Intruder (part2)

Jul 06, 2008 13:52

yes, sorry for the suuuuuper long wait. i don't know why. i guess it was laziness at fault here. don't blame me.

part 1 here...

Yuto sat alone on his seat at Kanagawa International School, worried about Yamada. He is now late, and that worried him more. He looked outside and thought, Oh dear, I guess telling him that I love him yesterday is not the right time, and now he decided to quit going to school? I’m so stupid! When will I ever shut my mouth!? He slammed his fist to his desk, looking angry.

Their teacher noticed him and said, “Nakajima-san, is something the matter? How about id you pour out your anger from the desk to the problem on the board?”

Yuto slowly walked to the blackboard, waiting to see a kawaii Yamada entering the door and apologizing for his tardiness. As he starts to write, the class heard the door slide open and a bag with fluffy hair and a toast on his mouth arrived, “sorry, I’m late sensei. I had a terrible dream and I didn’t hear the alarm clock.”

“That was fascinating Yamada-san. Mark yourself tardy today and go to your seat. Your friend might be distracted with your lazy ways.”


During lunch break, Yuto finally asked Yamada, “Ryo-chan, why are you late? Are you afraid to face me after I said my feelings? Ryo-chan!” he held Yamada’s shoulders tightly.

“Chill out best friend! I am glad that you became honest with me the other day.” He took a bite from his curry bread, “Hey, do you believe that dreams are true and connected?”

“Dreams are only your imagination during your sleep. From what I know, they are never true and are not connected. Why do you ask?”

“In my dream earlier, we were together, almost like what we’re doing yesterday at the park. The only difference is that, instead of you buying ice cream for me and the girl, we told her that we’re in love with each other. What’s worse, she said she is going to report this to Johnny’s Jimusho.” Yamada looked worried

“Don’t believe it, it’s just nonsense. Why would you think the girl from yesterday report that we are together?” Yuto bit his onigiri.

Yamada felt very uneasy about what happened. He didn’t anymore talked about this issue with Yuto. About 10 minutes later, he heard his cellphone ringing. The number calling was a new one, but still he answered. It turns out the person calling is the girl he met yesterday, the same girl who learned about their relationship in his dream.

“Hello?” he answered

“Yamada-san, it’s me, the girl from yesterday. Did you dreamt the same dream as mine?”

“You mean, me and Yuto…?

“Exactly! I can’t believe you lied to me. You said Yuto doesn’t feel the same way as you do.”

“But I didn’t know that he likes me. He only said that after we left you. I’m really sorry.”

“I still can’t believe you did that in front of me!”

“What’s that?”

“Don’t you remember?” she started to whisper, “after you eggheads confessed your love to me, I told you to prove it.”

“I don’t know you said that, and how did we proved it?” he too began to whisper.

“You two…you…you…” her voice began to shake

“Come on, tell me.”

“You two kissed.”

Unexpectedly, Yamada shouted “Whaaaaaaaaat?!” his yell alarmed the whole class and they looked at him. He smiled shyly at the class and returned to his phone, “Look, I gotta go. Call me later if you want to talk more about this.” He turned off his cellphone and continued to smile at the class. Yuto, still pissed by what Yamada said earlier, continued to eat and looked at him just like his classmates. The staring continued, then the class began to murmur things, after they began laughing.

“Look at Yamachan, I guess because of too much singing and too much girls screaming for him he became deaf. Now he can’t even hear the person talking to him,” a boy classmate said. His companions laugh in agreement. Another tried to imitate him this time using a much higher voice, so that it resembles a cry of a girl, “whaaaaaaaaaat?!”

All of the boys, even the girls started to laugh. Yuto wanted to laugh as well, but he doesn’t want to hurt his friend, so he kept his face straight. Yamada ignored the insults and the laughs and tried to finish his food. Yuto again began to feel annoyed of the continuous laughing at his best friend. When he can’t take it anymore, he stood up, went in front of Yamada who is still eating his bread, and began to say something, “when will you guys ever stop from laughing?”

Everyone stopped.

Yuto tried to defend Yamada, “Yamada shouted, so what? It doesn’t mean that he’s deaf already. Sure, he has many fangirls screaming for him, but he has strong ears, and fangirl screams are not too loud for him to go deaf. It must be that you are jealous that Yamachan is a big star of Johnny’s Entertainment and you guys are just normal kids trying to pass Junior High and their Senior High School entrance exams, ne?” Everyone stared and began to think about what Yuto said. They felt bad and started to apologize to Yamada.

After school, as most days, the two decided to go back together. Yamada tried to thank Yuto for saving him from embarrassment, “anou…Yuto, thanks a lot for saving me there earlier.”

“What? Oh, it’s nothing.” His cellphone rang again, it was the same girl.

“Hey, I’m at JE. I’m going to tell Johnny-san about you two.”

“Hey hey hey! We did not say to tell you!”

“Can’t you remember? In the dream it’s even you who said to tell this so that everyone will know your love for each other.”

“Are you stupid? Will you actually believe a nonsense dream like that?!”

“Hey, never use the word ‘Stupid’ in front of me, even on the phone! I’m sorry but, I believe dreams really come true…so…I guess I really have to say it…”

Yuto got the phone and began to answer instead of Yamada, “hey you, do you want another ice cream? Please, don’t tell him!!” he’s becoming desperate now.

“No, I said I only have that ice cream because I an going to let you guys off the hook. But now, I really have to say it. I have to choice. People should know what’s happening to the two of you.”

“Wait a second! May I know who you are?”

“Oh, sorry. I have to go now. Bye!”

Yuto closed the cellphone and fell to his knees; “I can’t believe it…my…career…gone…because of this stupid relationship…I can’t believe it!” tears ran on his face. A friend once told him to be honest and everything will work out fine, he followed that advice, but then, it didn’t happened as he expected. He wants to balance his work with his secret lovelife, not making a relationship then destroying his job.

Yamada knelt and tried to calm him down, “it’s okay, yuto…I’m sure she’s just joking, she’s a friend, right?”

“Friend? What kind of friend is she? You don’t even know her name yet! Why the heck did I confessed my love to you anyway?! I’m so stupid!”

“Yuto, it’s not your fault. Actually, it was all my fault; because of me, you are forced to say-“

“no, I wasn’t forced. I really love you, Ryo-chan.” even though his face was full of tears, he tried to smile to lighten the spirits of his friend, “I’m sorry, I’m a little hot-headed today. I’m really sorry. I put my job first before my friend.” he continued to cry.

Yamada hugged Yuto and whispered the same words over and over again. “it’s going to be alright, it’s going to be alright, it’s going to be alright.” After some time, Yuto stopped crying and sat on the concrete. Yamada did the same thing and the two just begin to stare at each other’s eyes until someone came and laughed at them.

“I can’t believe you losers would fall for that.” She laughed again

“Excuse me?” shouted Yuto. He observed the laughing person and there she is, she girl from before again. “you again?!”

“Hahahaha…yep, me again. You really believed what I said. You are so stupid!”

Yamada was in doubt, “eh? But I thought you’re going to-“

“You two are stupid. Didn’t you hear me laughing since I said that I have to go? I’m not really at JE, I’m just right there.” She pointed at a nearby tree which its fat trunk can camouflage a person. “I’m laughing like a maniac there and you are like acting on a drama that no one will watch. Didn’t you even heard me back there?”

Yuto answered, “Uhh…let me think…I was crying my heart out there…uhh…NO!!”

“Calm down now. I was just playing with you guys.”

Yamada talked, “well, you know, playing with people’s emotion is bad.”

“Yeah, I know…and I’m sorry.” She bowed before the two. “I’m really sorry, I’ll do anything to make it up.”

“To be first, how about telling us your name?” Yuto said.

“Yamamoto Suzuka,” she raised her head and smiled, “Yorushiku!”

She helped Yuto and Yamada stand up and then they started to introduce themselves properly, “Nakajima Yuto desu, and Yamada Ryosuke desu. Hajimemashite!” Yamada continued, “hey, Suzuka-chan, why didn’t you tried to report us?”

She answered with a wide smile, “oh, that? I can’t do that to my friends. They’re in love and I don’t have the right to disturb it, ne?”

Yuto placed his arms around her shoulder and said, “Wow, thanks a lot. You are a great friend.” Yamada did the same thing and the three walked back home together.


yuto, fanfiction, yamada, yamajima

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