
May 14, 2008 19:34

Before starting reading this unusal fanfic/story, I am a Disclaimer ^o^. HSJ members belong to Johnny’s Entertainment and to themselves. There is also an OC. I want to say sorry in advance if some of you are offended with this story. It’s an output me and my sempai thought when we talked on the phone one night^_^. [WARNING] If you don't like Shounen-ai and the Yamajima pair, LEAVE xD. Well, read and comment please (*o*)


His day started like most days: wake up, go to school, talk to his friends, go back home to either do his homework or go to work. (this guy’s a singer/actor) in some days he meets up with the group and do performances in Shounen Club, Heisei Families, and more. This is the life of the Yamada Ryosuke of Hey! Say! JUMP, the youngest unit ever debuted in Johnny’s Entertainment. According to the members of HSJ, he’s just an ordinary, funny and growing guy. He talked and jokes with them, eat all the time^^, studies in a school, and friendly most of the time. For his shinyuu, Nakajima Yuto, Yamachan is not just an ordinary boy.

To tell the truth, they’re LOVERS. Why? Here are my reasons:
1.       They hide their relationship only as “best friends”
2.       they’re classmates, and they always like it to go back home from school together.
3.       during interviews, Yuto never forgets to mention Yamachan’s name.
4.       they look so sweet whenever they’re together.
5.       they always say that they DON’T WANT TO HAVE A GIRLFRIEND. (because they already have each other <3)
6.       Yamada said that his longest time on the phone is only 40 minutes and his shortest time is 2 seconds. (to say either “I love you” to Yuto or say romantic nonsense to each other)
7.       in any performance to any shows, they’re always a part of that song either singing together or dancing side by side.
8.       Yuto admitted that if Yamada is a girl, he will go out with him.
9.       Yamachan is getting more beautiful as he grew, which maybe a great criteria to why Yuto likes him. (I mean, look at him! he has beautiful flawless skin, shiny black hair, perfect white teeth, and a perfect smile as well!)
10.   there’s a possibility that Yamachan is gay because he is the only boy in the family. He has an older and younger sister who may influence him to become feminine.

There are my 10 reasons why I consider them as a couple <3. I also want to tell a story…


One day, the two of them decided to skip rehearsals after school and go out together. To disguise themselves, they changed their uniforms into other clothes and wear hats and sunglasses. Yamada even disguised into a girl, with matching wig, skirt and sandals ^o^. They walked, walked to their heart’s content. To make it more romantic, they held hands throughout the “journey”. As they continued their undisturbed and sentimental walk, they went to a park and passed by a bench with a girl about their age sitting on it. Yamada held Yuto’s hand tighter as he saw the girl, thinking if she’s with Yuto rather then him. His lover just smiled at him, which made his worried fade away. They’re going to take another step when suddenly…

“Why on earth are you wearing hats and sunglasses on a very cloudy day, Nakajima Yuto.”

Yuto stopped and stared at the girl who mentioned his name, “excuse me, but do I know you?”

“don’t play stupid! You’re THE Nakajima Yuto from Johnny’s Hey! Say! JUMP. Uhmm, sorry to be a bother, are you going out on a date with this girl? But I thought JE boys aren’t allowed to-“

“uhh…yesm I know but,” Yuto said, thinking that he might get in more trouble if the girl knew that he’s actually going out with a GUY, but then he thought again, “yes, I know wer’re not allowed to but, I just want to know how it feels to go out on a date, that’s all”

“And hide everything from JE? I don’t think so. I must report you right now…” as the girl took her bag and started to walk away, Yuto’s hand switched from Yamada’s hand to the girls’ wrist, “Look, I don’t want to get caught going on a date, okay? It might ruin my career,” he said.

“Oh, it WILL ruin your career, but I guess no one will get hurt if I won’t say it this time.” Yuto and Yamada smiled at her statement, “but,” the girl continued, “What’s it for me?”

“Anything. What do you want?”

“How about ice cream? It’s almost summer after all :) oh, and give some too to your girlfriend, I’m sure she’ll like it, especially if the flavor’s strawberry, ne?”

“Sure, two ice cream for the ladies.” Yuto said. His date, which is actually the disguised Yamada, blushed at the sight of his date, with the thought that he will get strawberry ice cream, his favorite flavor. He decided to come too but the girl pulled him back to the bench, “Let Yuto-san buy our ice cream. I want to know more about his girlfriend.” she grinned. Yuto trusted the girl anyway, so he left Yamada with her while searching for a good ice cream house.

The disguised Yamada tried his best to sit like a lady, since he is wearing a skirt and his wig is long. He also tried to touch his “hair” like how a girl puts her hair behind her ears. The girl laughed and said, “you don’t have to act like a girl, Yamada Ryosuke.”

Wide-eyed as he heard his name despite the disguise, he took out his sunglasses and said, “You are such an observant girl! How did you-“

“Oh, give me a break! Any fan of Hey! Say! JUMP can see that you are Yamada even with the hat and the wig.” She answered.

“And the skirt?” he asked

“Actually, your skirt is cute. It made you more beautiful.”

“But how did you…?” he stammered

“I’m not just some stupid girl. I happen to be one of Hey! Say! JUMP’s biggest fan, and I pretty know Ryo-chan even when he’s wearing a wig. Hey, seeing that you two are holding hands earlier, are you two…dating?”

“How can you say that?”

“Hello? The disguise, the sunglasses, the hands while walking, it’s definite that you guys are hiding a secret love.” she smiled.

“Ok, I have to be honest with you, but please don’t tell this to anyone, even your closest friends. Okay?”

“As long as the ice cream that Yuto bought is sweet and yummy.” She smiled again.

“To tell the truth, I like Yuto. No, I love Yuto. I already told this to him, I only don’t know if he feels the same way though.” He frowned.

“Huh? If that’s it why are you two going out now?”

“He wanted to give me a chance, and a chance for him as well. He said since I’m not a girl it’s safe for us to go out together. But then people might think that we’re having an affair so we tried to disguise ourselves, no matter the risks involved.”

“The disguise is not that good. I can definitely point out that you two are Ryo-chan and Yuto-chan”

“Just please don’t tell that we’re going out. It just happened that I developed feelings to my shinyuu. I’m sure we won’t go into a relationship, because I’m also sure that Yuto loves his career more than this.” The girl felt the same emotion Yamada is feeling, how it feels that you love someone but that someone doesn’t love you back. She casually put her arm around him and said, “It’s going to be fine. I’m positive that a guy like Yuto respects the feelings of others, especially when it comes to his best friend.” After hearing those words, the disguised boy smiled and started to relax, thinking that the girl can be trusted.

“Hey…better wear your sunglasses again, or else people will see you wearing a girl’s outfit.” The girl said.

Both of them laughed, then they saw Yuto already holding two ice cream cones from a distance. Yamada asked the girl, “oh yeah, may I ask, who’s your favorite member from HSJ?”

“Sorry it’s not you two. It’s Chinen Yuuri.” She smiled big time upon saying his name.

“Chii…he’s really Japan’s cute little guy. You like him?”

“I just don’t like him…I ADORE him! He is just the perfect person! He has a charming voice, an adorable face, and he’s like a teddy bear! It’s like I want to hug him every time I see him on TV.” She smiled again.

“Chii-kun always gets the hearts of girls, ne?”

She did not answered but smiled once again, “Hey, is it okay if I take your number? I’m really honored to see two big stars at a place like this. I just hope that I’ll not be a bother texting or calling you during school, rehearsals or performances.”

“What do you mean you’ll be a bother?” he took out his phone and showed her his number, “anytime’s a good time to talk to me.” They now saw that Yuto’s getting closer now, “oh, about what I said concerning Yuto, promise me you won’t tell anyone, you’re the only one except Yuto who knows this. Okay?”

“Your secret’s safe with me, friend!” she grinned

Yuto came back with chocolate and strawberry ice creams. After the so-called “ice cream break”, the two boys waved goodbye to their friend who still sits on the bench. Yamada and Yuto really did not do anything but walking while holding their hands throughout the day, except when Yuto stopped and stared at Yamada, “nee, Yamachan, there’s something I need to tell you.”

“Is it about the rehearsal? Look, I’m sorry I have to drag you like this, I promise I’ll make it up to you tomorrow.”

“No, not about that. Actually, I have a confession to say.”

“What is it?”

“Do you still remember the day you said you love me?”

“That is one of my most memorable days of my life! My heart jumped with delight when I finally said those 3 special words to you…” Yuto constantly stared as Yamada continued the story when he confessed his love to him. While looking at the disguised boy, he began to think what would be Yamada’s reaction if he said…those things to him.

“I Love You Ryo-chan!” Yuto blurted out.

Yamada’s eyes grew in amazement, “wh-wh-what?”

“Are you deaf? I said I love you. I don’t know how and why, but I guess I began to feel the same way a second after you said the same words to me.” He smiled
 Yamada did not hesitate when all of a sudden he jumped and wrapped his arms around Yuto. The other boy responded with the same gesture. From what I imagine, isn’t it romantic to see two young boys hugging just for the sake of love?


P.S. part ii will come next time^^

yaoi, yuto, fanfiction, yamada, yamajima

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