Title of vid: Old Hearts
Recipient: lilly-the-kid
Vidder: bingeling
Fandom: Bud Spencer/Terence Hill movies
Music: Old Hearts by Benjamin Booker
Summary: When the fiends of the world are calling, will you be my friend?
Footage from "God Forgives, I don't", "Ace High", "Go For It" and "Crime Busters"
Content notes: No standardized notes apply
Password: Festividz!
Signed length: 01:38
Signed URL:
http://bingeling.dreamwidth.org/543922.html Lyrics
Excuse me sister
Thought I heard you call my name
Though we share the same mother
I know things ain’t been the same
When the fiends of the world are calling
Will you be my friend, my friend, my friend
And it’s hard to see you dying
When I’m feeling so alive
Saw a chorus of angels
Singing songs about old hearts
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