May 20, 2010 19:47
Would like to preface by saying: I really, really loved Noah today. Oh my God, how I loved him today. He pretty much did everything I've been wanting him to do since the accident.
Remember waaaaaaaay back when, when I said that I hoped one day Noah would look back and realize how much Luke loved him and took care of him and saw him through this whole ordeal? Yeah. Today was that day, and I'm loving it. I suppose I had been worried back then, that Angry!Noah was here to stay, and I'd never get to see my sweet, lovable Noah again, so I was hoping and praying that one day Noah would once again see the light (no pun intended! :-P) on how great he had it with Luke. Now that Swootie!Noah is back, I feel kinda silly having worried about it so much, because this New!Noah is kicking ass in the maturity and realization department. :-)
So even though today's episode was on the sad side, I thought it was really great. Luke was just about to confess everything to Noah about what's been going on with Reid (good boy, Luke, even if you didn't quite get there, LOL), and he's been straight-up with Noah about the fact that he feels differently than he did before the accident. And YES! Luke finally got to tell Noah that he was really hurt! And Noah, in turn, verbalized pretty much everything I've wanted him to say since November, and he's totally backing off and letting Luke do what he wants/needs to do. I totally understand Noah's feeling, about Luke wanting to be with him, instead of feeling like Luke's with him out of obligation. Granted, I don't think Luke feels like he has to be with Noah out of obligation, because he still loves him and cares about him, but Noah needs his peace of mind about it. And if giving Luke some space is the way to go, then I say good on you, Noah! Give it some air.
Also, this may sound bad to my Nukies, but you know how Lily said, "If you let Luke go, he might not come back"? And Noah didn't answer her? Well, yeah...I agree with Lily, and I think that's the chance Noah has to take with this. It's the chance that anyone in this position would need to take. It doesn't mean that Luke may not come back ever. The "not coming back" part could only be temporary. Or it could be permanent. But...that's life! And seriously, I don't think Noah will ever leave Luke's heart. Ever. Even if Luke and Reid ride off into the sunset, or Luke tells Reid to die in a fire and starts dating someone completely new, or hell...if Luke suddenly decided he was straight and hooked up with a girl! Noah still wouldn't ever completely leave Luke's heart. Of this I am fully convinced.
Anyway. I actually am really liking how the writers are handling Luke and Noah at the moment. They're not just throwing them back together and having it be a mess, and they're not having Noah continuing to push Luke away in the same manner as before. This is all pretty realistic, I think. And I speak from the perspective of someone who's been the "Luke" in a triangle before! :-P
(But I gotta say...I find it to be pretty amusing that Noah is so calm right now about everything, because with coming spoilers - let's call it the "hand-eye coordination" spoiler (LMAO, that totally has a double-meaning if you know what I'm referencing!) - how quickly that's going to turn around! Ha!)
So, while we're on the subject of boys, let's talk about how this new Emo!Reid persona of Doc Oliver's is totally throwing me off. :-P
Okay, I get it. Mopey Reid is mopey because he's fallen hard for resident cutie Luke Snyder (he of the Amazing Lips and Drool-Worthy Ass...what? Who said that?), but Luke's totally hung up on Noah. I get that he's upset and ticked off and hurt and everything else, but I miss my snarky Reid. I miss his wit and sarcasm. Though I gotta say...pillow!huggling and beer!guzzling Reid also brings a smile to my face, even if he's an unhappy bunny at the moment. :-P I do like seeing this other side of Reid.
Oh, yes, and I really liked the conversation he had with Lily, for a couple reasons. One being that Lily's inner twelve-year-old did NOT come out to play. She kept herself composed and much like an adult (haha!) when talking to him. She's just worried about Luke's happiness, after all. But I like how Reid stayed even with her, and his "You don't have to worry about me" line had all SORTS of other meanings to it! For real, Lily...Luke's the one who's being wishy-washy right now (not that I blame him). I liked how she told Reid to treat her son right, though I doubt she has to worry in that department. Yeah, Reid's been less than nice to Luke as of late, but I don't think it goes any deeper than Reid's jealousy and hurt over the whole situation with Noah. I do think that Reid's feelings for Luke are genuine, and I don't think Reid would go out of his way to deliberately hurt Luke (on a large scale, anyway, since you could argue that his snarks and snipes at Luke these past couple episodes have been hurtful). I don't get the "love him and leave him" vibe from Reid, otherwise he woulda been out the door LONG ago. No one would put up with all this crapola if they didn't have true feelings invested in it!
Now watch. I'm going to be totally wrong. LOL! Next episode Reid somehow manages to get Luke into bed and then tells him to go piss up a rope a la Brian Kinney. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Love you, Brian! :-P
And the bar scene at Yo's with Luke and Reid? Loved it but it kinda ticked me off at the same time! Things that I loved? 1) Luke went to find Reid. It shows promise on Reid's half of the relationship. (Well, Luke kissing Reid actually showed promise for Reid, but...) 2) The whole "drunk/sober" conversation. I love that Luke is acknowledging his history, and I dunno, for some reason, I really liked that he said "we" when referencing alcoholics. It means that Luke has accepted this about himself and has learned from his past mistakes. And he was able to tell Reid something about himself that Reid would have been clueless about otherwise. The only thing I would've liked better about that exchange would have been if Luke explained a little further why he doesn't drink. It's not just because he tends to binge. It's also because he could potentially kill his one and only donor kidney. I think if anyone would understand this point, it would be Reid. 3) Reid just blurted, "I'm not," in reference to not being confused about his feelings for Luke. I think we were all kinda expecting that, though. Reid's not exactly the type who strikes me as confused, LOL. But I liked it nonetheless.
But what I didn't like? Luke didn't get to explain any further! The conversation just ended when Reid got up and said, "I can't do this," and just LEFT. HE JUST LEFT! WTH. If only he would have stayed and listened, he might have gotten what he's wanted to get out of Luke right then and there! Argh. Men.
Oh yeah - teehee - Reid had a picture of Luke on the bull in Texas on his phone! AHAHAHAHAHAHA. Major cheese, but I love it. He shouldn't have deleted it - one day he might regret that decision!
C'mon, mopey Reid! Cheer up! It ain't that bad. :-) (Okay, maybe it is...still! Buck up, son! :-D) that I've rambled forever and a day about the boys, I can't remember what I wanted to say about anyone else! LOL.
Oh yeah...Gabriel Craig son Liberty Margo questioning Carly crying Parker confessing blah blah I need a blunt object to put through my eye 'cause I dont wanna watch this storyline anymore. Does that about cover it? :-P
Ya know, if the writers would just HURRY UP and MAKE SOMETHING HAPPEN ALREADY, this storyline wouldn't be so bad. But it's like...scenes and scenes of it while the storyline only progresses by inches! AGH. It's making me crazy.
Short of the long: Craig and Jack have a talk in which Jack threatens to pin Craig with every conceivable crime known to man if he tries to drag Parker into this case, while Craig leans into Jack that he can't possibly keep his mouth shut about Parker because his conscience wouldn't be able to handle it. Margo questions Carly about Parker's relationship with Gabriel, because lovely Libby Lu let it slip that Parker broke into Gabriel's room a while back (gee, the Ciccone women and their big mouths! :-P). Carly and Jack shout at each other some more about how bad each other's decisions have been, causing Parker to flee from the house and confess to Margo at the station that he's the one who punched Gabriel. Earlier, Liberty asked Craig if he would do anything to hurt Gabriel since he's Craig's son, and Craig says no. Liberty also tells Margo *snort* that Gabriel was a "good person". UM, GOOD PEOPLE DON'T BLACKMAIL OTHER PEOPLE. Unless your name is Luke, you don't get a free pass. LOL! Irrational pardoning is irrational. :-P And Lily took it upon herself to tell every person, tree, and building in Oakdale that Gabriel is Craig's son. Oh, and she's also paying Gabriel's medical bills out of her own extreme guilt. There. Fly-by recap. :-D
Tomorrow Gabriel wakes up and Lucinda's all, "HELLO! Welcome back to the world!" at him HAHAHAHA. Love it. We also get a very cute Janet and Dusty being rambunctious with a garden hose (that was a very odd sentence o_O), and Carly saying, "YOU WILL CONFESS OVER MY DEAD BODY!" to Parker. HA!
Till then! :-D
recap post,
doc oliver,
written by g