The Tequila Hangover - Meredith/Addison

Sep 16, 2006 01:08

Title: The Tequila Hang Over

Author: skyz

Summary: Tequila brings bad luck to Meredith. Set first ep of Season 1

Disclaimer: Don't own 'em. Shonda Rhimes and ABC do.

She’d met her in a tequila haze. Slept with her on the high of Jose Cuervo and woke to see her sprawled on her livingroom floor with a monster head ache.

She’d made nervous bable waiting for her to leave. The woman’s name-a woman!- was Addison. Now, she was surprised that she’d taken a woman home with her. Not that she was opposed to trying new things, she wasn’t, but she hadn’t experimented since her early college days.

So a woman.

A gorgeous woman at that.

Had come home with her and they’d had drunken sex. But good sex if the memories she was getting as she showered were any indication.

But still she’d found Addison gone when she came back down dressed and in a frantic hurry to get to the hospital.

She saw the note as she was grabbing her coat.

She picked it up and without looking at it stuffed it in her pocket and left her house. Willing her hangover away with every sip of her coffee.

She was nervous. Couldn’t help but be nervous. Would everyone know she was hung over? Would they know who her mother was? Were they whispering and talking about her even now?

She was definitely paranoid, she decided. Their Resident was called the Nazi and that did not signal good tidings for her internship.

Dr. Bailey was short and black. And definitely a Nazi. She was about order and doing things the right way and making sure they didn’t make a fool out of her. They were grunts and nothing more.

Dr. Bailey was scary.

She found herself with a seven months pregnant woman who’s pregnancy was having complications and had complained of cramps.

"Grey you run a history on Mrs. Green and Dr. Montgomery should be along in a minute. It’s her case now," Dr. Bailey told her.

She took the history and was making small talk when the door to the exam room opened and Dr. Montgomery swept in.

She actually jerked in shock as she caught the side profile of Dr. Montgomery as she had her head lowered staring at her chart.

"Mrs. Green, hello. I’m Dr. Montgomery and it says here you’ve been having cramps. Is that correct?"

"Yes. I just told Dr. Grey here that I was having cramps. They’ve been off and on," Mrs. Green said.

She watched as Dr. Montgomery-Addison from this morning!-glanced at her then back at their patient. Then Addison turned back quickly doing a double take.

She watched as Addison narrowed her eyes and pursed her lips before she turned back to their patient.

"Well Dr. Grey shall we get to it?"

She wasn’t sure how she got through it and was soon glad to be out of that room and hurrying down the hall.

She heard the click-clack of heels behind her and resisted the urge to look back. A hand wrapped around her elbow and she found herself being tugged into an empty room.

"Dr. Montgomery," she began as she faced the red head.

"Dr. Montgomery? It was Addison this morning. So, you work here?"

" work here too?"

She watched Addison watch her and felt a shiver run down her spine. Her eyes were blue. Incredibly bright and blue.

"Yes I do. Did you get my note?"

Addison seemed to be amused.

Completely and absolutely amused at the situation.

"Uh..." she began then shook her head. She nodded then and dug around in her lab coat pocket. "I didn’t read it. I mean-you’re was a mistake. Obviously I didn’t know-"

"Well, read the note and get back to me. We should have drinks tonight," Addison said with a small smile and with one last lingering look at her she stepped out.

She held the note crumpled lightly in her hand. Feeling paralyzed and dizzy with adrenaline. She was shocked. She was pissed. And she was still terribly hung over.

Dammit would this day never end?

And what did Addison mean about drinks?


She was so screwed.

The day was finally at an end.

She had made some friends. Knew to fear the Nazi because the Nazi was always right. Found out that her one night stand was an attending at her hospital and wanted to go out for drinks.

She slunk into the locker room more tired than she should have been.

The rest of the interns wanted to go across the street to the bar and get drinks.

She opened her locker and stared.

She blinked slowly once, then twice.

A bottle of Jose Cuervo stood tall amongst her things with a note attached.

Hesitantly she reached out and flicked it open to read it.

For our drinks tonight- A, was all that was written.

Oh God, she thought with a grudging smile. She pulled out the note from this morning and finally read it.

I had a good time last night Meredith. Call me- Addison. Her phone number was scrawled across the bottom of the page.

She had Addison’s number.

She had The Emerald City Bar across the street.

She had a hang over.

She had a warm willing body waiting for her call.

What the hell?

It was just tequila.

author: sojourn_storm, shipper: addison/meredith

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