Who Da Man? Luke Da Man!...For Now, Anyway - Today's Recap, 5/12/10

May 12, 2010 16:06

Um...is it okay if I just say WAAHHHHHH NOAH MAYER I HAVE MISSED YOU SOOOOO MU~CHOh dear holy mother of sweet baby jesus lordy in heaven HAVE I MISSED NOAH LIKE YOU WOULDN'T BELIEVE. I'm not talking about this Robot!Noah that we've had for these past couple months (barring that episode with Maddie and Hunter which will forever be implanted into my ( Read more... )

eliza, recap post, emma, lily, noah, congressman blowhard, doc oliver, paul/emily, luke, written by g, meg, holden/molly

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Comments 11

samurailatoya May 12 2010, 22:02:57 UTC
OMG, the boys made me melt to goo on the floor. I awwed, squeed, guhed, and flailed all at once because dude NOAH CAN SEE! And he's not suffering from amnesia!!!! That means I don't hafta teleport to the studio and eat the writers' souls! FOR NOW.

So about TEN MILLION ZILLION props need to be given to Noah today, not only for that "Your eyes are the most amazing thing I've ever seen" line (Oh dear God be sweeter), but also for the fact that one of the first things he realized was how much effort Luke had put in for him during this whole ordeal, and how much he'd hurt Luke in the process of gaining his independence. YAY!

SOOOOOOO glad that Noah acknowledged that he's been a butt to Luke and wants to work on their relationship! And I'm glad that Luke wants Noah to focus on getting better cuz that's important. Haaaaa, I'm joining you with hugging Noah and stuff all day, too. <333

I know it's hard for my Nukies who are hating the fact that Reid is in the picture now, but think of all the awesome acting that's going to come out of this ( ... )


samurailatoya May 12 2010, 22:06:52 UTC
Quick P.S: Noah wanting to go outside and he's like, "C'mon let's go outside! Dr. O's only gonna say no, so let's just go out anyway" despite Luke trying to explain to him that it might not be such a good idea? HAAAAA, I LOVED THAT SCENE SO HARD. Try and be more adorable, boys. I DARES YA.


g_and_honey May 13 2010, 04:49:00 UTC
Hee! Yay, Noah can see! WHEE!

I, too, cannot wait for more of this storyline now. The ANGST, the ANGST! And you will see how crazy ridiculously torn I'm going to be during the whole thing, LOL. I agree with you: Van, Jake, and Eric are going to KILL this storyline. I'm so hyped for it!

And yes! "Smitten". I was just thinking that the other day. I think that word best describes what Reid feels for Luke right now. And yeah...:-( I wanted to hug him, too. Poor Reid!

And LMAO at your Lily/Luke convo! AHAHAHAHAHAHA.

Adorable boys are adorable! Hee!



cookie1223 May 12 2010, 22:29:54 UTC
GUH awesome recaps as always .

Nuke were sooooo cute reminding me why I loved them so much ♥ ♥
Assuming where this storyline is going I will be like :NOAH GO GET YOUR MAN
team Noah all the way :p
Lily and Luke scene were a bit weird but as Noah supporter it was nice to see another person in our team :P .

Oh and how someone can be attracted by Silas I just don't get it being a sleeze and boring *wierd*
Oh Emily why in hell leave a baby alone in the car sorry I don't get it o_0 .


g_and_honey May 13 2010, 04:51:58 UTC
Hee, thanks! ♥

Nuke was frikkin adorable today, absolutely! The sweetness had me melted into my chair the whole time!

LOL. I agree on your reaction to this storyline! Feel free to pop by just to write "Noah go get your man!" LOL. :-)

And Lily totally ships Nuke. Totally! :-D

And Silas? *shudder* EW EW EW! I hate that guy! Molly is out of her mind. And Emily leaving the baby was just plain stu~pid!




lmichelle599 May 13 2010, 00:16:37 UTC

Okay, did anything else happen besides Noah and Luke's reunion? Nope. I didn't think so. ;)

First of all, should Noah really be out in bright sunlight after surgery? Of course, his head isn't shaved either, so I guess we shouldn't look too closely at this right? *g*

Reid was totally jealous when he saw them hugging. That's why he came in and had to examine Noah right away.



g_and_honey May 13 2010, 04:55:55 UTC
Okay, did anything else happen besides Noah and Luke's reunion? Nope. I didn't think so.

Haha, totally! I kinda ended up ignoring Reid in this recap (though I did feel bad for him), because seeing happy Noah completely took over my brain. :-P

And LULZ at Noah's surgery. Everything is so silly but oh, well. Whataya gonna do, y'know? Hehe.

Oh, yes. Reid is absoutely jealous, I agree. And I kinda love that he keeps jumping in the middle of them every chance he gets. LOL. Oh, men.

My favourite parts of the liveblogging were Snicks' description of Reid wanting to break the door down (LOL!) and Luke helping Noah with the "Wah wah". OMG so damn hilarious! :-D



brighton_girl May 13 2010, 01:45:07 UTC
Molly is a moron...and it's going to blow up in her face, and I kinda like her with Holden, but yeah...moron. I think they are totally setting up Holden and Lily to end up together. Very obvious.

Did I mention I don't like Emily? Yeah, even if NutMeg set that whole thing up? I'm kind of on her side because Emily is just a shrew. Paul has every reason to be ticked. This might be interesting. I don't think Paul will end up with Meg though.

The boys were so freaking perfect today, and I think more will come tomorrow. To see Noah so joyous and to be so happy that it was Luke was just lovely. Noah is finally, finally himself. I agree Jake just played it so well, they eyes comment...yeah. I kept this on my DVR, and I don't usually.


g_and_honey May 13 2010, 04:59:01 UTC
Yes, Molly is being an idiot! I like her with Holden too, but she's totally going to blow it. And the show is also definitely hinting towards a Holden/Lily reunion.

I agree, I don't think Paul will end up with Meg, and he absolutely has the right to be ticked off, but I dunno if I can choose who I like better in the whole Meg vs. Emily thing...Emily did something stupid, but Meg's made her own share of blunders...hmm. Maybe I'll just like Eliza the best instead! LOL!

Happy Noah MAKES MY DAY. Oh, Noah. ♥ Jake did such a wonderful job with these scenes today. I've missed Noah! The comment about the eyes was so sweet!



kelly_ken May 13 2010, 15:44:05 UTC
Dropping by to say this is why I still love the boys and have faith in them. ♥


g_and_honey May 14 2010, 00:12:11 UTC
Hee! Wasn't this episode just so grand? *_*

Thanks for stopping by! \o/



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