Luke Snyder and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day - Today's Recap, 1/29/10

Jan 29, 2010 15:42

Oh MAN. Today's episode left me so HYPED!

Okay, first I gotta squee over Luke and Damian, because OMFG, that last scene with them tore my heart from my chest! OH MY GOD!! Oh, Luke. You guys don't mind if I spent the rest of the day huggling Luke to my bosom, do you? Because that face, that woobie face, makes me want to do just that!!

So, normally I appreciate how well Luke and Damian fight, and how well Luke lets Damian have it when they do, but they are equally as good when they're sweet and adorable with one another.

And the tears! And the hugging! And Damian kissed him on the cheek! And Luke called him "Dad"! And and and...I think I'm gonna combust from all the cuteness! kdfk;fgjhdfk,fjhgjkfldkdhdst!!!

Honey is coming to visit me today, and I cannot wait to re-watch this episode with her!! OMG OMG. *faints*

Now poor Luke's gonna be even more torn up when Holden fills him in on what really happened with Damian (after this apparent confrontation Holden and Damian are going to have on the docks). Oy. I don't think I'd want to be in Luke's shoes right now. (Oh hell, who am I kidding. I'd trade places with him any day. :-P)

Now on to the boys. I am still beyond frustrated with Noah, though he didn't make me angry today like he did the other day. :-P He still blames Luke for the accident (which still pisses me off) and he was pretty much completely unforgiving to Luke today. Especially his "thank you" to Luke. He might as well have said, "Piss off," because it sounded the same to me. I know what a sincere Noah Mayer Thank You sounds like, and that was NOT it. And it hurt when Luke was so happy for him about the surgery and he told Luke that they needed to stay away from each other right then and there. Little does Noah know what Luke is carrying around with him right now.

But! Two good things with Noah: 1) Dr. Oliver has agreed to try the surgery (thank the heavens. Now Noah can stop being such a bitter queen (that phrase copyright Miss Moey :-P), and 2) his scenes with Maddie were sweet. Did you notice how he put his hand on Maddie's knee when they were sitting on the couch talking? Very sweet. And I have to give props to Maddie, because she was trying to give props to Luke (though Noah would have none of it) when they were talking. And she was right, though Noah wouldn't listen. I just love Maddie. Girl is too awesome for words.

And in some alternate reality where Noah is straight, I would have liked to see his relationship with Maddie work out. They could have been really cute together. (Damn you, Jake...who the hell looks good with both guys and girls?! So not fair! :-P)

So of today's episode, the boys are in limbo with each other. I'm curious to see what more of Luke's reaction is going to be, and if he's going to tell Noah what happened with Damian. And if Noah's gonna figure out that Luke is hurting from all of this! You'd have to be blind not to notice how upset Luke is...oh, wait. :-P Totally kidding. Noah should know him well enough to know that whatever's going on with Damian is going to affect Luke. And since a lot of Luke's relatives got hurt in the process, it's most likely going to weigh heavily on him. And hello, thrust into owning a company much? Yeah. Luke's now the head of Grimaldi Shipping. Piece of cake! (Not.)

So, I'm lowering Noah's status as an Epic Buttmunch to just a Buttmunch for now. I'm clinging onto the stupid spoiler from Soap Central (bane of my existence!) that says the break will be "temporary". I really miss my sweethearted Noah. I can't wait to have him back. *sob*

So let's talk about how unrealistic Katie's interaction with Dr. Oliver was today. Oh, meeting at Java and telling him he acted like he had a foot up his ass was wonderful, and then convincing him to take a look at Jacob was good, too...but then INVITING HIM TO MOVE INTO YOUR HOUSE?! Uh,'ve known this guy like, what...THREE SECONDS?! She left me scratching my head with that one, although I have to admit that I really like the chemistry the two of them have. I think they worked well in the scene together. Though I don't see her getting many footrubs out of Reid. I'm pretty sure he'd spit on her first, at least right now, anyway. :-P

And poor Henry got the shaft. He was all excited about the idea of moving in and helping Katie take care of the baby, and he was right smack in the middle of giving her a footrub when in strolls Dr. Wonderful, and poor Henry gets kicked to the curb. T_T Poor guy didn't even have a chance.

Though his scene with Maddie at Al's was really cute. I love how the two of them always meet up and cry about their lives together. They're such great support for one another. Just love it!

You know who else I feel bad for? Molly. My God, that woman has done a lot of crying these past few days. I feel so awful for her. She made a mistake, and if you ask me, Holden's better off with her at the moment. Forget Lily. Lily's a headcase right now (HAHA no pun intended, since she bumped her head today and had to get an MRI). Molly's got a few less issues going on at the moment. And Holden's gonna need someone strong to lean on after everything goes down with Damian, because I bet both Luke and Lily are going to turn to him for guidance after the smoke clears. At least, Luke will. And Luke's got enough on his plate right now. He's gonna need his daddy. :-(

Aaaaaaand NutMeg. What's worse than NutMeg on the rampage? NutMeg with a GUN on the rampage! HAHAHA. Man, she popped right quick out of that trunk, didn't she? LULZ. She kinda looked like one of those Primitive Man displays at a natural history museum or something. All she needed was the loin cloth HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! And then - she's such a psycho, maybe she really does belong at Deerbrook - she goes BACK to Damian's room at the Lakeview and curls up on his couch! Oh, my. Meg needs some counseling, STAT. This obsession with Damian has got to stop! He's not worth this kind of madness. Meg had a life before Damian came into the picture; it would be nice to see her get back to it.

And I'm giving a TEENY TINY bit of credit to Lily today, for keeping her inner twelve-year-old at bay when she was talking to Molly. They have a little bit of common ground at the moment, since they were both manipulated by Damian. I was sure that Lily was going to rub Holden in Molly's face (heh, I'll leave that phrase to your imagination), but she didn't. Not too much, anyway. She still had her usual Lily Cockiness, but I guess we can't blame her for that. Not too much, anyway. :-P

And I'm saying this now, in response to the preview...ALISON STEWART IS DEAD TO ME! Methinks thou art a SHITHEAD, Ali! (Thanks, Honey! :-P) Seriously, guys. Who the frick willingly chooses to sleep with Mick? Especially when the alternative is CASEY?! I'd like to switch places with Noah, please. I can't bear to watch Mick and Alison mack on each other. I'd rather take a bath in piranha-infested waters dressed as a meatloaf!



So, yeah. I'm still hyped. Good thing Honey's coming into NY today, I need to share more of my energy. :-)

Happy Friday to you all! ♥


PS - I loves me some Woobieface!Luke. I know you do, too! ♥ ♥

maddie, katie, luke/noah, molly, henry, lily, holden, doc oliver, damian

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