And Luke Gets Spanked - Twice - But Not In The Good Way - Today's Recap, 5/31/10

May 31, 2010 16:05

All right, so let's get all the other stuff out of the way before we get to the boys ( Read more... )

barbara, eliza, recap post, emma, noah, richard, casey, henry/vienna, doc oliver, paul/emily, alison, luke, written by g, meg

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Comments 8

francine2869 May 31 2010, 23:19:03 UTC
I still think that Emily is drugging her tea and that's what's causing her to flip out,
Totally agree. Emily's "I'll be happy to get that for you" when Meg asked for chamomile tea? And I think there was some emphasis on Emily picking up that same tea cup when she and Barbara were tidying up after Vienna's, um, speech? Announcement?

Meg was calm and fairly rational at the Lakeview and was only NutMeg later after drinking the tea at Fairwinds. I say fairly because even though she is high strung I give her props for putting up with Emily's constant put-downs, attempts to have her re-commited and all around selfish, hysterical behaviour. I usually like Emily's intelligence, but lately she's singing the same old song over and over again. I'm predicting that Paul gets sick of her and becomes closer to Meg again. I loved today's scene where Paul asked Meg if she trusted him and then held out his hand for her. I think there was special emphasis on that too.


g_and_honey June 1 2010, 23:49:40 UTC
LOL. Yeah...the show is definitely leaning towards Emily drugging Meg's tea, isn't it? I'm still kinda hoping not, because I don't think that would help Emily's situation,'s fun nonetheless! :-)

I'm thinking that Paul and Meg might start getting closer again, too. He's already been doing everything he can to take care of her in her time of need...and Emily isn't liking it one bit!

♥ Paul. He's so grown on me. :-)



lmichelle599 May 31 2010, 23:45:38 UTC

I thought Luke and Reid were going to habve sex. I was surprised that reid kicked him out. I'm avoiding spoilers, but do think they'll probably have sex at some point, given that Noah said they were through. :(


g_and_honey June 1 2010, 23:52:55 UTC
Yeah...the beginning of this ep really seemed like they were about to get it on. I'm glad they didn't, though, because it's not right yet. I want Luke to want to, if he's going to at all. I'm not avoiding spoilers :-P, but I think they're going to as well. I hope the writers do it justice and don't make it cheap or quick.

I know Noah said that they're through, but...I don't buy it. Five seconds before that he was telling Richard how much he was in love with Luke.

Liveblogging was hysterical. I especially loved all the "creepily peering" references. LOL! Poor Noah. :-)



brighton_girl June 1 2010, 01:12:09 UTC
Poor Meg...I feel bad for her. Especially since I'm convinced that Emily is spiking her tea. I know that the character is leaving, but it's kind of a bummer that this is the way it's going to go. I'm not sure how I feel about Paul. He really lets Emily rule the roost doesn't he?

And poor Barbara! She just can't seem to catch a break...I want to see her and Henry happy.

Speaking of happy or you know not happy...the boys. Guh. Heartbreaking. Also, this show's writers suck. As you know I despise Reid...but he did something today that was right, and that was ask Luke to leave. I think if Luke had been honest with Noah, that maybe the conversation would be different...but yeah, he wasn't. I think these scenes were why I stopped watching soaps. I really don't dig angst...ha! So, this is going to be a very long summer for me...even though I do believe Nuke is end game. I honestly don't know if I will make it to the end. :/


g_and_honey June 1 2010, 23:57:42 UTC
I think Emily is drugging her tea, too...though I'm not sure what kind of leverage Emily is going to gain by that!

Most of the time, I'd say yeah, Emily rules the roost, but Paul's pretty good at putting his foot down when he wants to be. I think he's just going to keep taking care of Meg as best he can, too.

And the boys. Oh, boys. I have to admit that I really liked this episode. I think Noah was my favourite part of the whole thing! Jake was so, so good in his delivery. I wish Luke had stuck up for himself a bit more (and had been a little less bi-polar about the whole thing), but other than that, I thought their fight was fantastic. I must be a masochist! :-P

And I agree, Reid did the right thing by kicking Luke out. I don't understand what Luke was trying to achieve by going there to spill his guts to Reid if he didn't have anything to say that Reid would have wanted to hear. :-/ Strange.

But aww...hang in there! I'm sure it'll get better! :-D



sleeper6 June 2 2010, 05:20:50 UTC
Loved your entire assessment of the episode. I'm going to add this to my memories. Thank you for saying pretty much everything I wanted to say. You know I'm a Luke fan all the way (EVEN after Monday's episode) but the dude got what he deserved. He's just way too indecisive. Sucks to be that desirable. Right? That's what he gets for being so pretty. LOL ( ... )


g_and_honey June 3 2010, 13:40:38 UTC
Oh, thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed my assessment, especially since at the time of writing it, I kinda felt like it was rushed. :-P ( ... )


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