Title: Open the Door
Author: shyone
Genre: slice of life; friendship
Pairing: none
Rating: g
Summary: the boys walk into the old fic offices and take a look around
Characters: Gackt, You, Chachamaru
word count: 585
Open the Door
Gackt made his way to the front door of the small office building, pushing aside the overgrown weeds and dead leaves. You had said it was in bad shape, but he still wasn’t prepared for this degree of neglect. He unlocked the door and pushed it open on creaking hinges. Cobwebs hung like lace curtains across the windows and doorways, and in the corners of the room. Everything was coated with dust. He was dismayed. He had so much going on in his career that his personal life had taken a back seat, nearly becoming nonexistent; and this neglected building clearly showed the damage.
He flicked a light switch and dim lights slowly flickered on, buzzing in the silence. The furniture was covered with dust cloths, and he choked as dust swirled through the air when he whipped a cover off the nearest couch. This room had once been so full of life. How many parties had been held here, how many jokes told, how many pranks pulled; how many tears, and fights, and spontaneous sexual encounters? He gave a sad smile; so much personal history in this small space. He turned on more lights as he made his way down the hall to check out the rest of the rooms, footsteps echoing behind him.
He found offices abandoned; computers covered in dust, and probably so out of date he doubted their usefulness; coffee cups and soda cans neglected; music rooms empty and silent. And the kitchen. The microwave sat, thankfully empty, with the door open, the light bulb burned out how long ago? The refrigerator held a single bottle of Pocari and a rice ball so dark green you couldn’t tell where the nori stopped and the mold began.
You pushed open the front door, and Chacha walked in frowning and waving a hand in front of his face. “Phew, this is awful,” he said choking on the dust, “it’s so stuffy you can choke on the air.”
“I’ll open a window.” You walked over to a window and pushed. “Oof!” it didn’t budge. He checked to see if it was locked, but no, it wasn’t. He pushed and shoved, and enlisting Chacha’s help, they finally got the darn thing to open, letting fresh air pour into the room for the first time in almost six months.
You wiped his sweat-streaked face on his sleeve. “I wonder where Gackt is?”
“Well, we can follow the scent of his cologne, or just follow the footsteps in the dust,” Chacha said, smacking the dust off his hands and wiping them on his jeans.
Just then Gackt reappeared. “Hey, guys, what do you think?”
“I don’t know,” Chacha answered doubtfully. “It’s going to take an awful lot of work.”
“And we have a tour to work on,” You added.
“Well, what better place to work than here? We’d probably get more done here than at home.”
“You have a point,” You said as he gazed around the room, “it certainly is a lot quieter.”
“But will anyone else come?” Chacha still wasn’t sure.
“Well, even if only one person comes, then we’ve accomplished our goal of bringing just a little bit of life back to the old place. So what do you think?” Gackt asked.
You grinned at him. “I think I’ll go out to the van and get the brooms and mops and stuff.”
“Hey, wait for me,” Chacha called after him, “I’ll help.”