If you build it, TGIF will come

Sep 20, 2013 07:03

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Comments 41

margi_lynn September 21 2013, 13:01:57 UTC
Ahahaha, I always feel weird putting my MBTI down because I am decidedly not an introvert, even if I get overloaded from stressors easily. (but people are not precisely the stressors; just annoying behaviour is!)

I'm the ESFJ :)

Also, I can most certainly tell the difference between sweeteners. The raw is less sweet than white sugar, but I don't care, because it is far more delicious. Makes fantastic fudge brownies. I can also taste artificial sweeters really well, which is apparently hard? But good for me, because they make my stomach problems flare up.


furiosity September 21 2013, 14:24:34 UTC
Yeah extroverts are rare in the ficcier corners of fandom like LJ -- I feel like most the extroverted fans are the sort who usually hang out at Mugglenet and go to LeakyCon and such. :D

And yes, precisely -- raw is less sweet and it also has a subtle flavour, for me. Artificial sweeteners taste HORRIBLE to me I can't handle them at all. I am always so surprised that other people can consume them without an eyeblink.


margi_lynn September 21 2013, 15:08:11 UTC
Artificial sweeteners are indeed disgusting. I'd rather eat unsweet things or avoid baked goods entirely rather than eat them.


chuffing September 23 2013, 02:50:58 UTC
I actually, and quite surprisingly, find my MBTI type to be super accurate. I still think it's total balls.


furiosity September 23 2013, 03:04:58 UTC
Mine's fairly accurate too but because I waver on the I/E it doesn't always fit.


chuffing September 23 2013, 03:08:57 UTC
Completely unrelated, but I've been super duper busy and feel like I haven't talked to you in ages. I miss you! Okay. I'm done with the schmoop. Hope things are going well for you.


furiosity September 23 2013, 03:11:07 UTC
aww I miss you too!! Well I mean I read your fb updates & Tumblr but that's not the same as talking. but i've been busy too! why have they not invented time turners yet


karaz October 22 2013, 17:36:44 UTC
I get a different type every single time I take a test. I'm either mercurial or super indecisive. Maybe both. < See?!

(Omg, I need to retire about 50% of my icons)


furiosity October 22 2013, 17:52:26 UTC
HAHAH well yes maybe? Usually they're pretty consistent though!

(that icon is pure gold. did i draw those? i feel like i drew them.)


karaz October 22 2013, 18:07:25 UTC


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