Residents of Oakdale, Illinois: 0, Lakeview Elevator: 3 - Today's Recap, 3/29/10

Mar 29, 2010 16:11

So, Reid Oliver totally saved a life today (or at least prolonged it), but the Lakeview elevator completely PWNED him. And Craig. And Luke was just along for the ride. :-P

I have come to the conclusion that I need to stop enjoying the show as much as I do. That sounds funny, haha. But what I mean is, when I'm really hyped for an episode, like today's, it feels like it's only two minutes long and I'm always left wanting for more. On other days, when Liberty or Jack/Carly/Dusty/Janet or Mick *shudder* make me want to slam my head into a wall for the entire time, the show just drags on and on and on.


Regardless, I enjoy the show. But today's episode was particularly fun. :-)

So Craig's trapped in the elevator and is spazzing out like it's his job. He manages to get Margo on the phone, because he's convinced that whoever's stalking him rigged the elevator, and he screeches at her that he's fighting for his life. HAHA. So Margo comes to the Lakeview after Craig gets released from the evil elevator and she totally makes fun of him! AHAHAHAHHAHAHA. Her crack about, "What, did you propose to the elevator and then fall for the escalator?" had me BUSTING out laughing. Craig, however, did not appreciate Margo's sense of humor, which is a shame, because she really zinged him. :-)

So Craig tells Margo that he's being stalked and shows her the note from the Monte Carlo party, and he quickly decides that an investigation is a bad idea, because Margo notes how "no stone will go unturned" in the process, and of course, Craig doesn't want anyone finding out about how he's siphoning money from Parker's trust fund to fuel Monte Carlo. So they go off to the hospital after Carly calls Craig about Dusty, and Margo gets the call from her people as well.

Jack and Carly have alerted EMS to the situation at Metro and the paramedics call in a GSW to the head - meaning Dusty. So Dusty's brought in to the hospital while Jack goes to inform Janet about his condition. She flips out and demands that Jack take her to the hospital, which he agrees to do.

Meanwhile, Luke is with Reid, first chastising him about wearing scrubs instead of a suit and tie for their meeting with the architect for the new neurology wing, and then tying to impress upon Reid the importance of taking care of his patients' support group, i.e. their families who are stuck in the waiting room during their loved ones' surgery. I really liked how Luke alluded to his own experience in the waiting room without going into any detail (because we all know he was talking about Noah. Even though he's been in the waiting room for other members of his family as well).

So that's when they get on the elevator and hilarity ensues. :-)

First, I'd like to say that I'm loving how the writers are painting Reid. He always seems so stern and unmovable and perfect, but as we've seen today, he's completely human. He freaks out in the elevator and starts sweating something serious because they're stuck, and Luke totally antagonizes him about it. HAHA!

So Luke's jumping around in the elevator like a kid (HAHAHAHA love you, Luke!) and is creating all sorts of doomsday images in Reid's mind about the elevator crashing and caving in and smushing them to itty bitty pieces, when Reid loses it and slams Luke against the wall. So then the compassionate side of Luke that we all know and love comes out and he talks Reid down from his panic attack.

BTW, "Tadpoles" and "dancing cows"? Hmm. I don't think I've ever known anyone who described their happy place that way. :-P That's more like "My happy place when I'm on shrooms", I'd think. :-)

But I really liked how Reid talked about the human brain like it was something he truly admired. I thought that was a nice look into the real person underneath the arrogant exterior of his. :-) And...err...I think Luke liked it, too. :-P

So they finally manage to escape from the Evil Elevator of Evilness and Reid rushes into the hospital to work on Dusty, who has a fragment of the bullet lodged in his brain. LOL --> Janet tried to be all, "Oh, doctor, please save the man I love, because I love him and everyone loves him and everyone who loves him is waiting for him!" and Reid was like, "Yeah yeah lady, shut yer yap and let me do my job. I couldn't give a flying rat's behind who he is." ROFL. Carly and Janet's jaws were left on the floor. Good thing Luke was there to reassure them that Reid was the Bestest Neurologist Who Ever Lived.

And then! And THEN!

Luke runs into Noah! :-( but :-) and every emotion in between.

Oh, boys. So they sit and talk (PS that shirt Jake had on was like, the tightest shirt in the history of tight shirts - not that I'm complaining, 'cause hello Jake pecs and Jake biceps :-P), and Luke tells Noah about how he donated money from his Foundation to the new wing, which is where Noah will be getting his surgery done. Luke expects Noah to blow a gasket, but he doesn't. Yay! Rational and Happy Noah makes me happy. :-) (Also, I totally called it - that Noah was going to find out about the money anyway! Didn't expect it to come from Luke, though...)

Of course...Luke was like, "I have to tell you something" at first, and Noah immediately jumped to, "Are you seeing someone?" which Luke denied, of course...because he's not.


Oh, Noah. :-(

God. If the writers do this storyline right, I am going to be busting at the seams from all the angsty goodness. This storyline has SUCH potential...don't screw it up, writers!!

But anyway, Noah's happy for Luke, and they meet back up with Reid, who's just finished with Dusty. Dusty will live for now (that sounds bad, but you know what I mean :-P). And something funny happened between Noah and Reid!

So Noah finds out about Dusty and is concerned, as he should be, since he and Dusty were good friends once upon a time. Then, Noah puts his hand on Reid's shoulder and is all happy about the news, and this look goes across Luke's if he's trying to figure out their relationship. Weird, right?

It was almost the same look that Maddie had when Noah and Hunter were together at Al's. That like...does he have a crush on him? kinda face. Or was it jealousy?

I dunno. Nothing came of it. Reid didn't think twice about it. He apologized about missing Noah's appointment, Noah went off to reschedule, and Luke and Reid were left alone.

But I thought that was a really strange scene, nonetheless. What do you guys think? Is it foreshadowing or am I making a big deal of it?

(Wouldn't it be weird if Noah ended up crushing on Dr. Oliver? Does Noah even know that Reid is gay?)

Anyway, after Noah leaves, Reid is served with papers. He's being sued by Big Angry Dude who kicked his ribs in a couple weeks ago. Which seems weird to me, considering that the guy assaulted him in a public place, with a witness, no less. Can't Reid just counter-sue or something? Or have the case dismissed on those grounds alone?

Wow. Reid got pwned twice in this episode, it seems. :-P

And is it just me, or do the writers seem to be taking their DAMN SWEET TIME getting Noah's surgery done? So, what...they're planning on waiting until the new wing is completed to let Noah have surgery? Really?! 'Cause I thought that construction took a long MONTHS and MONTHS. And then a couple more months after that. Or maybe a year. Why does Noah have to wait? If anything, why can't he and Reid fly to Texas, get the procedure done, and then fly back? Or fly to wherever else has a decent enough neurology center and do it there? I'm confuzzled. I also don't want this to mean that Noah isn't going to get his eyesight back until September or something. No, no, no!!! He's been blind long enough, and there's no reason to wait anymore!

And there were lots of other little tidbits in today's episode. Janet asked Carly to pray with her, which she did. Then Janet started having horrible cramps again and was admitted to the hospital for observation. Carly and Jack shared a frenzied conversation in which Jack accidentally referred to Dusty as "Brad". The two confirmed that they are still each other's true North, and I kinda went ♥_♥ at them a little. :-) Jack and Margo figure out that Dusty's shooting wasn't a robbery gone wrong, but rather, a personal attack. And Craig has an ice cream sundae moment with Johnny, where he explains that Dusty was in an accident and Johnny asks if it's the same situation as when Jennifer died. T_T Craig assures him that the situations are completely different and Dusty's fighting for his life as hard as he can. :-( So sad! Johnny also admits that some strange man talked to him on the playground and asked questions about Craig.

Also, Janet's life kinda sucks ass. Brad gets killed, Liberty develops leukemia, she and Jack divorce, Uncle Ralphie turns out to be a gangster and goes to jail, and now her father tries to have her fiance killed. It's a good thing she has decent people like Jack, Dusty, and Teri in her life! (And Liberty's coming around, too!) Geez. How much can one woman take?

Anyway, whew. This episode kinda made my head hurt, but in a good way. TONS of character interaction, which makes me a happy girl! :-D Plus, Luke jumping around in the elevator like a kid. Teeheehee! Love it. Reminds me of my dad...he does the same thing in elevators sometimes, and we all hate it! LOL.


dusty, recap post, johnny, margo, craig, noah, janet, jack/carly, doc oliver, luke, written by g

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