"Just Get Occupied!"...Because You All Stand Around Talking at Each Other Too Much! - Today's Recap

May 03, 2010 17:02


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Vienna looks really upset when she asks Henry why he doesn't want to wake up to her anymore. T_T Poor Vienna (though my heart is with Barbara on this one :-P).

Speaking of, looks like Barbara's going on a date tomorrow! This should be fun!

And BOYS BOYS BOYS! I am SOOOOOOOO HYPED that we get the next three days of boys! Hell yah!

*puts on Lady Gaga's "Boys Boys Boys" AKA my theme song for life* :-P

But I have to say...Luke telling Noah that he shouldn't be scared because he's got a great surgeon made me giggle a little bit. Only because when things don't go as planned, Luke's gonna tear into said "great surgeon" like there's no tomorrow! :-P Go Luke, but poor Reid. No hurting of hot gay neurosurgeons allowed. :-P

Anyway. Today's ep? Yes.

Let's start with Janet and get her out of the way so I can get this foul taste out of my mouth.

Janet decides that it's finally time to stop mooching off Jack like it's her sole purpose in life and get her behind back to work. Jack puts up a fight at first, but she tells him to back off, and he finally does. So Janet gets to Metro (after Dusty had just been interviewing for her job but couldn't go through with any hiring) and they share A Moment, because little Baby Unknown decides to make him/herself known by kicking for the first time. Janet's over the moon (and this part was really cute) and she puts Dusty's hand on her belly so they can share a laugh. Jack then interrupts them to check on Janet, and she once again assures him that she's fine. He leaves, and Janet changes her mind at the drop of a hat and decides she can't work for Dusty anymore. She said something like being there with him, but not being with him is too weird. HENCE WHY YOU SHOULD STAY AND JUST FRIGGING BE WITH HIM. This after Dusty offered to give Janet a raise and told her she could still move into the house he bought for her and Liberty.

Stupid Janet is stupid! Okay, I can understand that she's confused and needs some time to sort herself out. But ten bucks says when she sorts herself, she's going to realize that she's still buttcrazy in love with Dusty and wants to move in with him. SO PLEASE SPARE US THE EPISODES IN THE INTERIM, JANET. Please? I beg of you. Think of the viewers! The viewers!

So after Jack feels the baby kicking and Janet talks about how Liberty did the backstroke when Janet was pregnant with her, Jack goes home to find Carly and Parker still in cohorts with one another. I say that sarcastically, because every time they're seen together in the same room Jack automatically assumes that they're up to something devious. Can't a mother just spend time with her son?

Of course, Jack's not that far off. :-P Carly covers for Parker by pretending to yell at him to get this "history project" done for school, and then she distracts Jack from asking any further questions with her lips. :-)

Earlier in the day, Margo and Jack had been discussing the Monte Carlo arson case, and Jack was like, "Who's Gabriel, and why should we give a shit about him?" BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. My sentiments exactly, Jack. So they're throwing around all these ideas about what could have happened, but Margo doesn't think it was an accident.

Then Carly calls from Craig's room at the Lakeview, where she's just hauled his heavy ass up to put him to bed. He's drunk off his ass and promptly falls asleep on the couch. Carly then raids his computer to find his "Fastbooks" files (note: AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. That's the ATWT version of Quickbooks, folks! :-P) and prints them all out, as they show the truth about Craig and Parker's trust fund. She then tells Margo that she's afraid Craig has some kind of alcohol poisoning (LOL...seriously, I'm surprised Carly didn't try to lick him or something to get a taste, that's how drunk he was :-P) and asks if Margo can stop by later to check on him. Margo does, and lo and behold, what does she find? The printed "Fastbooks" files. And now Craig's really in the shit! :-)

Finally, we have Barbara, Henry, and Vienna.

So Vienna gets the idea to handcuff Henry in his sleep so that she can have her way with him when he wakes up, and he won't be able to do anything about it. They banter back and forth while Henry pleads for Vienna to let him out of the handcuffs. She absolutely refuses, and continues to tease him.

Meanwhile, Barbara's on the phone with the hospital, confirming her appointment with the doc to have some routine tests done to check her status with her oral cancer. Earlier she had done some work on her sketches for Vienna's dress, so she decides to bring them over to Vienna so she can see the sketches and try on some fabric samples.

Cue awkward but hysterical situation. Vienna leaves Henry handcuffed to the headboard while she invites Barbara in. (PS - That negligee Vienna had on was STUNNING. Good God that woman has a beautiful body!) Barbara's all sorts of "OMG! WTF?!" when she sees Henry, but Vienna is too distracted with Barbara's sketches to care. When Barbara gives Vienna the fabric samples to try on, Henry begs for Barbara to grab the key from the table and release him, which Barbara does. Henry keeps trying to explain what's going on, but Barbara keeps shouting back, "Shut up! Shut up!" as she unlocks him. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. It was such a funny little scene! And when Vienna comes back out of the bathroom, she's too caught up in Bride-to-Be Bliss that she doesn't notice Henry's free.

Barbara hightails it out of there and then calls Katie, who agrees to set her up with someone, while Vienna keeps trying to pressure Henry into having sex with her. Finally, Henry leaps up and shouts that he's really not in the mood because he knows about Vienna's whole pregnancy plot. Boom bam!

More on their situation tomorrow. Not to spoil you, but...I'm totally excited for what's to come. :-) Hee.

Also...I am totally looking forward to the video that the boys are going to make tomorrow. Be more adorable, I DARE YOU TWO!



dusty, barbara, recap post, margo, janet, jack/carly, henry/vienna, parker, written by g

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