If you build it, TGIF will come

Sep 20, 2013 07:03

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Comments 41

who_la_hoop September 20 2013, 11:17:20 UTC
I have no idea what my MBTI type is! I don't know... those personality tests have always seemed to me to be about as sensible as taking the result of a Hogwarts sorting test and then applying it to whether you're suitable for a job, or something.


furiosity September 20 2013, 11:23:08 UTC
I don't think personality tests are "sensible" but neither is fan fiction sooo :P


who_la_hoop September 20 2013, 11:28:52 UTC
But some people do take them seriously! You can get qualifications in them and everything.

I want a qualification in fanfic, dammit.


furiosity September 20 2013, 11:34:29 UTC
Wow that's just silly. o_o

Okay! You may now refer to yourself as a Qualified Fan Fiction Specialist. :D If someone questions your credentials just send them my way and I'll tell them you're legit.


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furiosity September 20 2013, 11:30:52 UTC
It's INTJ but I waver on introversion/extraversion depending on season and my current mental health. The MBTI has questionable reliability ratings but I'm one of those for whom it's fairly stable -- the NTJ part has been consistent for over a decade.

(btw you can see what people answered if you click on the "View Answers" link under the question you're interested in!)

Oh artificial sweeteners have a really strong and unpleasant aftertaste, for me -- I can't eat anything with them in at all (well, I mean, I can, I don't get sick or anything, I just really do not like to because I feel so grossed out).


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furiosity September 20 2013, 20:46:29 UTC
INTJs have a bad reputation -- a lot of people think we're sociopaths??? and i am like no, no, those are the ENTJs u see >_> :Dv


birdsofshore September 20 2013, 18:51:13 UTC
I don;t know if I've had things with raw sugar in or not. That is a real mystery to me.
I don't really know what raw sugar *is*, in fact.


furiosity September 20 2013, 20:04:57 UTC
Raw sugar is the sort that hasn't been bleached to make it white -- the crystals are a translucent-ish brown (but unlike US brown sugar it has no added molasses).


hxcpunkchick September 20 2013, 19:09:36 UTC
I put something else because i seriously don't know. I don't get to eat a lot of processed foods or sweets because of allergies.

Out of the personality typing that i've had to study (undergrad in personality and social psych whee1), I like Myers-Briggs the best since it puts everything on a sliding scale as opposed to a contained box. While I'm mostly an INTJ (and very firmly a TJ), my scoring is close to the middle for I/E and N/S. So that can flipflop depending upon my mood.


furiosity September 20 2013, 20:11:04 UTC
Yeah I waver on the I/E as well so I totally know what you mean!


elizardbits September 21 2013, 01:16:24 UTC
im slytheriffic


furiosity September 21 2013, 01:25:26 UTC
i no


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