Title: Open the Door Author: shyone Genre: slice of life; friendship Pairing: none Rating: g Summary: the boys walk into the old fic offices and take a look around Characters: Gackt, You, Chachamaru word count: 585 ( open )
Ok! I'm going to go find a broom too! Give me a week or two and we'll start making this place live again, ok? Cos your fics are awesome and I want to contribute again too! <3
Oh my goodness! Kitten, it's really you? ;.; *sniff* I have so many questions! & thank you. I was just thinking that I've got to get my act together for another run at the Christmas challenge.
Haha, yepp, I haven't fall off the earth, even if might have seemed like it ;P I was sucked into a lot of other fandoms and totally lost all ability to write for a while, but I'm back in j-rock where I belong now ;) Also slowly finding my way back into writing, so while I might not be able to pull of an entire December challenge yet, I can make some stories at least ;)
Comments 8
(And they totally won't get any work done, all they'll have are those "spontaneous sexual encounters" XD)
(Yeah, I think that's prolly the real reason Gackt wants to open the place up again)
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