A Nice Angry Episode in Which Everyone Hates Everyone Else - Today's Recap, 3/31/10

Mar 31, 2010 15:45

In a nutshell?

Lily hates Molly.
Molly hates Teh Snyder Family Drama.
Jack hates Rocco.
Liberty and Parker were mad at each other.
Parker was mad at Faith.
Holden was mad at Faith.
And Faith hates everything, but specifically Lily, and apparently herself, because she's the stupidest thing on two legs at the moment, as far as I can see.

And I'm not even joking...if I were Lily, I would put my foot so far up Faith's behind that the girl would be coughing up shoelaces!!!!!

Talk about a mega-bitch! And an epic fail - yet again - on Lily's part as a disciplinarian.

So, Liberty asks Faith to break her out of the hospital in Minnesota so she can come home and surprise Janet. Even though the doctors advised Liberty not to go, I can understand why she did and I'm okay with that.

But then Faith - the sharpest tool in the shed she is not! - decides to steal money from Lily's stash (which she keeps in a book flap on the living room bookshelf...odd) and jumps on a plane without telling ANYONE what she's doing.

Seriously...I would have just asked. Why didn't she JUST ASK? Maybe if she explained what she was doing, Lily would have understood and let her go. Or maybe Lily would have gone with her, even. PS - What if something had happened to that plane? Holden and Lily would have had no idea where she was, what she was doing, or ANYTHING!

I say again: look up the word "dumbass" in the dictionary, and there'll be a picture of Faith underneath the word! No definition necessary.

So Liberty comes home safe and sound, and Lily's freaking out over how her "little girl" disappeared and how she just wants her "baby" back (gag, hurl!) when Faith just shows back up at home. Of course, by this point, Holden and Lily know what she's been up to, and they are not pleased.

Wanna know what happens after that?


Lily tries to be firm, but Faith rolls her eyes and stalks off, YET AGAIN. Why is Lily so afraid to discipline this girl? She's a teenager, not a monster. PUT YOUR FOOT DOWN, LILY! For Pete's sake!

So then Lily asks Molly to help her with Faith. Molly finds Faith lighting up - yes, LIGHTING UP - in Old Town, and finagles the cigarrette away from her. Molly and Faith bond a bit, with Molly asking Faith if she'll confide in her before she does anything that she thinks might be questionable by her parents. Faith agrees, and they head back to the Lilypad.

Wanna know what happens after that?


Holden lays down some laws, Faith agrees and hugs him, and Lily stands there useless, because that's what she is. But the laws that Holden laid down are - again - nothing! What is Faith learning from all of this?


She knows that she can still be slippery and get away with it. She knows that she can tell Holden what he wants to hear and he'll believe her, because he wants to give her the benefit of the doubt. And now she knows that even though they're not BFFs and Molly won't take her shit, Molly's still on her side.

This girl doesn't deserve to have people on her side. She deserves to be driven to school to make sure she goes every day, come home and have to do her homework right away, be grounded, have no allowance, and to be forced to pay Lily back the SEVEN HUNDRED DOLLARS she yanked for the plane ride. And this needs to continue until she can EARN her parents' trust back. This girl needs a lesson in RESPONSIBILITY. Actions have consequences, and Faith needs to learn this PRONTO. Life isn't a free ride. Mommy and Daddy only pick up after you for so long; there comes a time when they kick you out on your ass and say, "SEE YA!" no matter what your circumstances are.

Seriously, Faith gets off scot-free. She steals money, skips school, endangers a friend's health, lies about it all, and then pats herself on the back about it. With no repercussions from the adults! This on top of everything else she's been pulling lately, with her snotty attitude and "couldn't care less about anyone else" mentality. WTF?!

And she dares to blame Damian for her issues?! SHE'S NO BETTER!!! Damian's kinda looking like a saint at the moment.

Okay, G...breathe. Deep breaths. Whew.

I have no words. (Well, I should say I have no words left, :-P). I cannot believe the dumbf*ckery I am watching in this storyline with Faith. And then Holden says something about how Luke wasn't a walk in the park, either. But Luke wasn't an asshole just for the sake of being an asshole. He wasn't trying to disrespect Lily and Holden the way Faith is. Most of his issues stemmed from emotional places that had a deeper impact on him other than "Oh, he's just acting out". I don't recall Holden or Lily ever chalking it up to Luke just acting out. Even when he binged on alcohol and nearly killed himself a couple times over, it wasn't just to test his parents. It was always something closer to home, closer to his heart and what he was feeling.

Btw, I'm offended when people allude to how teenage girls always rebel against their parents, especially their mothers. I never did anything like this when I was a teen. In fact, in my teenage years, I was the happiest kid in town. You couldn't have paid me to do drugs or steal money. Not interested. And my relationship with my mom has always remained intact and amazing. I am the exception to the rule, and I like it that way.

Of course, the other half of me says that Lily and Holden should just let Faith eff her life up nice and good. Wait till everything falls apart - including her health. Then maybe she'll stop being an epic moron.

And Lily, seriously...stop blubbering like a child and GROW A PAIR! You're the mother - FRIGGING ACT LIKE IT!


Anyway. Next topic? Yes. :-)

So, I could be wrong, but...I'm thinking that the office at WOAK is most likely not the best place to have sex. I mean, to each his own, but...really. It's too public. And yet Molly and Holden tried to do it anyway. :-P Don't blame 'em, I'm just sayin'. ;-) However, WOAK Sexytiems got interrupted by Faith's drama.

Okay, so. Liberty's home! Yay. She and Janet were very cute! Janet was happy that she was home, even though she was also worrying about Liberty's health. It was good to see Liberty up and walking around, though. I bet those first couple episodes drove the new actress crazy, because she just sat in a bed surrounded in plastic all the time. :-P But now she's staying at Jack and Carly's with Janet, and I have to say, I'm actually liking her SO MUCH. The new actress makes Liberty cute and fun.

And she and Parker were adorable, weren't they? OMG. "Don't be mad at me! I'm supposed to be mad at you!" LOL. They were so cute snuggling on the couch. I kinda hope the two of them get back together.

But! While we're on the subject of the Ciccones, Rocco can go get run over by a truck. Seriously. I'm glad that it seems like he didn't really want to hurt Dusty - maybe just rough him up a bit - but he's still in contact with Ralph, and I still don't trust his intentions. He's not in Oakdale because he wants to be a good father - I'd bet my life savings on that. And now he's making phone calls to Ralph and is being shady and I just don't like it. Ugh.

Good thing is, though, that Jack is TOTALLY on to him. Thank God Jack's got good cop instincts and can smell the B.S. as well as he does. Rocco Ciccone doesn't pull the wool over Jack Snyder's eyes; not no way, not no how! :-P

And Dusty's still not awake. :-( C'mon, Dusty! Wake up! We want you back!

Okay, now that I've had a stroke over Faith, I think I'm gonna end this recap. :-P Tomorrow's episode looks good - we've got Bob and Kim (and champagne..ooh la la!), Chris and Katie acting as party planners, and Carly ripping Craig a NEW ONE! Aw yeah. :-) And Gabriel looking like a lost kitten. Tool!


liberty, jack, faith, recap post, rocco, lily, janet/dusty, parker, written by g, holden/molly

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