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Comments 4

lmichelle599 March 10 2010, 01:01:12 UTC

Craig's still feels he can get Carly back with the Monte Carlo thing. I don't see it working and when she finds out about him embezzling money from Parker's trust fund then the shit's really going to hit the fan.

Janet's period is two months late. Yay! It's gotta be Dusty's. I think she'll have a sonogram, but they won't be able to tell how far along she is (for some strange soap reason) and it'll draw out the angst even more. *headdesk*

I'm so over Damian and even Lily and Holden, too. But, it's always been Lily and Holden, so I don't see Molly around for long, unless she gets involved with someone else. Besides, Lesli still has a job as Felicia on B&B. She'll need it. *g*


g_and_honey March 10 2010, 22:16:11 UTC
Craig needs to move on! Carly's so not interested anymore. And when she finds out about the money, Craig better prepare himself!

Even with her lateness, I'm skeptical about Janet's situation, though it would be great if the baby was Dusty's. And I'm positive they'll be dragging this out for as long as freaking possible. *headdesks with you*

I wish Damian hadn't come back, actually. I liked the ending he had with Luke, and I'm mad that they've brought him back purely as an asshole who wants Lily. Ugh. Lame.

I'm hoping Molly will still stay. I don't want Lily with Holden just yet. Lily must redeem herself with me first! LOL.



kelly_ken March 10 2010, 01:40:47 UTC
LOLOLOL @ your description of bipolar Damian and Lily. XD

Oh, wow. That's such a sweet proposal from Dusty. Why, Janet, WHY?

Yay for Luke/NuFaith interaction tomorrow. I haven't seen how she looks like or acts, so I'll be seeing her for the first time tomorrow!


g_and_honey March 10 2010, 22:17:59 UTC
Haha! Damian and Lily were totally nuts! They couldn't keep their feelings straight.

And Dusty....I know, right?! God. Janet's an idiot for hemming and hawing.

Ah! Nu!Faith firsts for you! Whee! Unfortunately, I think she's a DB :-P. Maybe Luke will knock some sense into her (as he usually does, lol).



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