Yes, folks, we're bringing it back!
Welcome to the second
ga_fanfic comment fic-a-thon!
Basic guidelines:
Prompting: You can prompt as much as you'd like, but only one prompt per comment. Leave your prompt in the form of character/pairing - prompt (i.e, Derek/Meredith - painting). If you'd rather not have a porny response, please say so. Unless explicitly stated by the prompter, all ratings are viable.
Writing: Post replies as comments to the prompt. Because LJ's done goofy things with comments lately, please put the title, pairing, and rating in bold a full line ahead of the text of your story. If your fic goes beyond the LJ character limits for comments (4,300, which includes spaces), you can either post it in parts (1/2, 2/2, etc.) or post an excerpt and link back to the full fic hosted elsewhere.
Community Posting: In order to keep non-ficathon fics from getting lost in a potential deluge, please keep fics for the comment ficathon contained to this post; do not also submit them to the community for posting (posting them elsewhere - your journal, AO3,, etc - is a-okay). We'll do a huge, epic master recap post with author and pairing tags once things appear to have tapered off.
Prompting and writing are open simultaneously.
So go forth! Prompt! Write!
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