Oh, the Trials and Tribulations of Love - Today's Recap, 4/21/10

Apr 21, 2010 16:45

Luke, Reid, and the mechanical bull preview for tomorrow = Yippee ki-yay, motherf*cker!

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. ATWT does Die Hard. On a mechanical bull. HAHAHAHAHAHA.

(Hey, I could have said Reid does Luke on a mechanical bull, but I'm trying to keep it family-friendly here! AHAHAHAHA.)

Ahem. I'm composed now. But damn if tomorrow's episode does not ( Read more... )

chris, barbara, eliza, recap post, emma, emily/paul, katie, henry/vienna, alison, written by g, meg

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Comments 6

brighton_girl April 21 2010, 21:34:21 UTC
So I didn't watch yet...but do we think that TPTB might put Ali and Casey back together and hook Katie up with Chris...that might be okay.

Also, I read spoilers today...I shouldn't do that, they made my stomach hurt. Cannot believe how in just 5 months I have become so attached to two characters on a TV show!


g_and_honey April 22 2010, 03:07:51 UTC
At this point in time, I'm not rightly sure what TPTB have in mind for Casey/Ali/Chris/Katie.

I don't think I'm ready for Casey and Ali to reunite yet. Casey was really hurt with Alison's infidelity. And I kinda don't want Chris with Katie, but that's only because I really want Simon to come back for her. LOL. I'd be okay with those pairings for the end of the show, though, because I do like Chris. And he and Katie have history as well, so it wouldn't be far-fetched.

As for spoilers...yeah. It's going to get tough for those who aren't a fan of Reid or Reid/Luke. If it helps at all, you can just focus on how awesome Eric is, and how he's completely throwing himself into the role. (If you like Eric, that is. :-) Or you can just focus on how amazing a Nuke reunion will be when it all comes down to those end months. :-)



kelly_ken April 21 2010, 22:11:43 UTC
Eliza's so cute!

LOL @ that Katie/Chris scene! I thought Katie was developing a crush on Chris there.

The preview! Does that bar look deserted or what? Hee.


g_and_honey April 22 2010, 03:10:17 UTC
Eliza is so cute, I agree! I felt so bad for her when Paul took her away from Meg, because she was sound asleep and he woke her up when he took her. :-( She went right back to sleep, though. :-P

I LOVED that Katie/Chris scene! Wasn't it hysterical? OMG. SO funny.

LOL. The bar does look a little empty, doesn't it? Good thing for Reid, since I hear he's taking a spin on the bull as well! LOL.



lmichelle599 April 21 2010, 22:58:50 UTC

But family-friendly's no fun. ;)

I don't know if TPTB are headed back into Stalker!Meg territory or not, but Emma was sure acting weird. It just seemed too little too late for her to try and get Meg away from Paul. Where were you when Meg was infatuated with Damian, huh, Emma?

Vienna's starting to annoy me. Or more specifically her eyebrows annoy me. They're too long and bushy. Please, Ewa, get them waxed, honey.

Looking forward to tomorrow as well. :)


g_and_honey April 22 2010, 03:14:53 UTC
Teehee. Family-friendly is no fun!

I dunno what the writers are doing with Meg now, either. Emma was kinda on the rampage today, definitely. I thought it was kinda silly that they just showed up and tried to steal Eliza away. Like Paul wasn't going to come get her back!

And yeah...Emma shoulda cracked Damian in half when he was setting Meg up to look like a fricken weirdo nutball crazy person.

LMAO at how you feel about Ewa's eyebrows! I admit, I haven't paid attention to them at all. But I also think that someone could take a shit on Ewa's face and she'd still be an absolute knock-out. Girl's so pretty she makes me cry, eyebrows or not. :-)

Tomorrow's gonna be fun! :-D



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