"My Life's Going to Change, and I Have to Deal with That" - Today's Recap, 3/30/10

Mar 30, 2010 18:15

Faith today: GOD DAD! I'm a druggie and a klepto and a skank but I'm going to keep screaming nonsense at you in the hopes that you won't figure all that out!

Craig: HELP! I'm being stalked by a camera crew!

Molly to Carly, at Monte Carlo: Hey, are you okay?
Carly: Yeah, why?
Molly: I dunno...'cause you look a little sober...

PS - If Jack doesn't shape up soon, Carly is totally going to go all Lorena Bobbit on his ass. Did you see how she was slicing that cucumber? Jack better sleep on his stomach for a while! HAHA.


So, Faith continues to be f*cktard, except now she's being one in front of Holden, who can smell her shitty excuses from a mile away. Gabriel shows up outside of Fashions and reveals that Faith's stunt with the runaway dress cost him his job, and Faith gets the wonderful idea ('cause Faith's so full of great ideas lately) of trying to pressure Holden into hiring Gabriel to help at the farm. Luckily, Holden doesn't buy it, and instead Faith ends up shouting at him like a lunatic and admitting what she'd done at Fashions when she went shopping with Lily.

Oh, and "I accidentally put a dress in my bag"????

"I swear, Dad...that sucker just LEAPED off the shelf! Just took a running start and dove right from the hanger into my bag! Totally an accident, I swear!"

Wow. WOW. WORST EXCUSE IN THE HISTORY OF DUMBSHIT EXCUSES. My one-year-old niece could have come up with something better than that! Shoplifters from around the world are shaking their heads condescendingly at you, Faith!

Seriously. Look up "dumbass" in the dictionary, and there'll be a picture of Faith underneath it.

Then later, she tells Molly that Lily wouldn't buy her this "really cool" dress that she wanted, and how dare Lily not buy it for her! But she failed to mention that that very same dress caused her peers to publicly humiliate her and consequently ruined her first day back to Oakdale High. Oh yeah, and she LOOKED LIKE A BIT OF A TRAMP in it. Or like she was going out in her underwear. Neither of which a self-respecting girl would want to go out looking like.

BUT! I gotta say...if being a complete and total HOT MESS is what gets one of the Snyder kids to spend an ENTIRE EPISODE with Holden, then I think Luke should like, burn down a building and then lie about it or something. :-P Seriously. I am pissed and jealous for Luke that whiny little brat-face Faith (can you tell how I feel about her right now? :-P) got a WHOLE EPISODE with Holden while Luke, who's going through a breakup, only got ONE DAMN SCENE with him the other day. ARGH.

But also, Holden...I FRICKING LOVE YOU TO PIECES. God. He's such a good dad. And it's a good thing, because he better be paying very close attention to Faith in these coming months. Gabriel's line today, something about, "I'm sure that dress looked really good on you" to Faith? Yup. Either she's getting a Rohypnol cocktail from him really soon, or she's gonna go the route of Liberty and end up unexpectedly preggers. Heh. It will be fun watching Holden break Gabriel in half when one of those things goes down. :-) Holden Snyder is not afraid to beat the hell out of you with an oar at any given time, son!


And, that scene where Faith cried on his shoulder was so fricking sweet. Oh, Holden. I love you. Can you be my dad for a while? (PS - Please go spend some more time with Luke. I know he's your favourite kid. :-P)

So now, since Molly went to talk to Faith about being an asshat all the time, Faith convinced her to get Gabriel a job...with Carly at Monte Carlo. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but...Gabriel just got fired for stealing a dress. And now he's going to go work for a clothing-design company? Does anyone see the disconnection here?

Also, he was hired on the spot, lickety-split. He doesn't even know Carly's name. How I wish getting hired in the real world was that easy!

And I KNEW IT! I said it the other day - Gabriel is the one stalking Craig! Now we just have to find out why. What could Gabriel possibly have to do with Craig? And who gives a shit, really? Shady kid is shady! I don't like him. And apparently, neither does anyone else. Except for Faith. And I'm gonna go out on a limb and suggest that perhaps Faith is not the best judge of character as of late. :-P

Now on to Liberty! Yay, I can enjoy her storyline now, because she's not a total biotch anymore! I was actually HAPPY for her when the doctor told her that her red blood cells (or "RBCs" as they are colloquially known :-P) are up where the doc wants them to be. So now she's scheming with Faith to get out of Minnesota, since the doctor took her bubble down (hehe) and Parker won't help her escape from the hospital.

I'm glad Janet told her about Dusty, too. If she had found out afterward that Janet had kept that information from her, I'm sure she would have been steamed. And then we'd have had to sit through her screeching at Janet about it. :-P

C'mon, Dusty! Come back to us. 'Cause now we gotta deal with Janet living at Jack and Carly's. And Carly is about five seconds from introducing the two of them to her carving knife. :-)

I feel really bad for Carly. She does want to trust Jack. She knows he'll do the right thing. The only problem is that "the right thing" currently does not involve her. And she's got no choice in the matter, because she's emotionally committed to Jack. Being with him and being without him would be equally as painful. So she has to endure. Which sucks right now! At least when Dusty was around, there was someone who was willing to whisk Janet away at a moment's notice so each pair could have their respective alone time.

Makes for good drama, though, don't it? :-) They can be one big, happy family! Not. :-P

And please...get Janet her own room this time. Sleeping in Jack and Carly's bed last time was just plain creepy. Blech.

Oh, and Carly? Can you please bitchslap Craig like you said you were going to? Why is he all up in your business all the time? Man needs to learn how to let go, for real. He's always so concerned with whatever's going on with Carly and Jack, et al. He should be focusing on kicking the crap outta Gabriel now! And keeping a close eye on Johnny. If something awful happens to that kid, I might keel over. He's too adorable for anything bad to happen to him.

And Molly and Carly had a couple scenes today! Yay! Well, yay for the first scene where they got to be gossipy girls on the couch. Screw the rest of the scenes that involved Gabriel. :-P

Oh, and I must say: thank goodness it was Liberty narrating the beginning of today's episode. For a minute, I thought it was Faith, and I kinda think Faith is the last person who should be talking about parenting. :-P


liberty, gabriel, faith, johnny, craig, janet, carly/jack, parker, holden/molly

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