I want to speak Icelandic, mainly because one of my favorite bands is Icelandic and I can't really understand what they're saying. Music transcends language, though.
i was listening to them last night. learning icelandic wont help you, the dont speak icelandic. only 1/2 of their songs are in icelandic and the other 1/2 are in hopelandic - a lanugague they made up because they feel that lyrics take the focus away from the music so they wanted a language that no one would understand. something along those lines. -barbara
Comments 8
1 gramme of unicorn horn powder
1 milligramme of nutmeg
3 hairs off of an old lady's mustache
1 kilo of ivory flake
1 tsp holy water
3 bingus bucks
Actually I think they probably have it at staples or something. I'll ask.
i can def see a dan funkowitz berber speaker in the near future.
By the way, I'll friend you, I didn't know you had a LJ.
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