Title of vid: Sheep
Recipient: jagwriter78
Vidder: Little Heaven
Fandom: Shaun the Sheep
Music: Sheep by The Housemartins
Summary: A video about sheep acting like people, set to a song about people acting like sheep.
Content notes: No standardized notes apply
Signed length: 02:24
Signed URL:
http://www.littleheaven.fictionandart.com/sheep.html Lyrics
Sometimes I get so angry with the simple life they lead
The shepherd's smile seems to confirm my fears
They've never questioned anything, they've never disagreed
Sometimes I think they must have wool in their ears
And when you see a cane I see a crook
And when you see a crowd I see a flock
It's sheep we're up against
Sheep we're up against
When I was young they used to get me counting sheep
But the counting I did was all in vain
Now when I'm tired and I'm trying to get to sleep
I count humans jumping onto trains
And when you see a cane I see a crook
And when you see a crowd I see a flock
It's sheep we're up against
Sheep we're up against
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