The Day of Confessions and Almost-Confessions - Today's Recap, 5/20/10

May 20, 2010 19:47

Would like to preface by saying: I really, really loved Noah today. Oh my God, how I loved him today. He pretty much did everything I've been wanting him to do since the accident ( Read more... )

liberty, recap post, margo, craig, lily, noah, jack/carly, doc oliver, luke, parker, written by g

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Comments 8

aoleander May 21 2010, 04:17:25 UTC
I really, really liked the show today. And yesterday. Something just felt right. And of course, Jake is knocking it out of the park right now. I'm having trouble organizing my thoughts right now b/c of exhaustion D: so I'm going to do the only thing I can do when my brain is fried: make a list. :D

What I like today:
- Luke telling Noah how really hurt he was when Noah started pushing him away. And really just explaining to Noah everything he was feeling.
-Reid's picture of Luke on the bull, LOL
-Lily chatting with Reid and being on Team Noah :D
-Reid telling Noah to fight for what he wanted.
-Noah being all sad-faced and sorry. Poor bb just wants to love Luke. :(
-Luke referencing his drinking problem. Love that they remember that part of his character.
-Noah/Lily scene. I just love when Noah escapes his Lukeonly!bubble. Plus he was being so cute and sad again. :(


g_and_honey May 22 2010, 02:18:31 UTC
Jake really is, isn't he? He's totally killing these scenes. The reasons why I love Noah have nothing to do with the's all Jake, and the sincerity he puts into Noah. Sigh. Jake Silbermann, you are awesome ( ... )


brighton_girl May 21 2010, 15:19:16 UTC
I thought it was a pretty good episode. I like that Luke and Noah got a real chance to talk, to say things that needed to be said. Noah and Lily's scene was excellent and all this talk about fighting for Luke makes me think that Noah's gonna do just that - at least I hope.

It's interesting...the first time I watched the Yo's scene, I thought Reid was refering to himself...then when I watched it again, I thought wow he could be refering to Noah's feelings. And that's why he left. I think people could see it either way.

Watching him play Craig on ATWT shows me just how wasted Jon L was on GH and Port Charles. He's a damn fine actor and he just wasn't given much to do. I love Johnny, he's adorable. I thought the scenes between Craig and Jack were pretty damn great.

I also really liked seeing CarJack on the same page finally...though I wish Parker wouldn't have rushed off. It's getting complicated.


brighton_girl May 21 2010, 15:22:01 UTC
Also, Liberty's hair is really scaring me. Margo's looked better, and I love Carly's hair straight. Luke's hair has been ALL over the place, sometimes it's different in the same episode. Kinda crazy!


g_and_honey May 22 2010, 02:25:47 UTC
*SNORT* Liberty's hair! HAHAHAHAHA. I really think that's the actress's real hair...they need to stop pumping the volume up on it, though. It looks like a Halloween wig!

I haven't had an issue with the styles of Margo's hair, just the color. Why don't they dye her roots?! Argh.

And Luke's ever-morphing hairstyles. I love it! XD



g_and_honey May 22 2010, 02:24:11 UTC
I thought it was a good episode, too. I loved the Lily and Noah scene. I love how Lily loves Noah like a son. And yeah...I'm thinking that Noah is going to try to fight for Luke, too. I'm not sure how (damn spoilers making me all confused), but I doubt he's going to just let Luke slip away.

And yeah, there's been tons of debate about what Reid was referring to when he said, "I'm not". I first took it that he was talking about his own feelings, but it totally could be interpreted as him meaning Noah's feelings. Silly writers! Be clearer! :-P

I've loved Jon since his Port Charles days, too. I agree, he's a great actor. With this Gabriel storyline, he's been able to stretch his talents a bit. His scenes with Jack were really good!

Oh yes, this is getting so complicated, isn't it? Crazy! :-D



lmichelle599 May 21 2010, 23:23:28 UTC

I was glad Parker finally grew a pair and fessed up.

I loved Lily telling Reid she thought of Noah as her son as well. *squishes her* However, we're still not getting anywhere with the Luke/Noah/Reid triangle. *sigh* TPTB are kinda spinning their wheels right now. Sorry, this comment is late. I've got Liveblogging, too.


g_and_honey May 22 2010, 02:35:36 UTC
Parker's the shit. His adult parents couldn't decide what to do and kept going back and forth and he just stepped up and faced it like a man. Love him.

Hee, Lily! Totally Team Noah, she is. But yes, I agree...while I enjoyed these past couple episodes (if for nothing more than this awesome Noah we have right now), I'm very antsy for more stuff to happen! C'mon TPTB...we want hot and juicy and soapy and awesome!

Seems as though Snicks is a LuRe fan, doesn't it? :-P I loved the line about Reid walking away to delete more Luke pics from his phone! LOL.



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