Episode Poll: 3.21/3.22 Graduation Day Pt. 1/Pt. 2

Mar 22, 2011 06:59

Well, I'm still operating on England time, so have a super-duper-early edition of the episode poll. We're doing the big finale this week. Next week, we'll wrap up S3! *throws confetti*

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episode poll, s3 has vamp!willow, poll, btvs

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Comments 82

frelling_tralk March 22 2011, 12:16:10 UTC
I was always kind of surprised that Angel didn't put up a bigger protest about killing Faith. It seemed like he was willing at least because when Buffy turns up saying she lost Faith, it's only then that he says well all is lost then (or words to that effect). And that always makes me think that wait, so originally Angel was willing to drain a 16/17/18 year old girl to save his own ass?!

A lot more emphasis was put on him not wanting to drink from Buffy obviously, but I don't think that Faith deserved to be treated like chopped liver in this regard, even if she was the one that struck out at Angel first. And Faith was a case where it seemed that they were originally planning that Angel would completely drain her (or that she would be dying when Buffy brought her to him), whereas at least he was trying not to completely drain Buffy. Something that didn't seem to be discssed when it came to Faith

And it always weirds me out too thinking how Buffy planned to get Faith's body from her apartment to Angel, and hope not to be spotted...


gabrielleabelle March 22 2011, 12:26:59 UTC
The whole wild goose chase of the "kill Faith" storyline has always left me with a raised eyebrow. I don't know why, but it seems a little cavalier in what it does. I've never been very satisfied with it.


frelling_tralk March 22 2011, 12:39:19 UTC
Yeah, for a show that put so much emphasis on vampires having monstrous faces so that a young high school girl wasn't seen as staking anything other than pure monster, it does seem very odd that the show went there with Buffy being willing to kill a human girl the same age as herself.

And the show never did deal with it that seriously, other than maybe when Xander asks if she's coming back from that. But there's never any serious discussions hashing out the rightness and wrongness of what Buffy's planning, or Angel not wanting to live of the drained blood of a very sick teenage girl. And, judging by his earlier attempts to reach out to Faith, I'm not sure that's entirely in character either

If anything it almost seems to be played as a rite of passage for Buffy what with Buffy steeling herself for the big moment, and that makes me uncomfortable for all sorts of reasons coming as it does in the same episode where Buffy is shown taking her first steps into adulthood by quitting the council


lutamira March 22 2011, 13:31:35 UTC
Right? Especially since Buffy's slayer blood works just as well. I always wonder why/how it seemed more logical to kill Faith than for Buffy to just offer Angel some of her own blood. Or for Angel to feed off Faith without Buffy killing her first. Buffy is normally all about sacrificing herself so that others don't have to die. It seems like such a strange choice for her to make, to go after Faith, and to decide that she has to be DEAD, rather than just subdued.


beer_good_foamy March 22 2011, 12:24:06 UTC
11. Faith and Buffy share dreams. 101% canon. In "Restless", Buffy remembers making the bed with Faith... which was what Faith dreamed about in "This Year's Girl." So yes, I say that's the real Faith telling Buffy how to take down the Mayor.

13-14: This would be a far better season finale if not for the cheesy CGI snake. The Mayor and Snyder deserved a better send-off than that.


gabrielleabelle March 22 2011, 12:27:32 UTC
11. Oh, good catch! I hadn't picked up on that.

13-14. Heh. Yeah. Cheesy CGI is cheesy.


witchway March 22 2011, 12:24:39 UTC
Did anyone notice that, when Angel was sick, he was hitting on Willow *AND* on Oz?? The slash just writes itself......


gabrielleabelle March 22 2011, 12:27:59 UTC
I do so love that line. :)


eilowyn March 22 2011, 12:59:43 UTC
Insomnia is apparently a good thing when Gabs is on England time!

12. Some people think the series took a decline in quality after this season. What say you?

All I can say is thank God season 3 is over and we can get down to the fun stuff. They really overdid it with the Bangel crap this season, and I'm glad we won't have to muck about it much anymore. On to the next season!

That being said, I always give part 2 props for the entire senior class fighting back and Buffy blowing up Sunnydale High. Makes the graduation episode of Veronica Mars seem a little lackluster that she doesn't blow up Neptune High.


gabrielleabelle March 22 2011, 19:15:21 UTC
lol! I, too, am looking forward to S4. Though there's one more S3 poll to get through. :)


ms_scarletibis March 22 2011, 13:40:07 UTC
1. Worse, no doubt. Deputy Mayor was an accident/manslaughter. This guy? Murder in the first.
2. I could understand the Council's position had this been a hundred or even fifty years earlier, but they should have been more evolved by that point, and been willing to bend.
3. It was a "nobody messes with my boyfriend!" move, and she's had many good, solid reasons to quit the Council long before that, so I'd say dumb. Well really, beyond them not paying her, the only thing I can think of is the 18th birthday test thingy, and frankly, I would have quit then4. Not in the moral right, no. Does that mean I think it shouldn't have been done? No. But I acknowledge that it was morally wrong, or at the very least, it should be noted as ambiguous ( ... )


gabrielleabelle March 22 2011, 19:18:03 UTC
2. The Council does seem to be stuck in some rather archaic guidelines. I think, in that sense, it's appropriate that Buffy - the rule-breaking Slayer - cut off ties with them (Up until Checkpoint, where she reestablishes contact on her own terms).


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