May 31, 2010 16:05
All right, so let's get all the other stuff out of the way before we get to the boys. :-)
First of all, Happy Memorial Day, everyone! :-D
So I have to admit that NutMeg today was extremely fun. I'm kinda loving it when she goes completely psycho now. I still think that Emily is drugging her tea and that's what's causing her to flip out, but she's terribly fun, isn't she? :-P
That being said, I feel bad for her. First it was Damian screwing with her, and now it's Emily (or whoever). Poor Meg. But now she's in the hospital, and hopefully they'll be able to help her. PS - Did you see Paul's face at the end of the episode? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. That was totally his "This woman is PSYCHO!" face. :-P
But Paul gets MAJOR PROPS today! OMG I loved Paul so hard in this episode. He came up with a solution to Meg and Emily's bitchfight over who gets to hold Eliza during the christening (which was to have Emily as Eliza's godmother, so they both get to hold her), he was totally sweet to Barbara and even thought it was a good idea for her to move in with him at Fairwinds (♥!), and he was totally great with Meg and calming her down and getting her help, too. GO PAUL! I'd really like to see Paul and Barbara have a good relationship by the end of the show, and today's episode was a step in the right direction. YAY!
Now if only Barbara and Henry could get their shit together. Of course, standing in the way is Vienna, who gave rawr! hiss a new definition this afternoon. Geez man, did you hear how she went off on Barbara at Fairwinds? GRRRRRR. But later Henry sorta let her have it (he stuck up for Barbara, WHEE!) and then he even admitted that he cares about Barbara to Vienna! AW YEAH! Hee! Benry FTW.
And seriously, Vienna...this whole baby thing is making me sick. She might actually be pregnant now, though, since she and Henry had got it on today (PS - CAPE! Teehee). So Casey might be off the hook, but he's totally not letting it go, and she's desperately trying to keep her charade up (even trying to announce it at Eliza's party today! WTF? What if she's not really pregnant still? Then what would she do?). And Casey is on to her in a BIG WAY. He knows that "Dr. Gravid" doesn't exist...and in fact, "Gravid" in Swedish means "pregnant" (according to the show). LOL. How long did it take you to come up with that one, Vienna? LOL.
BUT! I loved how Casey admitted to Ali that he had grown up since the pregnancy incident with Gwen way back in the day, and it seems like he'd totally be ready to step up to the plate if the baby turns out to be his. Aw, Casey. ♥ He'd totally be a fun daddy. :-D
And I loved seeing Ali and Casey working together today. I think the writers are slowly but surely trying to bring them back together. The only thing I wish is that they would stop alluding to Ali's misdeeds with Mick. It's over, she paid her penance, and I don't want Casey holding it over her head anymore. He can't fully forgive her unless he lets it go, and it seems like he wants to forgive her, so...LET IT GO CASE! Please? It's really not cool to keep shoving it in her face every time you see her. And you could just ask a favor from her because you're friends and not because she "owes you".
And now...the BOYS!
So pretty much everything with them just kinda went KABLOOEY today, didn't it? :-P
I have to say, I was nervous about Noah keeping the truth from Luke about his eyesight, but I was totally relieved that he didn't keep it secret for long. OH YEAH, AND HE CAN FRICKEN SEE AGAIN. I'm happy about that. Noah is whole again. ♥ Luke is bi-polar today. Seriously,'re giving me whiplash! One second he's sucking face and playing grabby hands with Reid, and the next he's telling Noah he loves him and wants to get back together. Pretty busy day for Mr. Snyder, isn't it? Sucks to be that desirable. :-P But seriously...Luke needs to sort himself out. It's not fair to anyone involved in this triangle, and it's driving us all nuts (for all different reasons! :-P).
Also...God I love it when the boys fight! Their fights always hurt so good. Van and Jake are so good at it! I really liked their fight at Yo's. It was honest and just...good. I dunno. I didn't really like how Luke blew his kiss with Reid off, though...because at this point, a kiss is not just a kiss, not with Reid (and not with Luke). Especially since Luke initiated it this time around. He very obviously has feelings for Reid (and he said as much, to both Reid and Noah today) so I guess he's just torn as to what to do. Which means he needs to be single for a little while to get his head straight.
And it looks like he's gonna get the chance to be, because both Noah and Reid told him to go piss up a rope today! Geez. Noah let him have it (understandably so, since he was shocked and angry), and then Reid told him to get out when he came over to Katie's! AGHH.
I liked how Noah asked Luke if he had slept with Reid in Texas. I kinda had a feeling that would come up. :-P What do you guys think...if Noah found out that Luke had slept with Reid, would that have totally put the kabosh on them forever? I'm not convinced that Noah truly believes that he and Luke are over. I think he was just going on his anger today, and therefore, that leaves room for reconciliation later, when he's calmed down and thought things through. Whether Luke's answer was yes or no today (about having sex with Reid) wouldn't have made a difference...but what about down the line? Do you think that Noah would forgive Luke? ("Forgive" isn't really the correct term, because the boys are broken up and technically Luke can be with whoever he wants, but you know what I mean...) Would Noah be able to get past it and make this relationship better than what it was, knowing that Luke and Reid had sex?
Ooooh, I just LOVE all this soapy drama! I love it, guys, I so do. And I thought Jake was fantastic today. I was worried that Noah was gonna be ridiculous about everything, but he was totally on point with everything he said (except maybe the "I can see, I don't need you" line...that was harsh!). I mean, could argue that the boys are broken up and all,'s obvious that they still care about each other, and I think it's all right that Noah feels a little (pardon the term) blind-sided about this. He didn't even know what Reid looked like, LOL! And they say that two people only fight when they truly understand one another, so... :-)
Oh, and Reid tossing Luke out? Hell yeah. Tell me you didn't see that coming! LOL. There's the Reid Oliver I know and love! :-P (And this is coming from me...the biggest Luke supporter on the planet! LOL.) "Go lick your wounds somewhere else." Ouch.
So even though things went from bad to worse in one episode, I really enjoyed it. I loves me the drama and angst! More to come, too! (Though I'd be lying if I didn't say that today's episode, in regards to upcoming spoilers, doesn't leave me a little...confused...but I'll just have to wait and see how it all plays out...)
And now, I want to share with you a Honey-ism. She always comes up with these hilarious sayings that, even if I don't agree with her, totally make me bust out laughing.
You know how Luke said, "You're really good at your job," to Reid today, in reference to Noah getting his eyesight back? (PS - Reid was genuinely happy that Noah had gotten his sight fully back.) Well, Honey hates Reid with a passion (she practically spits on the screen every time she sees him, LOL), and today's eppy reminded her of a conversation we'd once had about Reid, in which I was trying to get her to see the good things in him, and she promptly responded (with extreme sarcasm, I might add), "It's like God took a crap and it became Reid Oliver." She then rolled her eyes and I busted a gut because I laughed over this for the rest of the day. :-P And I love Reid! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
It's okay, though...Nukies, take a deep breath. LuRers, inhale, exhale. We have two more days this week to see where it all goes! I'm excited!
PS - Today's scenes between Noah and Richard at Yo's? Kinda went like this:
N: Don't you have an elsewhere to be?
R: Nah, not really...
N: No seriously, dude...GTFO.
R: But...I'm not finished with my drink--
N: (pours drink on Richard's head; leaves cup resting there) You are now, bitch.
PPS - I really like Richard. Honestly, I do. :-)
recap post,
doc oliver,
written by g,