I'm so tired of cryin' - you'd think I was a siren.

Dec 03, 2005 18:01

I was supposed to have a meeting this afternoon but we postponed it until tomorrow morning because of the weather. What could be worse than a meeting on Saturday? A meeting bright and early on Sunday morning. I managed to get some other stuff accomplished so at least I can claim a small bit of productivity ( Read more... )

friends, iowa city, stuff, the daily show, conan, the white stripes, music, tv

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Comments 12

youblinked December 4 2005, 00:39:51 UTC
i'm excited for you coming out to Iowa City btw.. :)

... dude.. hugz.. i'm sorry you have a mtg on a Sunday morning.. EWW!!


futrefilmdirctr December 4 2005, 01:24:19 UTC
I'm looking forward to Iowa City as well. Thanks for the info on the clothing place - I think I'll plan to swing in there on Thursday.

Are you still game for doing something before the show?


youblinked December 4 2005, 02:23:44 UTC


futrefilmdirctr December 5 2005, 13:45:59 UTC
I know you mentioned getting something to eat a while back...would that work? I can be up there in plenty of time, so whatever works for you.


mrdrc December 4 2005, 23:32:41 UTC
What ever you do don"t give into the phone #. It will lead you down the dark side Anakin. This will soon pass and all will look better tomorrow (or the next day).


futrefilmdirctr December 5 2005, 13:46:58 UTC
Ha! Don;t worry...the phone number is alot of things, but tempting isn't exactly one of them.


youblinked December 7 2005, 05:32:12 UTC
tomorrow.. 5pm HU HUT in Coralville... it's mongolian bbq style... let me know if this works.. doesn't whatever...

i'll try to call you.. sorry it took so long to shake out.. and now it's 11:30pm.. so i didn't wanna be rude...

c u tomorrow!!


futrefilmdirctr December 7 2005, 13:46:11 UTC
That should work fine. Thanks for the heads up and I'll see you there!


mrdrc December 12 2005, 04:06:27 UTC
Haven't seen anything new from you in over a week, hope things are going well for you .


futrefilmdirctr December 12 2005, 22:39:37 UTC
Don't worry! An over-long and incredily dull post from yours truly will be coming soon to a friend's page near you. Haha.


mrdrc December 12 2005, 22:51:19 UTC
Thank you! glad to see you are still around.


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