Must be Tuesday?

Nov 09, 2010 15:13

Ah, sorry all. I...uh...don't have a poll prepared for today. And I don't really have the time to oversee comments for one if I did. I'm juggling three school projects along with medical exams and the general buttload of studying. Plus, last night I spent/wasted a good deal of time outlining a meta on Spike's arc in S6 from Normal Again to Seeing ( Read more... )

episode poll, poll, btvs, gabs' oh-so-exciting life

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waddis November 10 2010, 20:21:33 UTC
You should be ashamed of yourself for being unable to adequately juggle your numerous responsibilities such that you can simultaneously appease the people who read your monumentally interesting meta for discussion and brain food, all of which you don't actually get paid for.

I've never been as disappointed in you as I am now.


gabrielleabelle November 10 2010, 21:20:51 UTC
Does it make it better or worse if I confess that Joss pays me for this gig?

I'll submit to spankings if that'll make everybody feel better.


angearia November 11 2010, 00:38:52 UTC
You're getting paid?!!

I settled for hugs and secret knowledge I can tell no one.


gabrielleabelle November 11 2010, 02:34:46 UTC
You mean you DON'T get paid??? Why on earth would you do this???

Joss pays me in naked!Spikes. You should ask him for the same salary.


angearia November 11 2010, 02:37:33 UTC
Why on earth would you do this???

I don't know??? I've clearly been duped! Duped, I say!

So what, does Joss like loan naked!Spike out? 'Cause I want in on that action!

Curses! I deleted my naked!Spike icons 'cause I felt bad for objectifying JM. DAMN YOU, ABSENT SPIKE ABS. I MISS YOUUUUU!


gabrielleabelle November 11 2010, 02:41:37 UTC
No, no. He sends me a package of naked!Spikes every month. I keep them under my bed. They're quite fab, as long as you don't mind all the smoking.


angearia November 11 2010, 02:42:47 UTC
Bwah! Okay, now I'm disturbed by the image of very teeny tiny naked Spikes smoking under your bed. And their voices are all teeny and high-pitched and they squeak "bloody hell!"


gabrielleabelle November 11 2010, 02:46:16 UTC
I line them up and make them fight each other, GI Joe style. They like that.


angearia November 11 2010, 02:50:47 UTC
NAKED??? And without a naked!Buffy to keep them in line? Oh my.


waddis November 11 2010, 19:49:00 UTC
So, yeah, what was that about the spankings, now?



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