Luke Snyder and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day - Today's Recap, 1/29/10

Jan 29, 2010 15:42

Oh MAN. Today's episode left me so HYPED!

Okay, first I gotta squee over Luke and Damian, because OMFG, that last scene with them tore my heart from my chest! OH MY GOD!! Oh, Luke. You guys don't mind if I spent the rest of the day huggling Luke to my bosom, do you? Because that face, that woobie face, makes me want to do just that ( Read more... )

maddie, katie, luke/noah, molly, henry, lily, holden, doc oliver, damian

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Comments 11

cookie1223 January 29 2010, 23:20:40 UTC
I have watched the preview and what I did see do not surprise me and I know you like Cali I feel sorry for you **hug**
I want to see a confrontation Luke/Damian like in 2006 **cross fingers **
Luke day's have been rough poor guy his life sucks :(
I cringed when Luke called Damian dad (if only he knew the truth )
I liked Noah scenes with Maddie these two made my day even if Noah is still a **bitter queen** :( Maddie doesn't accept Noah self pity that's a good point in my book (Luke baby him too much :P )

Reid is still an ass :P but I liked his scenes with Katie they have chemistry even if I find weird that Katie trust Reid only after one day .

Please soap god bring back Vienna I don't want to see Henry end up with Katie just no no no no no lol .


g_and_honey January 30 2010, 01:48:25 UTC
:-( My Cali fangirl heart hurts. Stupid Ali! I cannot fathom why she would want Mick, other than maybe he's got some kind of mind-control over her, too. Yuck! Thanks for the empathy, though! *hugsback ( ... )


lmichelle599 January 30 2010, 00:28:58 UTC

They did not end it like that. Vigilante!Holden. I wish him luck, but I doubt he's going to stop Damian.

I know. WTF, Katie? Seriously. That's like Bonehead Move of the Year, even for soap characters.

Didn't expect the Luke/Damian scene. :(

I was thinking since Dr. Oliver said Luke had to stay away and they're breaking up again, maybe Noah and Oliver are going to sleep together. We don't know if he's gay or straight. Given Katie's move, they might decide to hook up her and Dr. Oliver. Both sound like a bad idea to me.

The preview of Jack and Carly: "How come I feel like when I'm with her, I'm cheating on you?" *sigh* That about killed me.


g_and_honey January 30 2010, 01:51:54 UTC
LOL. Vigilante!Holden. Haha!

I think Damian's going to survive. Or, Holden's going to honestly think he's dead and tell everyone he is, but later we find out that Damian's still alive. Or something like that. :-)

Oh, God. I really don't want Noah to sleep with Reid. I think that would be awkward. :-/ I actually kinda like Reid with Katie, so I'd rather he stay straight. :-P

And poor Jack. Still stuck between his rock and hard place. :-( He and Carly have been tugging at my heartstrings for too long now.



dreamer_98 January 30 2010, 00:34:54 UTC
I agree that it was really random and impulsive for Katie to just ask Reid to move in with her. And darn it, now he may be blocking a possible Kenry reunion. I'm starting to dislike him more now.

I'd like to switch places with Noah, please. I can't bear to watch Mick and Alison mack on each other. I'd rather take a bath in piranha-infested waters dressed as a meatloaf!



g_and_honey January 30 2010, 01:54:30 UTC
LOL. When Katie asked Reid to move in, my first thought was, "Doctors can still be serial killers, Katie!" Which is honestly something I've never thought before, lol. But it could so be true! She has no idea who he is; what if he tried to murder her in her sleep or something? (Perhaps I am thinking too much into this. Haha!)

And hehe. Glad you liked that little passage. Mick and Ali make me want to stab my eyes out repeatedly with a dull object. :-P



flytalian January 31 2010, 15:05:02 UTC
I'm curious to see what more of Luke's reaction is going to be, and if he's going to tell Noah what happened with Damian. And if Noah's gonna figure out that Luke is hurting from all of this!

Yeah, these thoughs occurred to me too. Must be that I already know show won't cover that part - - but that's what fics are for, right? ;)


flytalian January 31 2010, 15:07:09 UTC
PS: Even though I don't follow the rest of the show, I love your recaps! And Maddie was so adorably great in this ep - I really missed her!


g_and_honey January 31 2010, 20:21:01 UTC
Ooh! Yes! That's definitely what fics are for! I promise I will read as soon as I get the chance. ♥

Maddie was really great. I just love her to bits. And I love that she doesn't take any of Noah's pity party crap. :-)

And thank you so much! I'm so happy you enjoy my recaps! That makes me feel so good!! ♥ ♥



kelly_ken February 2 2010, 19:55:09 UTC
*runs off to watch that cheek-kiss from Damian to Luke*

Katie and Reid...o-kay. Makes no sense at all.

LOL! Sorry. I feel bad that your Ali-love is now gone. Blame it on Mick!


g_and_honey February 2 2010, 20:27:37 UTC
OMG the kiss! The KISS! And the hugging and clutching and the tears and Damian says, "Arrivederci, figlio mio" and Luke calls him "Dad" and just OMFG I LOVE THAT SCENE! Wasn't it so great? *_*

Yeah, Reid and Katie = WUT? o_O But I actually do like them together! LOL.

I haven't given up completely on Ali yet...but I'm SUPER pissed that she's all attracted to Mick or whatever. UGH. I HATE him so much! :-P



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