Title: No Smoking
Author: shyone
Genre: friendship; humor
Pairing: none
Rating: g
Summary: Gackt visits Kami's grave
Characters: Gackt, You, Chachamaru
so late, so very very late. sorry
No Smoking
Gackt gazed at the grave. He lit a cigarette, inhaled deeply, then placed it on the smooth marble marker. “You know, I miss that a lot more than I thought I would by now.”
He gazed longingly at the smoking stick. Just then a sudden gust of wind rolled the burning cigarette off the gravestone, tumbling it into the water-filled urn of flowers that stood in front of it. The cigarette hissed briefly as the flame hit the water, sending up one last faint trail of smoke. Then the air was still once more.
Gackt sighed. “Ok. I know. Don’t start again, right? You don’t have to be so pushy about it."
”I’ll be as pushy as I want about it. I can do these things, you know.”
You and Chacha walked up the path and stood beside Gackt.
You sniffed. “I smell cigarettes. Have you been smoking?” he glared at the singer.
Chacha stood with hands on his hips frowning. “What were you going to do? Just light one up and pass it to him? I don’t think he’s smoking anymore.”
“Well, that was kinda the general idea,” Gackt said, trying to explain his way out of trouble. “I just lit the cigarette and took a little drag...”
You’s glare deepened.
Gackt hung his head, then picked it up defiantly. “Ok, a biig, long drag and set it on the marker for him.”
“And?” Chacha asked.
“And then the wind picked up and blew it off into the water in the urn of flowers.”
“Hn!” Chacha’s mouth quirked into a tiny smile. “At least one of you has some sense.”