theladyliberty wrote in fun_forums Feb 01, 2014 15:05
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theladyliberty wrote in fun_forums May 08, 2013 03:34
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theladyliberty wrote in fun_forums May 07, 2013 19:09
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theladyliberty wrote in fun_forums May 07, 2013 18:01
paper money, currency, in the news, banknotes, banking, videos, numismatic, historical, euro, foreign currency
theladyliberty wrote in fun_forums Oct 10, 2012 03:10
commemorative coins, new zealand mint, foreign coins, foreign currency
theladyliberty wrote in fun_forums Oct 10, 2012 02:10
gold coins, videos, world mints, foreign coins, foreign currency
theladyliberty wrote in fun_forums Jul 07, 2012 02:58
silver coins, paper money, gold coins, world mints, world coins, foreign coins, foreign currency