Must be Tuesday?

Nov 09, 2010 15:13

Ah, sorry all. I...uh...don't have a poll prepared for today. And I don't really have the time to oversee comments for one if I did. I'm juggling three school projects along with medical exams and the general buttload of studying. Plus, last night I spent/wasted a good deal of time outlining a meta on Spike's arc in S6 from Normal Again to Seeing ( Read more... )

episode poll, poll, btvs, gabs' oh-so-exciting life

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Comments 18

menomegirl November 9 2010, 21:21:02 UTC
I see your Willow icon and raise you a Lindsey one.

Breaks are good sometimes and whoo! hoo! Spike meta!


gabrielleabelle November 10 2010, 02:32:09 UTC
Willow icons will always win! :)


local_max November 10 2010, 01:48:46 UTC
NO! I don't know if I can live without a poll. OK, ok, I know what I'll do--I'll make one up, and then give you my answers!

1. 3--though it would be 6 if it weren't for that line of Faith's.

2. I think it's an act, but I'm not sure if she realizes it consciously.

3. Definitely Michelle. The other candidates were too OTT. I mean, did you see Holly's shoes? As if.

4. No, they're different species.

5. Three stars.

P.S. You keep being awesome too!


gabrielleabelle November 10 2010, 02:33:52 UTC
3. Ridiculous! Holly's shoes were way classy and totes better than anything Michelle had! Stop being silly!

4. Technically, so are Buffy and Angel (and Spike). Are you against inter-species relationships? How bigoted!

5. Well, we agree there.


local_max November 10 2010, 02:37:33 UTC
4. Fine, ship them if you want--that wasn't my point. My point is that they can't be the same person, because they're different species. I think usually when two people are the same person, they're the same species. Why bother asking if Oz and a fern were the same I'll never know....


angearia November 11 2010, 02:44:36 UTC


ever_neutral November 10 2010, 06:41:09 UTC
WOOT SPIKE META. *happy dance*

Ew, studying. Best wishes!


gabrielleabelle November 10 2010, 21:20:05 UTC
Thanks! :)


waddis November 10 2010, 20:21:33 UTC
You should be ashamed of yourself for being unable to adequately juggle your numerous responsibilities such that you can simultaneously appease the people who read your monumentally interesting meta for discussion and brain food, all of which you don't actually get paid for.

I've never been as disappointed in you as I am now.


gabrielleabelle November 10 2010, 21:20:51 UTC
Does it make it better or worse if I confess that Joss pays me for this gig?

I'll submit to spankings if that'll make everybody feel better.


angearia November 11 2010, 00:38:52 UTC
You're getting paid?!!

I settled for hugs and secret knowledge I can tell no one.


gabrielleabelle November 11 2010, 02:34:46 UTC
You mean you DON'T get paid??? Why on earth would you do this???

Joss pays me in naked!Spikes. You should ask him for the same salary.


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