Title of vid: Dance
Recipient: awkwardlyary
Vidder: Anoel
Fandom: Crazy Ex-Girlfriend
Music: Dance by POWERS
Summary: Prepare to surrender to the power of femslash.
Content notes: Physical triggers (e.g., epilepsy or migraine: strobe lights, bright lights, "stuttery" cuts between 2-3 stills)
Password: Festividz!
Signed length:
Signed URL:
http://anoel.dreamwidth.org/166012.html Lyrics
I think it's very important
No matter who you are
Is to enjoy life and to dance
All we want to do is dance
Hurry, baby
Through the fire
While it's burning
Higher, higher
(Hurry, baby) Yeah, there's a riot in the ball pit
(Through the fire) The president is on a spaceship
(While it's burning) Cause Mother Nature got a facelift
(Yeah) And all we want to do is dance
(All we want to do is dance)
All we want to do is dance
All we want to do is dance
And all we want to do is dance
This entry was originally posted at
http://fv-poster.dreamwidth.org/333196.html, where there are
comments. You can comment either there or here.