As Vienna's Pathetic World Turns - Today's Mini Recap, 6/30/10

Jun 30, 2010 16:44

If I rolled my eyes ONE MORE TIME during this whole episode, I swear they'd get stuck in the back of my head. I am SO OVER Vienna and her stupid, annoying "baby" plot.

I'm so glad that Barbara is on to her! I can't even tell you guys how happy that makes me. Now all we can do is hope that Barbara has the guts to follow through on telling Henry the ( Read more... )

luke/reid, chris, barbara, recap post, katie, henry, casey, vienna, written by g, bob. kim

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Comments 6

rhiannonhero June 30 2010, 21:19:09 UTC
And Reid was just like, "Uhh...whoops. I bad!" HAHAHAHAHAHA. Understatement of the week! :-P


I'm so on board for Luke and Reid that it is unreal. *sigh* :D


g_and_honey July 1 2010, 20:21:07 UTC
LOL! I loved that, too! HAHA. Oh, Reid. :-) At least he admitted it flat-out!

I never expected to like them as much as I do, but I'm glad that I do! Van and Eric are fantastic together and I love the push-pull that Luke and Reid have. ♥



lmichelle599 June 30 2010, 21:55:34 UTC

I am so over Vienna. I hope Barbara tells Henry about Vienna whoring around with Casey. Or waits for the wedding to do it. I'm so evil. *twirls mustache*

I was hoping for a kiss between Luke and Reid. :( Are they backing off on the gay again? We probably won't get anymore of this storyline until next week.


g_and_honey July 1 2010, 20:24:06 UTC
I am RIGHT WITH YOU on Vienna! I can't stand her anymore! It's really a shame the show chose to destroy her like this. :-/ Oh, well. As long as Benry wins, I'm okay with that! *twirls mustache with you*

I was hoping for another kiss, too. BOO, ATWT. LAME. I hope the show isn't censoring the storyline, because that would be DOUBLY lame. If there's any time for them to let it all hang out, it would be now!

And BWAHAHAHAHAHA @ liveblog! I loved all the Lesbian!Kim references!



sleeper6 July 1 2010, 04:28:17 UTC
After my initial frustration about the no kiss, I re-watched. I agree about Vienna--now, she's just mean. I do not like her but I still pity her that she's actually the pathetic party in this triangle, all desperate and devious.

I never give up on Luke and today reminded me why. Luke did another selfless thing by giving up his seat and he didn't do it to get Reid back because Reid had already pushed him away. He did it because he cares, likes Reid and is Luke, generous and caring and awesome. And I'm so glad he finally gets Reid and didn't believe Reid when Reid acted like he didn't care.

Reid was Reid today (which I like a lot) until the end when Reid was the new Reid (which I love), the one that smiles and acts vulnerable and human with Luke. As much as he's in love with Luke, I do like that he accepted his job back even if it didn't necessarily mean that Luke would be part of the package. The guy's still got some sense.

Great LuRe episode.


g_and_honey July 1 2010, 20:29:58 UTC
I still pity her that she's actually the pathetic party in this triangle, all desperate and devious.

OMG YES. Pathetic barely even covers it!

And I TOTALLY agree with you on your views of Luke and Reid. Luke was at his finest in this episode, I think. I love how selfless and honest he is (most of the time :-P). I think we all had an inkling that he was going to give his seat up for Reid, and I'm so glad we were right!

And yes! Smiley and vulnerable Reid FTW! But also...snarky and sarcastic Reid FTW, too. Hehe!

Great eppy, indeed. :-)



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