Kat-tun emotions

Mar 24, 2008 00:33

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ynaoblivious March 24 2008, 11:29:09 UTC
awwww, arigatou~!!! ^_^ *gives cookies and chocolates*

uebo-hime is soooo adorable!!! and they're all sooo adorable too!!! XD


fujaya March 24 2008, 21:20:48 UTC
thank you! *munches on cookies and chocolates*
want to be friends? :)

I like Junno's pic when he tries to be angry it's cute :3


ynaoblivious March 25 2008, 17:39:16 UTC
oooh!!! sure!!! *kinda thought we already were, until I looked up at the header thingy and it said we hadn't added each other yet... XD*

yesss!!! I was going to mention that one too!!! XD
Junno angry = ....? XD it just really made me laugh.. XD

Kame, Jin and Uebo look ADORABLE with the little teardrops... XD


ynaoblivious March 25 2008, 17:40:59 UTC
oh and by the way, I went ahead and added you just now.. XD Hope you don't mind, dear.. ^_^

ah, introduction!

Yna-chan desu! Yoroshiku! ^_^


ynaoblivious March 29 2008, 09:52:04 UTC
yesss~!!! I watched it online, then downloaded it coz it was sooo funny~!!! XD (plus, a friend of mine wanted me to burn a copy for her... she's a HUGE Jin fan XD )

for once, I saw someone being more baka than Bakanishi...MARU!!! XD poor them, bearing the brunt of the penalty for the whole KAT-TUN... XD

yay~! thank you~! *accepts cakes and eats* mmmm, Oichi~! >.<

soooo sorry I didn't reply to this earlier...just saw it... >//< thank you for reserving Tesshi for me twice~!! <3


fujaya March 29 2008, 10:07:35 UTC
Poor Jin and maru they had to go do very cold things, Jin is a good father not a very good woodcutter though XD It was funny how fast the kid point at jin when maru asked who he wanted to tell him a story >.< poor maru he had to go out in the snow again, but he made a cute snowman!

hmm i want to try go and make noodles stay up in the air XDD

your welcome, my friends can reserve first ^_^


ynaoblivious March 29 2008, 13:13:59 UTC
lol yes! XD I pitied them the most when they had to ride the convertible...over and over and over again... O.o

but it's amazing how Jin finally split that huge piece of wood! after many tries and a lot of curses, of course... XD
Maru was sooo baka when he smelled the...horse poop... XD what did he expect it to smell like?!?! LOL!!!
and the potatoes...right after he said they started to look like potatoes, they were served soup with potatoes! XD

yeah, it was sooo funny how the little boy pointed at Jin so fast... I loved the sound effects they put in for that! XD and Maru's little drama after that one... ROFL! XDDD

hmm, I wonder how long the staff had to hold the forks in the air before the noodles froze...that would NEVER happen in this country, though... >.


fujaya March 31 2008, 03:36:05 UTC
they must have been freezing to death riding in the convertible with the air rushing in their face >.<

the wood was huge i could never split the wood, jin is strong. haha maru must have think it wouldn't smell as bad as he thought lol XDD hmm potatoes .... okay i'm hungry now XP

ah the little boy is so cute, Jin looked like he could be a good father, young but good father (short attention span here: kame could make a good housewife with his cooking skills XDD )

lol they must have stood in the cold air for like 8 min though by they way the wet towel froze so fast! i know here in hawaii it never snows! I want it to snow!! T_T .....it's so hot.


ynaoblivious April 8 2008, 17:24:16 UTC
here, new thread! I think... XD

We don't have winter break... XD and our school year starts in June...well, the other schools start in June, but at my university, classes start in May...so I might be back there soon...

awww...Arashi debuted there, I think...or at least, the announcement was on a cruise ship to Hawaii or something... yes, and wasn't Yamapi there sometime to shoot Kurosagi? And in Cartoon KAT-TUN, they say Ueda goes to Hawaii during his free time sometimes or something like that, I think...

aww...good luck! I hope you at least get some goods while you're in China or something...? >.<

ahhh, I can understand that...I keep my blogcrews f-locked for days...and I space them out so that it's not so hard to update...
yes, if you open to all Asian artists, be prepared to receive a LOT of comments.. XD


fujaya April 11 2008, 10:14:30 UTC
Yay! XD

ah that sucks no winter break? My school starts in early August or late July (hopefully not on my birthday >.< )You start so early!!

hmm omg!! Arashi did debut here!!! but i would have been like in elementary..... hmm i don't know if he did but i'll check later. Eep i know! Nakamaru said that i think, but i never saw him here before!! T_T (must be very good at disguising) if he does come, and he is only 2 feet away from me and i don't notice i'm gonna shoot myself >.< (j/k) I wish i can see him!!!

i hope so! I want to see if I can find JE shops (hopefully I do) would u like me to bring u back something? (my friends are all making me bring them back souvenirs, they gave me a book of what they want.....a book.... >.> )

haha I'm gonna post a blogcrew up tomorrow when i get back from school, it's about whipped cream! I said i was gonna post it up last week but then life got in the way XD so i'm posting it up late (reserving Tegoshi for you again okies?)
eep lots of comments ... don't know if i'll be ready for that yet! O.O


ynaoblivious April 12 2008, 07:19:00 UTC
well, we don't have winter, so..yeah, no winter break... XD yes, our school year is unusual, regular schools here start in June and end in March...I have no idea why our school year seems so different from the rest of the world's!

oh, yeah, they debuted a long time ago...9 years, I think?or 10?
And I read a fan report that Yamapi was there, and they shot in the airport or something...
Well, keep an eye out for Uebo-hime!!! wouldn't want to miss him, ne? and be sure to surreptitiously take pictures!!! And maybe "accidentally" bump into him..? XD

Good luck~! I think there might be JE shops there, but of course I don't know for sure... XD uwaaaaah, a BOOK?!?!?! they must want a LOT of stuff~!!!! O.o
Awww, I want to, but...*shy* >//< plus, we live so far apart :(

yay, I saw your blogcrew!!! Thank you for the 3 of them~!!!! <3333 I might post one soon, as well...


fujaya April 15 2008, 02:04:27 UTC
ah you should have winter break! >_<
every one deserves fun and breaks!!!

um think it was 9 ....?
ah Yamapi!! Uebo!!! ah wish i could see them, but most likely i'll be in school and then don't get to see them T_T (but I won't give up! fight-to~~~!!!!!!
I'll take pictures, don't worry i'll show you if i'm every gonna see him that is, if i'm lucky i could bump into him and maybe i can smell him too! XDD

yup they want LOTS~ my money!!!
haha don't worry i'm shy to, but i learn to live up the moment and not let it pass by no matter how embarrassing XD don't worry about that to i can send airmail, just gotta get my mom to teach me XP

Your welcome, ah i'm gonna stop making blogcrew for this week (notice i had one for every week XD ) though i might start again next week (to addicting >.< )


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