And This Triangle Keeps On Keepin' On - Today's Recap, 5/28/10

May 28, 2010 18:30

First, I have to say...Danny Bryck surprised me! In a good way. He's actually not a bad actor at all! I was expecting for his scenes with Jake to be horribly awkward, but they totally weren't! I liked him. :-) It's also kinda nice seeing Noah have some other friends. (Though I have to say...their talk about Noah still loving Luke really made it sound like Richard had previously expressed his feelings to Noah, but Noah had been dawdling and/or not interested in him. Otherwise Noah wouldn't have been apologetic towards him when he said he still loved Luke.)

I REALLY liked this episode. Much like yesterday's, it had a nice, homey feel to it. Nothing huge or over-the-top was all very domestic. (Well, nothing huge except Noah getting his eyesight fully back, but honestly...when he woke up and saw Luke (albeit with blurry vision), that made a bigger impact, I feel.) Anyway. Where to start?

How about Libs and Gabriel? *snort* Okay, if I wasn't convinced that Gabriel is a complete and utter tool by yesterday's episode (and pretty much every episode with him beforehand), today's episode cemented it for me. All of his scenes with Craig in jail, I just kept thinking, What a little asshole. Seriously. :-P And then he was all high and mighty towards Craig, as if he were a more moral person or something...but're in jail, too, ya jackass! You ain't much better than Daddy Dearest over there.

And then the fake choking. I gotta say...I didn't expect that! I totally thought Craig just went off the deep end started strangling Gabriel (not that I would blame him if he did) when I watched the preview yesterday. But alas, it was just Gabriel being more of a jerk and setting Craig up to look like the bad guy.

And Lucinda! Rawr. Man, has she got it in for Craig! She's enjoying this all immensely. And then she offers to pay Gabriel to get out of town once he testifies against Craig in court. Shit! :-P Lucinda's really got Craig by the balls, for lack of a more elegant phrasing. :-P Totally sucks to be Craig right now.

And poor Johnny. I felt so bad for him because he was upset about Craig being in jail, but dude...I'd take Dusty over Craig in a heartbeat! Screw Craig. :-P I'd rather have Dusty, and today's episode was testament to why. He knew Johnny was upset, but he told him the truth about everything, and then he called Janet over (and Liberty joined them later) to cheer him up! Which totally worked. :-) Liberty even drew pictures with him and they played video games together. And then later, when Jack called, Dusty brought Johnny to the station to see Craig at his request. See? Dusty's a good dad. Oh, and Dusty also said that he should look into becoming Johnny's legal guardian before all of Craig's shit goes down. I'm inclined to agree. For Johnny's sake. Poor kid. :-( But he could totally be happy with Dusty and Janet, and if Janet would stop dragging her heels, this little family could work out pretty nicely! Hee.

And Lily. Okay, I get her not being upset about the car, because she wants to offer Gabriel a home life and doesn't want to scare him off, blah blah blah...but he stole her car and then gave her lip about staying with her, and she didn't do anything back! Sheesh. That kid's more trouble than he's worth...I think she should listen to Lucinda and cut him loose. He's only going to keep being ungrateful and making even more boneheaded moves. She's gonna be bailing him out of jail left and right, and all because she can't appease her guilty conscience. Is he even worth it? Someone please give me a redeeming quality about Gabriel. And covering for Faith's shoplifting habits doesn't count! :-P Lily's got enough kids to worry about, especially with Faith the Queen Bitch snarking off at her every five seconds. Lily doesn't need another troublemaker.

Y''s too bad we'll never see Natalie and Ethan all grown up. It might not be good television, but I'd like to see Natalie be like...the perfect little angel, straight A student, model citizen type, but have Ethan follow more in the footsteps of Luke...minor (and some major) bumps along the way to the adulthood. :-P Faith might be in jail or hustling on the street or living with hippies in Chicago by then and Luke would be off campaigning to save the world, one rally at a time. Fanfic, anyone? :-P

Ugh...but Liberty admits that she "maybe" might have feelings for Gabriel. Unless those feelings are sheer irritation and supreme revulsion, I don't understand where she's coming from. She's more of a mother hen to him than anything else. Basically Gabriel gave her plastic spoons to eat with and told her he digs her bald head, and suddenly she's all goo-goo over him. Yuk! Meanwhile, Parker's been thrown under the bus for a whole lotta things he didn't do, and he was on to Gabriel's antics from the get-go but nobody would give him the time of day about it. And yeah, Gabriel bailed him out at the end, but he bailed him out by lying (and destroying another man's life). Seriously...just one redeeming quality, guys...I'm totally open to it! :-)

Jack and Carly were surprisingly docile today. I thought for sure as soon as Janet called, Carly was going to flip shit, but she didn't. Unfortunately, Craig gets to Jack and appeals to his good side, so now Jack thinks that Craig is telling the truth when he says he didn't try to kill Gabriel. Which means that Parker is not completely off the hook at the moment. (Though, I still think Parker would be okay. So, yes...he hit Gabriel, and he left him there, but Gabriel wasn't dead, and Parker wasn't planning to hurt him. Plus, Parker had no idea about the fire, and he didn't start it, either. So I think that Parker would be all right, especially if Craig confesses to starting the fire. That's more the big issue, right? Or...something?)

And now...the story you've all been waiting for: Reid/Luke/Noah! :-P I'll never look at chess the same way again. Reid's kinda got Luke in emotional checkmate at the moment, hasn't he? He just lays it all out there, whether he means to or not. ;-) Now they have to get onto the court and play some b-ball! Luke would surely kick Reid's ass then. :-P And maybe it would be Luke's turn to confess to Reid what he's thinking about all the time. :-P

Anyway. Yay! Like I said, I enjoyed the Noah/Richard scenes. Richard actually seems like a pretty chill guy. Like Noah said before, no pressure, just hanging out, being friends, laughing. Everyone needs that. And about miracle eyedrops! I need to get me some of those, 'cause some days I can't wait to get my contacts out! LOL. Love it!

Okay, so did I love how Luke and Reid spent the whole day with each other? Yes. Yes, I did. I especially loved Reid's, "Can I buy you a club soda or is it too early for that?" at the Lakeview. HAHAHAHAHAHA. Way to be a punk about Luke's drinking, Reid! :-P Loved it. I actually had to pause so I could laugh. HA! And the way Reid just kept following him around was so cute. Like he had nothing better to do. Like he didn't want to leave. Like he wanted to help Luke. And when Luke admitted that he didn't want to be alone after hearing about Noah's release from Memorial, he stayed to support him. Aww.

Also...that line in Old Town, about how Oakdale sucked ass, but had its "attractions"? *swoon* That was probably the sweetest thing I've heard out of Reid Oliver's mouth. *_* Dude...can you blame him? Look at Luke and tell me you wouldn't want to tap that! ;-)

And then we got Babbling!Reid, which in my book, is a total WIN. I love how he just kept going on and on. Word vomit! But it was great, and it really showed the vulnerable side of Reid, the uncertain side that he usually keeps under wraps. (Like I said before, he seems to be able to control himself around everyone but Luke. Luke unravels him without even trying!)

So Reid lets it out and then is like, "Yeah, this is totally not me," and Luke's all, "No, keep going!" because he realizes just how much he doesn't know about Reid. Loved that scene. I also loved how they talked about being out in high school. And how Reid referred to Luke "knowing" what it was like, even though they had vastly different experiences. It seems like Reid had a more timid experience in high school, whereas Luke had a more difficult time, what with Kevin, and that stupid teacher who wouldn't give him the award for his essay (back when Brad said, "You messed with the wrong tribe!"). Luckily, it seemed like Luke still had most of his buddies on the basketball team, so I suppose it wasn't all bad (if you don't count the whole Jade-girlfriend thing *twitch* and the crazy mess with Lily and her coma and Damian trying to reprogram Luke. Hmm, pretty much all sucked. :-P).

And Luke. Oh my dear sweet Luke. How do I love thee, let me count the ways. There to help Lily whenever she needs it, is absolutely adorable with Lucinda all the time, and his "Shut up," to Reid in Old Town was so cute. Guys...I can't even tell you how much I adore Luke. I love him in ways I can't even describe. And it's all Van's fault! ;-)

Aaaaaand the kiss! Holy shit, the kiss. It had a much different tone than the others, wouldn't you agree? First of all, Luke initiated it. Secondly, it was romantic, not I'm-gonna-eat-your-face-off (which I'm also fine with :-P). And third, it was just so sweet! I think it's an Eric thing, but...he kind of like bends down when he's kissing Van, so it looks like Reid is really digging into the kiss...which of course, leaves Luke no other option but to cling to him. I wonder if this kiss was choreographed. I ask because it flowed really nicely, but if it wasn't, I would also believe that because it was still very natural. And can we say close-up on the lips? Geez. Thank you, Goutman, or whoever made that decision! I'm not going to be able to sleep for a week! :-P

Also...ever since the episode where they ordered pizza and almost kissed, I have been waiting for a kiss scene where Luke initiated, and was calm (not a wreck like he was before :-P) throughout the whole thing. Today gave that to me. YAY! Confident!Luke and Babbling!Reid FTW.

But now we have poor Noah walking onto the porch just in time to see them snogging! My question is...when Noah saw them, did he know right off the bat that it was Doctor Oliver kissing Luke? Because I couldn't really tell from Noah's expression (granted, we only got to see his reaction for like...three seconds) if he knew who it was with Luke. And err...I don't know how I feel about Monday. I won't spoil anything, except to say that I'm kinda questioning Noah's decisions right now...but will withhold further judgment till I see what actually happens. :-) Today's Noah felt different to me than the Noah of these past couple episodes, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. You know how the show likes to tease the crap out of us all. :-)

Great show today! I was so antsy to watch. :-)

Happy Friday, and happy Memorial Day weekend to everyone! ♥


liberty, dusty, luke/reid, gabriel, recap post, johnny, craig, lily, noah, richard, janet, jack/carly, written by g, lucinda

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