Holy #%*^$#! And We Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet! - Today's Recap, 5/4/10

May 04, 2010 15:56

O.M.F.G. PEOPLE! OMFG! Today's episode rocked it out! There were so many things to SQUEE over, and there's more to come tomorrow ( Read more... )

chris, barbara, recap post, katie, henry, noah, casey, vienna, doc oliver, jacob, alison, luke, written by g

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Comments 7

brighton_girl May 4 2010, 22:08:33 UTC
That is a lot of exclaimition points.

Well, I've only seen Luke and Noah, and I thought all those scenes were amazing. I'm really not very fond of Katie though. She really bugs me, sticking her nose in. Back later when I've watched the whole thing!


brighton_girl May 5 2010, 01:28:07 UTC
So, after watching againg, it's clear to me that Noah doesn't seem to be as broken up with Luke as Luke seems to be with him - does that make sense? Probably because Luke has some feelings for Reid. Reid was amazing with Noah in that room.

You know if this show would have been smart, they would have had Noah into Reid, Reid into Luke and Luke into both. Oh, but this isn't QAF! LOL

Anyway, the dude playing Rex? He's on OLTL as Eli, so I was surprised to see him on the show...and he was a jerk! Joe was smooth, I liked that! And I think that Henry and Barbara are endgame.

I agree with you about Vienna and Casey. Do Not Want.

Okay, Katie. I know she's been a big part of this show for a long time, but they need to find a love interest for her...she clearly sucks at the match making and she kind of messes with people in not a good way. More than the Luke stuff, I really didn't like what she did with Chris and Ali at all. They've both told her multiple times and she keeps doing it! Not cool.

I'm excited for the rest of the


g_and_honey May 5 2010, 02:25:28 UTC
LOL! *sheepish* Yeah, I did use a lot of exclamation points today, didn't I? Oopsies...:-)

And yes, about Noah. I agree. He seemed much more comfortable with Luke today, as if nothing had happened between them. And of course, Luke is keeping his distance, helped in part by his budding feelings for Reid. Gotta say, though...the Nuke scenes were absolutely adorable! And TOTAL props to Reid for his conversation with Noah. Just thinking about how he calmed Noah down makes me wanna squish him! What a swootie!

And LOL at your QAF reference! HA! What a different show this would be if ATWT followed in QAF's footsteps! :-P I, for one, wouldn't complain!

Ahh, I didn't know about the OLTL dude. I've only watched one whole ep of that show and the entire time I was going, "WTF is going on? This isn't like ATWT at all!" HAHAHAHAHA. I am a one-soap wonder, apparently. :-P

And BENRY ENDGAME?! I'LL TAKE IT! Oh, how I hope you're right. I adore them together, and it's time to see them both happy for once ( ... )


lmichelle599 May 5 2010, 00:00:08 UTC

Two more days! Woo hoo!

Luke's going to go apeshit as we know from the perviews last week, but I'm sure Noah will be okay, right?

Shirtless!Reid tomorrow. That ain't bad. I kinda still want Reid to say: "On your knees, Mr. Snyder." *g* Don't mind me, I'm in the gutter.


Interview with Eric Sheffer Stevens:http://www.afterelton.com/TV/gayslives/05-04-10

That should keep you occupied. :D


g_and_honey May 5 2010, 02:29:55 UTC
*Snoopy dance* Two more days! :-D

I'm sure Noah will be okay, too. They're just playing up the drama, which I'm lovin'!

Shirtless!Reid. Keeping girls awake at night since 2010. :-P

No worries...I live in the gutter. Just ask my sis! She'll vouch for me. There's hardly a day goes by that the word "peen" does not show up in my conversations. LOL. I'm a sad, sad person...:-P

Liveblogging was good, but not as funny as usual. I also didn't like how he was picking on Casey so much. :-( Oh, well. It's all good!

And Eric's interview! YAY! He's so silly...he still doesn't realize how big his character has become. Silly Eric! :-)



dreamer_98 May 5 2010, 01:26:13 UTC
I agree with you on #4. On every message board I've been to today, people are hating on Katie for trying to play matchmaker with Reid and Luke while Noah was about to have his surgery, saying that she was being uncaring. I don't think that was her intention at all. She went to the hospital with a good luck charm for Reid, hoping he'd do well on Noah's surgery. And when she learned he had already gone in for the surgery, she gave it to Luke, knowing he was concerned about Noah as well. I agree that maybe it wasn't the best time for her to bring up how much Reid likes Luke and has changed him, but it's not like she was acting like she hoped Noah would die so Reid and Luke would hook up. So yeah, again I feel like while Katie's actions weren't the best, her intentions were good. ::Shields Katie from all the angry Nuke fans ( ... )


g_and_honey May 5 2010, 02:36:36 UTC
Yes! about Katie. You know how I normally rant about her meddling too much in others' lives. But honestly, I don't feel like she's been meddling with Luke and Reid at all, simply because Reid won't let her. She's already tried, and Reid put a stop to it. And today she was merely trying to boost Luke a little bit, maybe give him some confidence. It's not like she'd interrupted Noah's surgery by trying to hook the two of them up right then and there. Her intentions with Luke and Reid today were definitely good. And I didn't really find her to be inappropriate with them, either. Luke told her he couldn't go there and she stopped right away. What's the issue?

If people want to get upset at Katie, then they should go for the Henry/Vienna angle, because Katie's botching that up pretty damn good! I agree, she totally wasn't even listening to Henry, which has been my main complaint about her for ages now! A real friend would support him in any way, not try to make his decisions for him ( ... )


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