Drabble: Rules

Aug 03, 2009 15:41

Title: Rules
Characters: Dawn, Andrew in S7
Word count: 150 words. Faux drabble.

Author's note: And another drabble request. This one from peroxidepirate. Hope you enjoy!

Under the cut since it's a bit longer than the standard drabble )

btvs: drabble

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Comments 15

penny_lane_42 August 3 2009, 21:28:16 UTC
I do have a real soft spot for Andrew&Dawn interaction (ever since he told her she was a peach. More people should tell Dawn Summers that she's a peach, you know?), and this made me giggle lots. Very cute!


gabrielleabelle August 3 2009, 21:47:20 UTC
Thanks! They're two that can just be silly together. :)


(The comment has been removed)

gabrielleabelle August 3 2009, 21:47:30 UTC
Thanks! :)


angearia August 3 2009, 21:33:52 UTC

Oh, and my first reaction to this fic once I'd read the first line was to squee, "Cheetos!" I know this wasn't written for me and yet...


gabrielleabelle August 3 2009, 21:48:03 UTC
Actually, you are my inspiration for the Cheetos. :)

*gives you handful of Cheetos*


eowyn_315 August 3 2009, 22:30:48 UTC
Cheetos! There can be no bad fic with Cheetos.

Dawn is so evil, I love it.


gabrielleabelle August 3 2009, 22:43:18 UTC
Cheetos make every story awesome.


deird1 August 3 2009, 22:36:53 UTC
Yay! *is a Dawn/Andrew shipper*

How very fun!


gabrielleabelle August 3 2009, 22:43:28 UTC
Thanks! :)


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