anyway, another good review. I like the way you think.


gaelicspirit April 10 2016, 15:19:39 UTC
I'm thankful for those of you who are able to course-correct me when it comes to scenes like that. I had genuinely forgotten that when Sam was possessed by Gadriel literally the exact same thing had happened. Maybe I just blocked it out. ;)

. Since the whole season was bring the brothers back together, I am going to say its going to take both Dean and Sam to defeat Amara

I would love this to be true.

Thanks for reading!


borgmama1of5 April 10 2016, 05:36:02 UTC
Cas' detached, "Well, I suppose you have a more informed opinion on the matter," response to Crowley's desperate plea to expel Lucifer from his vessel was a very different Castiel than the one who fought his way to the surface to save Sam.

That bothered me a lot. They had better have a really good explanation for Cas' behavior...unfortunately, given this writing pair, it could very well just be the way they felt like writing Cas, they are not very consistent in writing characters true to canon.

Rowena clearly read the Harry Potter books and made herself a horcrux, then put it in her leg for safekeeping.

How could they all miss the problem with expelling Lucifer and then getting him to help with Amara? Where would Lucifer go? He would need a replacement vessel--where are they going to find a volunteer for that? Although my spidey-senses tingled because when they said the line about finding Luci another vessel, the camera was focused on Sam...I really hope I'm completely misreading that ( ... )


jackien1968 April 10 2016, 11:27:53 UTC
They weren't exorcising Lucifer, they were rescuing Crowley by exorcising Crowley, and Sam changed a few words at the end so that he wouldn't be cast into hell and would only be extracted.

As far as I know, Alastair is the only being who knew an exorcism for angels. He expressed regret that he couldn't kill angels and could only send them back to heaven.


gaelicspirit April 10 2016, 19:13:31 UTC
Sam changed a few words at the end so that he wouldn't be cast into hell and would only be extracted.

Wow -- that's impressive that you know that/picked up on that! I'm sure you're right, but I admittedly don't know the exorcism phrasing anywhere close to well enough to have discerned that differentiation.

I wasn't surprised that Sam was able to step up and rally with the exorcism to save Crowley (I was impressed, actually, and thought it was cool that the angels and demon inside Cas' vessel could hear him), but I did find it interesting that they went there with the intent to convince one angel to expel another angel, but had a cross and holy water on hand. Guess they wanted to be able to prepared for anything. :)

Thanks for reading!


gaelicspirit April 10 2016, 19:10:50 UTC
Yeah, I wasn't sure what they were planning with the expulsion of Lucifer. Unless...and this literally just occurred to me...it was that Cas would expel him and Rowena would immediately grab his spirit and slam it back into the cage using her codex thing. Which was why she was just hanging out back in the back ( ... )


jennygeee April 10 2016, 08:35:58 UTC
I’m sorry you didn’t enjoy this one as much. I actually enjoyed the episode.

Regarding Rowena, if she had mentioned the resurrection magic before then it would not have had such an ‘impact’ (slight sarcasm here) when she did return as we’d have expected it at some time.

I think that Amara has finished aging at the age she is now as that is the age she was ‘locked away’ that is how we first saw her when Dean lost the MOC.

Thanks again Gaelic hope you sell your house soon.


gaelicspirit April 10 2016, 19:21:02 UTC
Yay! I'm glad you enjoyed. That makes me happy when you're happy. And my 'meh' attitude about it could have very easily been from outside influences. I couldn't believe it was Saturday and I hadn't watched it yet, so I shoe-horned it and this Ramble in. Sometimes I need to just...slow down, y'know? Yeah, you know. :)

Regarding Rowena, if she had mentioned the resurrection magic before then it would not have had such an ‘impact’ (slight sarcasm here) when she did return as we’d have expected it at some time.You have a very good point and I agree to some extent. But where I go with this is when I'm writing a story. If I get to chapter 8 in a 10 chapter story and I'm like 'Ta-da! Here is this solution to this problem and I never once indicated it was a possibility, but hey, surprise factor FTW!' so many readers would call BS on me. In fact, I actually learned that lesson the hard way when in a story I made it seem like someone had died (an OC, not one of the boys) and when I revealed he actually hadn't, some readers were like, that didn ( ... )


Maz here... anonymous April 10 2016, 11:12:41 UTC
Gah!...I cannot believe they brought Rowena back. Enough! I'm sure the actor is very nice & seems loved by the cast but the character is so, so annoying to me. And, as you say, the whole special-spell-under-the-skin-to avoid-death stuff is ridiculous ( ... )


Re: Maz here... gaelicspirit April 10 2016, 19:23:30 UTC
I REALLY like your musings on whether Dean's true story arc of The Righteous Man might (pleasepleaseplease) come back into play - it's always the way my mind works when there is any talk of vessels but your thoughts over the power of being touched by god being used to defeat Amara have me very excited.

I am glad that resonates with you, too. I don't know where they'll ultimately take it but it would be SO fitting if it could come full circle like that. I would LOVE it. :)

Thank you for reading, Maz. Love hearing from you. If work eases up on me a bit, I'm going to go heads down on my SPN fic and I am looking forward to seeing what you think when I finally get the darn thing posted.


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