Mar 09, 2010 15:40
I'm sorry, but when Damian clunked Holden over the head with a chunk of wood and then dragged Lily away from the house, the whole thing looked like some sort of caveman/Tarzan situation. All they needed were loincloths! Hahahahaha!
So, bipolar Lily and Damian are bipolar today. I mean, yeah...Lily was lying at first, but she was all, "Oh, poor baby Damian. Don't worry..." and then suddenly she was screaming, "I HATE YOU! DIE!" And Damian was all, "Cara, I adore you, I love you, I miss you," but then he was like, "YOU'RE MINE, BITCH! STOP STRUGGLING!"
So Molly and Holden make it to Forest Hills (teehee) but before Holden can do anything, Damian clunks him with a fuck-off plank of wood and knocks him out, then proceeds to drag Lily to...somewhere. I have no idea where the hell they were. Some place by the water, presumably where they could catch a ship, because I heard seagulls in the background.
Back at the house, Molly finds Faith tied to a chair, and the two of them wake Holden up from his impromptu nap. Faith blathers on about what an idiot she was (and we all agree with her), while Molly takes off after Lily and Damian, where she finds them in the middle of a Three Stooges re-enactment. Molly watches as Damian pulls Lily's hair, she retaliates by poking him in the eyes, he smacks her upside the head, and she whacks him back with a frying pan. Nyut, nyut.
Okay, I made that last part up. :-P That would have been really funny, though! Hahahahaha!
No, it ended with Molly saying something like, "Hope I'm not interrupting," with Damian looking back at her all aghast. DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNN.
And FINALLY we get a Luke namedrop! I say again: where the hell has he been for this storyline? Damian's all, "I'm only here for you and Luciano," to Lily, but LUCIANO IS DECIDEDLY ABSENT FROM THIS SCENE. I do not understand. And Damian was planning on taking Lily off to sea, with NO THOUGHT OF BRINGING LUKE WITH THEM.
Uh...does this make sense to anyone? 'Cause I'm still trying to figure it out. If Damian wanted his "family" so badly, then he would have been trying to convince to Luke to come with him, too.
And I've pretty much given up on any hope of seeing a Luke and Damian meeting after this is all over. I doubt we'd get a nice wrap-up between father and son from the writers. Argh. We were lucky that Luke and Holden got those three seconds to be like, "Hey, glad you didn't kill Damian, Dad!"
Sometimes watching this show is an exercise in frustration.
Case in point: Janet. Oh dear Lord, Janet Ciccone Snyder. I am three seconds away from swinging you around by your hair. DUSTY OFFERS TO BUY HER A HOUSE TODAY. Like, a real house, with rooms for ALL the kids (I'm assuming Liberty, Johnny, and little Baby Unknown), and SHE CAN'T GIVE HIM AN ANSWER?! Idiot, idiot, idiot! Dusty even said that he would wait for her to make up her mind, and he would be a good father to her baby, whether or not the child is his. WHAT IS THIS WOMAN WAITING FOR? Get the damn annulment, move out of the farm, and GO BE WITH DUSTY BEFORE WE ALL HATE YOU FOREVER. People wait their entire lives to find a partner who's like Dusty. Janet's got it staring her in the face and she's trudging through the mud with her decision?! Argh.
And as much as I'm loving Jack and Carly together, they were kinda making me gag today with all the kissy-smoochy. :-P We get it, we get it. You two have the Bella/Edward-type of OMG ETERNAL LOOOOOVE. Let's move on.
:-P (Btw, I'm a Twilight fan, so I'm allowed to make fun of it. :-P)
No, I'm happy for them. Truly, I am. Now if only Carly could stop asking Jack if his feelings for her have changed. LOL. That might help. Trust is a good thing.
And Craig, today. WTH, Craig? Nosy Nelly much? He's got his nose all up in Carly and Jack's business. And Carly was telling him ALL ABOUT IT!
How is ANY of Carly's personal life related to Monte Carlo? Why wasn't Carly like, "GET THE HELL OUT OF MY BEDROOM, KTHX!" when Craig followed her upstairs? *coughcreepystalkercough*
I think they should just keep their personal lives separate from each other. Craig doesn't need to know what's going on with Carly and Jack. And Carly's gonna be PISSED when she finds out what Craig's doing with Parker's money!!
Previews: YAY LUKE! How I've missed you. *hugs him* NOW RIP FAITH A NEW ONE! She may be able to fool Lily, but she's never been able to pull one over on Luke. He always finds her shit out. :-P She should know this by now. So I'm pretty certain that Luke's going to weasel the truth out of her about her new "habit". (PS, this just reinforces the fact that I think Nu!Faith is a moron. I wish the writers hadn't done this to her. Hopefully they'll be able to redeem her later.) I'm excited to see how Nu!Faith interacts with Luke.
And YAY EMMA! It's been so long since we've seen her. I dunno what's gonna go down with Paul, but it's good to see her onscreen regardless!
recap post,
written by g,