Drabble: Rules

Aug 03, 2009 15:41

Title: Rules
Characters: Dawn, Andrew in S7
Word count: 150 words. Faux drabble.

Author's note: And another drabble request. This one from peroxidepirate. Hope you enjoy!

Dawn dropped her Cheeto on the floor.

"Five second rule!" she called while leaning over to pick it up.

Andrew watched, horrified, as she popped it into her mouth.

Johnny Mnemonic went ignored.

"You just ate that," Andrew said.

"Yep. It's still good if you get it within five seconds." Dawn patted her stomach. "Mmmmm."

"That's horse manure! Those little floor germs are, like, instant! Haven't you seen Outbreak?"

"What do monkeys have to do with anything?"

"This is how epidemics start!" Andrew protested.

"From Cheetos on the carpet?"

Andrew pulled the bag of Cheetos closer to him. "Just don't touch me. Or breathe on me."

As Andrew returned his attention to the movie, Dawn waited until he brought a cheesy twisted Cheeto to his mouth. She reached over and smacked his hand, sending the morsel to the carpet.

Andrew looked up at her in shock. She smiled.

"Five seconds."

btvs: drabble

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