Residents of Oakdale, Illinois: 0, Lakeview Elevator: 3 - Today's Recap, 3/29/10

Mar 29, 2010 16:11

So, Reid Oliver totally saved a life today (or at least prolonged it), but the Lakeview elevator completely PWNED him. And Craig. And Luke was just along for the ride. :-P ( Read more... )

dusty, recap post, johnny, margo, craig, noah, janet, jack/carly, doc oliver, luke, written by g

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Comments 19

lmichelle599 March 29 2010, 21:16:59 UTC

I thought we'd get a Luke comforting Reid scene in the elevator. Cause there's not enough affection shown between guys, straight or gay. Glad he saved Dusty, though.

Told you it was going to be a kidnapping thing. :P


g_and_honey March 30 2010, 03:08:29 UTC
I totally enjoyed Luke scaring the crap outta Reid in the elevator! That was so funny.

I think the writers are taking whatever this relationship is between Luke and Reid pretty slowly. The problem for me is that I'm hooked on the spoilers, and they keep blowing everything out of proportion, where Luke and Reid are concerned. From the spoilers, you'd think they were running around all crazy-like, hopped up on tension and high emotions. And that's just not the case. So the affection might come later. (Or not. I have no idea what the hell the writers have in store. :-P)

And I really hope Johnny doesn't get kidnapped! That would be so sad! :-(



cookie1223 March 29 2010, 21:23:19 UTC

And is it just me, or do the writers seem to be taking their DAMN "SWEET TIME getting Noah's surgery done? So, what...they're planning on waiting until the new wing is completed to let Noah have surgery? Really?! 'Cause I thought that construction took a long MONTHS and MONTHS. And then a couple more months after that. Or maybe a year. Why does Noah have to wait? If anything, why can't he and Reid fly to Texas, get the procedure done, and then fly back? Or fly to wherever else has a decent enough neurology center and do it there? I'm confuzzled. I also don't want this to mean that Noah isn't going to get his eyesight back until September or something. No, no, no!!! He's been blind long enough, and there's no reason to wait anymore!"

I completely agree with you this getting ridiculous but I guess we are bitching and moaning too much Reid should make us forget Noah and the fact he still didn't get his surgery !
Other than that the show was quite good . But I presume that tomorrow will be boring lol


g_and_honey March 30 2010, 03:12:39 UTC
I'm just really confused at all of this. When Reid and Noah were planning to leave for Dallas, I thought Noah was going to get his eyesight back relatively soon, and this storyline could really take off. But now they're planning on having him wait until this new wing is built? If I were Noah, I'd be in an uproar! That means that he'll still be blind for the better part of this year. WTF? How does this make sense in any capacity? Reid and Noah can fly anywhere they want and do this operation any time. Unless they're still using the whole "IV preparation" or whatever it was as their excuse.

Sigh. I want my Swootie!Noah back. With full eyesight. :-(

But yes, other than that, I agree with you. The show was definitely good. And the rest of this week will probably not be as exciting. (Though I'm looking forward to Henry/Barbara developments. :-))



kelly_ken March 30 2010, 00:37:00 UTC
Yay, Noah gave Luke "permission" to see someone else. And double yay that Dusty's surgery happened in one day while Noah wanders the hospital still being blind. And also yay that we FINALLY got to see Reid being a human being after all. YAY.

/cranky bitchy sarcastic rant

But yes, Noah/Jake looked absolutely delicious. :)


g_and_honey March 30 2010, 03:19:05 UTC
Re: Noah's situation --> *HEADDESK*

I have to say, though...I'm okay with Dusty being saved, 'cause I love Dusty lots, and I still enjoy Reid so I'm fine with his stuff too, but I wanted Noah to get his eyesight back quickly, so that we could get a good storyline going with the boys. But apparently the writers have other things in mind? I dunno. I'm really conflicted right now about a lot of things! Bah.

One thing I know for certain: spoilers/rumors/predictions for this show are bad for your health. :-P

And Jake looked yummy. :-)

*hugs* Hang in there! We'll swim through it together (and maybe burn down the ATWT studios sometime in the near future for not giving us what we want. :-P)



kelly_ken March 30 2010, 03:28:59 UTC

Hee. I know! I know spoilers/rumors/predictions are bad for me and yet I seek them out. /weirdo

I dunno. If today has been 2/3 Luke/Reid and 1/3 Noah I would have been happy, I guess? But it just ended up being 98% Luke/Reid and 2% of Noah. Lol.

But yes, thanks for reminding me that I should hang in there with the rest of the Nukies! ♥


g_and_honey March 30 2010, 04:40:29 UTC
I seek the spoilers out, too! I guess we're masochists. :-P One thing I've learned, though, is to not get too hyped or crazy about the spoilers. Usually I find that they're blown out of proportion. And the rumors...well? They're just rumors. We can deal with what happens when it actually happens. :-)

And yeah, I agree with your percentages of Luke/Reid/Noah today. I guess it's a little bit different with me, 'cause I like Reid? Gah. I have no idea how I feel anymore! LOL. One thing I know is that I miss Old Noah. I miss him so much.



aoleander March 30 2010, 03:09:31 UTC
Hi there, I haven't commented on your recaps before but I read them all the time and I thought it was about time I stopped being a creepy lurker! :p
It's good to read the reactions of someone who likes Reid AND is a shameless Nuke lover. I think we are a rare breed in fandom, haha. There's so much tension surrounding Reid these days.

Anyway, just wanted to say hello, and I too enjoyed today's episode, and am excited for what's to come. :)


g_and_honey March 30 2010, 03:28:21 UTC
Hi hi! Welcome to my incessant rambling/fangirling of the show! :-D Please feel free to comment anytime; I love hearing everyone's thoughts!

Ooh, and yes...I love Reid. He cracks me up like crazy and I've been loving his character development so far. I agree, we Reid/Nuke lovers are a rare breed indeed in this fandom. I know a LOT of people are really upset about this storyline (whatever it is/whatever it turns out to be) and I totally don't blame them, but I'm still holding out the hope that it's going to be nice and angsty and good in the long run. I'm really trying to enjoy as much of the show as I can in the time left. :-)

Let's cross our fingers that it's going to be good! :-D



aoleander March 30 2010, 03:52:44 UTC
I'm crossing my fingers, toes, anything that crosses really! :P

Urgh, it's the spoilers that give me momentary panic attacks. But I eventually calm down, and I feel better when I watch fun episodes like this one, or particularly AWESOME angsty beautiful Nuke moments like that breakup a couple weeks ago. I'm interested to see how they develop Reid even though I am more than kind of dreading a hook up with Luke. I hope, in all of this, Noah/Jake is given a chance to shine. And the sooner he gets his sight back THE BETTER, my goodness! Let the boy see the light! :P

Btw, my name is Allegra. I look forward to future rambles. :D


g_and_honey March 30 2010, 04:48:13 UTC
I feel the same way about the spoilers. Initially, I get freaked out, but then I calm down after reminding myself that they're not always exactly what happens, and are meant to tease us! :-)

I dunno how I feel about a Luke/Reid actual hookup. One half of me finds the idea interesting and the other half worries that it will just be silly and contrived. At least we know that both Van and Eric are good actors, so either way, they'd be able to pull it off. Or something. :-P

And yes, good God...when Noah first went blind, I never thought they'd keep him blind for this long! Geez. Poor guy. I'd be strangling Reid every time I came near him, like, "When are we getting this show on the road plz kthx?!" Hehe.

And ooh, Allegra! That's so pretty! And yay for rambles! (Unfortunately, it's something I'm really good at! LOL.)



francine2869 March 30 2010, 04:13:06 UTC
"I have come to the conclusion that I need to stop enjoying the show as much as I do. That sounds funny, haha. But what I mean is, when I'm really hyped for an episode, like today's, it feels like it's only two minutes long and I'm always left wanting for more."

I love how much you enjoy the show! I watch the show when I can but I always read your recaps. They are funny and insightful and draw correlations between things that I never would have thought of. You bring up relevant storyline concerns and loveable/hateable character quirks, and you always make me laugh with your sense of humour. It's something I look forward to.

I don't know if you watch Days of Our Lives, but there is a couple that provide daily recaps for DOOL on their website (they also have a channel on YouTube under the same name). Have you ever considered doing a daily video recap? You both do fans a great service and I hope you keep updating us until (sadly) ATWT is taken off the air.


g_and_honey March 30 2010, 05:00:52 UTC
Oh my! Thank you so much! Oh, this is such a sweet comment!

I'm really so very happy that you enjoy my recaps and you find them funny. I really love this show, and I love gabbing about it (as I'm sure you've figured out by now, hehe). It makes me feel so good that other people enjoy my thoughts and silly random things about the storylines. :-)

I haven't previously considered doing a video post, but it's definitely a notion I can entertain. :-) I don't watch Days but I think that's totally awesome (and I might have to check out their vids now!).

Again, thank you so much! Please feel free to comment anytime! :-)



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