Help F-List!!

Aug 12, 2010 21:06

Specifically aimed at people living in the Atlanta, GA area.

This little person needs a forever home:

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Comments 14

jehnt August 13 2010, 15:58:25 UTC
Awwww if only I lived in the area! I hope you guys manage to find her a home!


ga_unicorn August 13 2010, 21:45:07 UTC
::fingers-crossed:: Tomorrow a lady from the office is bringing her little boy over to meet the baby. If she gets the Anton Approval then all will be shiny!


beeej August 17 2010, 01:44:27 UTC
OMG, that's the second tiny kitten, and the third kitty in need of a home that's come across my screen today! I hope you find a home for the little furry face!

In other news: Just a reminder that your icon for sg1_lims is due in a little under 24 hours. Enter here.


ga_unicorn August 17 2010, 02:26:10 UTC
Entry has been posted!

Unfortunately, my mother found a 2nd kitty whilst walking the dog on Saturday (the darned thing is in love with Freya and actually followed them home). Now we have two kitties in need of a forever home. ::head-desk::


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