Holy #%*^$#! And We Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet! - Today's Recap, 5/4/10

May 04, 2010 15:56

O.M.F.G. PEOPLE! OMFG! Today's episode rocked it out! There were so many things to SQUEE over, and there's more to come tomorrow!

Today we got Nuke, LuRe, Katie/Luke, and ReNo (Reid and Noah, LOL)...OMG FRICKEN SWOOTIE!BOYS ARE SWOOTIES. GAH AND A HALF! Not to mention we got Barbara and Henry (though they didn't share any scenes together), and CASEY today too!

Okay. Scenes with the boys that I fricken ADORED? In random order:

1) Luke and Noah in the hospital room right before Dr. Oliver comes in. The two of them couldn't have been any cuter or sweeter if they tried. Did you see how adorable Noah was when he invited Luke to come sit with him on the hospital bed?! OMG! And Luke got all snuggly in with him and he taped them together. ♥_♥ Oh God. Oh God. So damn cute, and sweet, and heartwrenching, and lovely, and wonderful, and--

2) The awkwardness of Luke and Reid when Reid walked in to find Nuke snuggled on the bed together. And then how pissy Reid got at Luke, after he held Noah's hand and said "See you later"? OMG LOVE. Reid with a bad case of PMS FTW! He's starting to be not so good at keeping his feelings for Luke under wraps, am I right? ;-) Loving it.

3) "SEE YOU LATER". OH GOD. OH GOD. For this instance, never have more poignant words been uttered. ♥_♥ Oh, boys. I fricken adore you to little itty bitty pieces. *swoon* Can somebody write a fic with that sentence as the prompt?! PRETTY PLEASE WITH NOAH ON TOP?!

4) Katie's talk with Luke in the hallway at Memorial. See? When Katie doesn't meddle in other people's lives and just lets things happen naturally (and by "naturally" I mean that Reid wouldn't let Katie get two inches into his love life, LOL), good things start to happen! I love how Katie alluded to the fact that she thinks that Luke has made Reid more "human". ♥_♥ This just reinforces my love for Luke TEN-FOLD. He affects people without even knowing he's doing it. And the way he kept shooting Reid's feelings down, as if no one else could possibly have these kinds of feelings for him? Oh, Luke. I'm glad Katie didn't let you go too far with that. And she totally backed off when Luke said he still cared about Noah and his future. And then she said that Luke needs to be happy too! GO KATIE!

5) "What do you look like, Dr. Oliver?" - "Oh, you know...comb over, buck teeth, big ol' beer belly..." - "And a unibrow, too!" - "Hey, who told you about that?" OMFG YOU TWO, BE CUTER PLEASE!!! GAHHHH! I loved that conversation SO DAMN MUCH! Oh, Reid...you are a sweetheart deep down! How wonderful was he with Noah? God. And Noah was pretty damn cute himself about the whole thing!

And totally random: I really liked how they didn't just jump into the surgery right away, but instead had Reid checking in on Noah about his status on the anesthesia, and how he talked about Noah's blood pressure being high. It added a sense of reality to this bit of the show ('cause Lord knows reality has basically been tossed out the window, what with Noah's full head of hair and no intubation...LOL!). Plus, it afforded us that completely adorable conversation between Noah and the doc. ♥

And last but not least:

6) The "dream" Noah was having about Luke. BE STILL MY BEATING HEART. I didn't expect anything like that! BUT GOD. IT WAS SO SWEET. Made my heart leap into my throat! Luke was standing in the sun just smiling at Noah, the sunshine making a halo around his head! And Noah could see him! Angel!Luke. DEAR GOD, SHOW...ARE YOU TRYING TO SEND ME INTO AN ARRHYTHMIA AGAIN?! ♥_♥

Don't mind me...I'm going to be that puddle of goo you see on the floor for the rest of the day. And the best part is: WE HAVE TWO MORE DAYS OF THIS TO COME! OH HELLZ TO THE YEAH.

Oh, and FINALLY NOAH GETS HIS FRICKEN SURGERY. Geez. I feel like I've aged twenty years since he went blind! 'Bout damn time, show!

And it looks from the previews like Luke goes apeshit twice on Reid? Admittedly, I'm not sure when the "you selfish son of a bitch!" scene is going to take place, but from the preview for tomorrow, it looks like Luke goes to Katie's to ream Reid out (again? Or for the first time? Or...? I'm confused. Just have to watch and see!) Whew! This is the stuff soaps are made of! :-D

Hooboy. I gotta take some deep breaths. The boys have effectively cancelled out a large chunk of my brain (and heart)! :-D

As for the rest of the episode?

Henry finally grows a pair and tells Vienna he needs space. It was actually awfully sad, because she was crying and really upset about the whole thing. T_T So Henry goes to Katie for advice while Vienna goes to a bottle of vodka at Metro for advice. :-P

At first, I was upset with Katie, because the more Henry tried to explain that Barbara is still on his mind, the more she tried to push him back into having a baby with Vienna. I can understand where Katie's coming from, because she was right about the fact that this is most likely Henry's last chance with Vienna, but Henry needs time and he's been very upfront with Katie about that fact. Eventually Katie tells him to "do what makes him happiest" and Henry runs out of her house to go find Barbara at the Lakeview. YAY HENRY! But that's not exactly what Katie meant...-_- Hehe!

Meanwhile, Vienna's at Metro drowning her sorrows in endless rounds of "Swedish Icebergs", and Casey comes in to join her for a drink. Reason why Casey is there is because he'd run into Ali earlier and asked if she wanted to get a cup of coffee. Ali was very happy at the invite and said she'd love to, but she was on her way to meet Katie at the movies for some "chick time". Well, Ali's movie date ended up being another setup by Katie with Chris, and Casey saw Chris and Ali clowning around in Old Town after the movie and let Ali have it, saying he couldn't trust a word that comes out of her mouth. Casey ran off to the bar while Ali told Chris being with him was a big mistake and took off. This prompted Chris to go to Katie's and try to persuade her to back off with the matchmaking, which didn't work very well. :-/

So Vienna and Casey are commiserating over their horrible love lives and the terrible misdeeds done to them by their dastardly exes, when Vienna gets the bright idea to suggest to Casey that they...get it on. As in like...bow chicka bow bow...as in like, "Hi, we just met up, wanna bonk?!"...as in...SEX!

Can you tell I'm having a hard time with this? :-P Casey and Vienna = DO. NOT. WANT. EVER!!! Besides, Casey's already done the whole baby-daddy thing! C'mon, show! MY KINGDOM FOR A NEW STORYLINE!!!!

Also...Casey knocking Vienna up would kinda be like Liberty getting knocked up: an unexpected pregnancy that came out of the girl being an absolute f*cktard with decisions about her life. Not to mention TOTALLY JUMPING THE GUN. Sheesh, Vienna. Calm the eff down about this baby thing already. It will happen when it's supposed to!

Also, also...this may be TMI, but...doesn't a lot of alcohol *ahem* hinder a man's performance? Or is that just a myth?

Oy gevalt either way. We're still in the middle of that whole mess.

On the happier (and funnier) side of things, Barbara had herself a very eventful day! Katie sets her up on a blind date with an anchor from WOAK. "Rex". (*Whistle* Here, boy! Get the stick! ROFL.) Rex is very handsome but unfortunately is a pompous ass, and Barbara figures this out VERY quickly. Luckily for her, "Joe" AKA random pilot at the Lakeview, comes to save her from Rex (or "Rich/Rick" as he kept calling him, to get back at him for constantly referring to Barbara as "Barbie". LOL!). The two of them ditch Rex and agree to have lobster together, which prompts Barbara to rant about how much Henry hates lobster and that automatically means that he's absolutely NOT right for her. :-P Oh, yeah...and she let the whole "I'm dating my son's brother" thing slip out and Joe was kinda O_o at her for a while. LMAO!

So Henry speeds to the Lakeview just in time to hear Barbara say, "Henry who?" to Joe, and he's crestfallen. Not to worry, though...because tomorrow Henry is grabbing her away and they're entering a dance competition! NO JOKE! I LOVE IT! They look so frigging adorable and happy together, too!!! And shiny!Barbara is shiny, in her sparkly gold dress! Work it, girl! :-D

Also...props to the show for teasing the crap out of us and leaving us hanging with the whole, "Noah could have brain damage" admission from Reid. Geez, show! Now how am I supposed to sleep tonight?! :-P

Ahh, what a great episode. I loves me the drama and the comedy and the LOVE! Hee. ♥ TWO MORE DAYS! AW YEAH!



chris, barbara, recap post, katie, henry, noah, casey, vienna, doc oliver, jacob, alison, luke, written by g

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