Help F-List!!

Aug 12, 2010 21:06

Specifically aimed at people living in the Atlanta, GA area.

This little person needs a forever home:

Yesterday my mother found her living in the woods behind our apartment. She (we think she's a she, but we've been wrong before) is quite charming, loves to cuddle and her purr motor is set on high. She knew exactly what to do with a litter box, so we suspect she has been indoors for a least part of her life. We think she's 8-9 weeks old. She's black with white whiskers, paws, belly and one really cute streak down the side of her nose, giving her a two-toned schnozz.

I'd love to keep her, but we already have two cats and a dog and that's quite enough. Besides, the boys are freaked out about having to share the same air with her. Such drama queens. So...

Would you like a kitten? Do you know someone who would like to give her a home to call her own?
PM me or send me an email (use the address on my profile page). I'm willing to drive a fair distance to bring her to her new home.

She's a little fuzzy here (seriously, I took about 2 dozen pics and discarded all but these four due to blurriness - she is a busy little girl or she's asleep, nothing in between), but you can get a general idea of what she looks like.

Darned squirmy kitten. Yes, she still has her ears. I'm including these last two mostly so you can see her markings, not because of any artistic value. ;)

Yes! She's soooooo fierce! Lookit that purty white belly!

How can you not love her (him?)? She's just waiting to love you back.
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