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Comments 4

rhiannonhero August 18 2010, 20:12:57 UTC
I agree that the episode was a bit anticlimactic, but I also loved it. And it amused me greatly that Reid was all, "You're overreacting and it isn't comforting!" to Luke when he'd been so hilarious overreactive over Luke and Noah chatting in a public place. LOL! And it didn't annoy me because I was like, "Oh, hilarious." And also how Luke just owned it. And how Reid just let it be over then.

Loved that.

And they found Babs! THANK GOD THAT IS OVER!


g_and_honey August 19 2010, 23:33:46 UTC
"Anticlimactic" is the perfect word for this episode! But I still enjoyed it as well. I loved how Luke and Reid talked and like you said, Reid just let it go right then and there after they'd talked it out. (I also really liked the scene where Luke was like, "I don't want any part of your lies!" and Reid stopped him and told him the truth. ♥_♥ *Sigh* So lovely.)

As for Babs, RIGHT?! Thank goodness they finally fricking found her. I was about to go insane over the whole thing!



lmichelle599 August 19 2010, 01:40:22 UTC

Finally they found Barbara. Fucking finally.


Liveblogging is ROFLOL today.


g_and_honey August 19 2010, 23:35:52 UTC
Thank all that's holy, they found Barbara!!!

"...Unless, those were different pills, and Katie is just worried because "it's lasted more than four hours."




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