Feelings Make Things Messy, But They Also Make Things Interesting - Today's Recap, 4/5/10

May 05, 2010 15:51

I would just like to preface this entry by saying: I totally love it when boys make out on my TV screen. Oh yes, I do! :-P What a nice afternoon treat. :-P ( Read more... )

luke/reid, recap post, lily, casey, vienna, bob, written by g, henry/barbara, holden/molly

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Comments 15

brighton_girl May 5 2010, 20:38:28 UTC
Of course I have only seen the Luke scenes. Can't wait to see Henry and Barbara.

Van Hansis is so f-ing talented it is almost hard to watch...does that make sense? He was so awesome in all his scenes I can't even put it into words.

I honestly don't know how I feel about this Reid stuff. I get that Luke has these complicated feelings, but I really did feel uncomfortable watching the end. I know it has a lot to do with how I feel about Noah, but yeah. Maybe when it plays out tomorrow, I will have better perspective.

Back later when I've watched it all.


brighton_girl May 6 2010, 02:12:55 UTC
So, Barbara and Henry are so made of win. I would watch this show just for their interactions which are just so awesome. That silly dance, they are just soinlove and need to get over caring what people think and just get together.

Don't like Vienna anymore, don't like women who do stuff like that. Love Casey, wish he wasn't so screwed up right now.

Well, I was really happy to see Luke get a support system with his parents and Molly (I like her). I seriously love Holden and his protective side...and I have to say, I'm glad Lily isn't doing things on purpose to get Holden there and while you can tell it's hard for her to see him happy with Molly, she's not putting it out there for them all to see.

Again, I don't think I can say it enough, Van was amazing in his scenes. I don't want to comment anymore about the other stuff, I know you are cool with how I feel, but the whole thing makes me unhappy, so I will just see how it goes.


g_and_honey May 6 2010, 04:09:43 UTC
HEE! Barbara and Henry are so cute together I could just spit! Love them. I agree, they need to just be together, everyone else be damned!

I'm a hair away from being done with Vienna, too. I used to really like her, but now that she's become this baby maniac, I don't like it. (I also think that my love for Barbara weighs heavily on how I feel. :-P) And yeah...poor Casey. Wish he wouldn't do dumb things like this!

Yes! Support system for Luke is awesome, isn't it? I'm always a sucker for Holden (no matter what he's doing, LOL) and I'm also glad that Lily isn't trying to interfere in his life. She's finally acting like an adult! Unfortunately, I have a feeling that poor Molly is going to lose out on this one, through no fault of her own! :-(

Van was absofockinglutely amazing, I agree. As for him being hard to watch sometimes, YES! There have been so many scenes with him that have made me turn away because they were so damn good. It doesn't make sense, but...I totally get what you mean. :-) He is so incredible he makes my head spin ( ... )


indigo_5 May 5 2010, 22:37:02 UTC
First of all: best preface ever! I love that tooooooooo. ♥

As for Casey: do STDs not exist in Oakdale? Why is pregnancy the only possible reason to use a condom?

I love your list for why Luke is freaking out, especially numbers 3 and 4. Very well put. And bwahahahaha at your take on the Luke/Reid pre-kiss conversation! Love that.

Also yes, they are TOTALLY making out right this very minute. Glad we agree.

That is all. :D


g_and_honey May 6 2010, 04:13:34 UTC
Hee. Boys + kissing = yes, please. :-)

Gah, Casey. I love him, but he can be a real idiot sometimes. He should not have taken Vienna's word for it. Silly boy needs to learn how to protect himself (literally!).

And thank you! Hee. Glad you enjoyed my list. And my crazy pre-kiss conversation. There was so much going on in the Luke/Reid scenes that I just decided to paraphrase...sorta. :-P



lmichelle599 May 5 2010, 23:46:13 UTC

I hope Reid has condoms and lube. ;) I didn't expect that hot of a kiss, either. Dayum! I really don't want Luke to sleep with him yet, but that looks like what's going to happen. Not when Noah is unconscious in the ICU. Seriously, Luke?

Loved Barbra and Henry today. I'm ready to throw Vienna under a bus.

Poor Molly. However, did she really expect anything different? It's always going to be Holden and Lily.

I hope the Luke/Reid scene picks up where it let off. *crosses fingers*



g_and_honey May 6 2010, 04:18:38 UTC
The kiss totally took me by surprise. Eric and Van really went for it! Whew.

I don't want Luke to sleep with Reid yet, either...not till his feelings are a little more settled about everything. I have a feeling LuRe Sexytiems is not going to happen tomorrow, though...there's gotta be another doorbell or beeper interruption or something! This is a soap, after all. ;-)

Barbara and Henry make me squee like there's no tomorrow. Especially with silly dance moves. :-) And I'm about to run Vienna over with a truck.

And yeah...poor Molly's going to lose out, methinks. Poor kid. She should just start preparing for it now.

I hope the scene picks up where it left off, too!

Reid is stunned, and his nipples are shocked. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Liveblogging!



g_and_honey May 6 2010, 00:58:55 UTC
I'll be honest, this is the first LuRe scene I've actually seen, and maybe I'm biased but I remain unconvinced :\ I see the sexual tension, but it felt very awkward and inorganic. Plus there's the mitigating factors that they outright admitted: Luke loves and always will love Noah more, Luke doesn't trust Reid, Luke doesn't know Reid or at least thinks he doesn't, and Reid's got issues with the whole "emotions" thing. Sexual attraction is fine and necessary to a romance, but the best sex ever won't fix a lack of trust.

*Holds out glass* Want my Kool-Aid? No reason why someone else can't enjoy it.



brighton_girl May 6 2010, 02:02:06 UTC
I shall drink said kool-aid along with you :)


g_and_honey May 6 2010, 04:30:28 UTC
Oh, sister dear...I love you to bits, but it always seems to shock the hell out of me how different we are.

Don't mean to argue with ya, but since today was the first LuRe scene you've watched, I would think that you would remain unconvinced, because you haven't seen all the build-up in between. In my opinion, this kiss was executed with such perfection that Eric and Van left me wondering how in the hell they did it. It was just the right amount of everything that LuRe fans have been waiting for. Trust me. :-) I haven't heard one LuRe fan complain...not even in the slightest.

However, with everything else that you said...again, not to argue, but...Luke was drowning in his own emotions. He has so many of them flying around right now, he can't tell what's what. But that doesn't mean that they're not real, and that they can't fuel him and be the truth. Sometimes it's better not to think about what you're doing and just let your body do what it wants. :-P I have so been there, done that ( ... )


cookie1223 May 6 2010, 09:35:56 UTC
Me too I completely agree we are soul mate I guess lol


dreamer_98 May 6 2010, 02:01:12 UTC
I will totally help you swing Vienna around by her hair. This course of action is making me lose any sympathy for her. She is purposely manipulating Henry so she can keep him, all the while using Casey (and potentially ruining his life) all so she can have a baby. Which I kind of don't get, because if she claimed that she wanted HENRY's baby so much, why is she suddenly cool with having another man's baby and passing it off as Henry's? But yeah, I don't think this will end up boding well for anyone involved: her, Casey, Henry, or Barbara.


g_and_honey May 6 2010, 04:33:43 UTC

I agree, what happened with her wanting Henry's baby so badly? She is losing all of her credence with me. I'm willing to hang on to see what happens and if she does the right thing (though I don't know what "the right thing" would be right now...), but I'm thisclose to being done with her. This is crazy, and not in a fun NutMeg kind of way. :-P

Plus, I don't want anything more getting in the way of Barbara and Henry. They have enough to contend with! And what about Casey's life? Geez, Vienna. Ruin everything for everybody, why don't you!




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